New Approach Circulating Everybody’s Petitions—Weiland’s, Kirby’s, Mickelson’s!
Published 2017-10-18 by
Cory Allen Heidelberger
Last updated on 2017-10-26
With Represent South Dakota’s circulators now off the streets, New Approach South Dakota is going all out, not just for its three initiative petitions (medical marijuana, recreational marijuana, and assisted suicide for terminally ill patients), but for all nine that are still circulating*:
Sioux Falls! We are open today from 10:30am-5pm stop down and see us to sign the petitions!! We have all the petitions currently circulating so this is your one stop get them all signed location for the next 3 weeks. New Approach SD office, 2007 S. Minnesota Ave., Sioux Falls, SD. Photo from NASD Facebook, 2017.10.18.
Medical Cannabis
Recreational Cannabis
Death with Dignity
Vote at Home
Open Primaries
RX Cap
Tobacco Tax
Out of state money ban
We can also register you to VOTE, update your voter registration & help you find out your elected representatives.
We are open Mon-Fri and by appointment on the weekends. Get your friends and family together and stop down & see us.
2007 S. Minnesota Ave
28th & Minnesota between Blown Away & Liberty Tax
Call with questions 605-299-6982 [New Approach SD Facebook post, 2017.10.18]
Imagine that: all nine petitions, all in one place! Talk about one-stop political shopping!
It seems worth noting that, a couple weeks ago when announced it is partnering with New Approach to get signatures for its three initiatives (redistricting, voting by mail, and prescription drug price caps), the SDGOP spin blog went ape painting’s leader and good Democrat Rick Weiland as a dope fiend and granny-killer. Now New Approach is helping the open primaries people, who include good Republicans like Joe Kirby and De Knudson, and the petitions for banning out-of-state money on ballot questions and raising cigarette taxes for vo-techs, which are sponsored by really good Republican Speaker G. Mark Mickelson.
Hmm… if I’m to believe SDGOP spin blog logic, is everyone still circulating petitions smoking dope and swinging axes at Grandma? Or is it more likely that, with less than three weeks left to gather tens of thousands of signatures, other pragmatic ballot question sponsors are recognizing that New Approach South Dakota, which ran an unsuccessful statewide petition drive in 2015, has been training circulators to do better work this time since February, and which put up the best-organized petition booth at State Fair this year, might have people and skills worth putting to work for their good causes?
2007 South Minnesota—if you’re in Sioux Falls, that’s the place to go to sign petitions. Call ahead, 605-299-6982, to check their office hours for the day.
Did Jackley write the RX cap initiative ? It’s a bad PR stunt if so. Better men then him have tried to access the VA RX prices and not a one of them can because the Military absolutely won’t share any information including RX prices.
No: brought in a version of the prescription drug price cap that Big Pharma beat back in California last election and on which Ohioans are voting this November. Marty Jackley only wrote the A.G.’s explanation, which Big Pharma is challenging in court in an effort to kill the initiative petition.
Did Jackley write the RX cap initiative ? It’s a bad PR stunt if so. Better men then him have tried to access the VA RX prices and not a one of them can because the Military absolutely won’t share any information including RX prices.
No: brought in a version of the prescription drug price cap that Big Pharma beat back in California last election and on which Ohioans are voting this November. Marty Jackley only wrote the A.G.’s explanation, which Big Pharma is challenging in court in an effort to kill the initiative petition.