Last updated on 2017-05-03

Dakota Free Press Podcast Episode #5 is up and ready for your earbuds! This week, Spencer Dobson and I talk March for Science, pine beetles, online privacy, and anti-Muslim hysteria. Then Spencer interviews local criminology professor Courtney Waid-Lindberg about the death penalty, drug policy, and more criminal justice issues. Have a listen… and if you enjoy the show, help us do more by ringing the Dakota Free Press Tip Jar!
Resources for this week’s podcast:
Earth Day March for Science!
- April 22, 1 p.m., Central Park, Aberdeen
- Sign up to join the Aberdeen March for Science on Facebook!
- Then catch the Green Aberdeen Earth Day Fair, at Central Park and the Briscoe Building.
- Learn more about Marches for Science in Rapid City, Pierre, and Sioux Falls.
Pine Beetles and the Black Hills
- Forest Service report on pine beetles in Black Hills
- DFP post on pine beetle decline
Online Privacy
- CA Heidelberger, “Liberals and Conservatives Alike Oppose Internet Anti-Privacy Bill,” Dakota Free Press, 2017.04.03.
- Midco says trust us: we won’t sell your personally identifiable data.
Clare Lopez and Anti-Muslim Hysteria in Aberdeen
- Clare Lopez works for Center for Security Policy, source of shoddy research cited by Trump during campaign to raise anti-Islam fears.
- Southern Poverty Law Center recognizes Lopez’s CSP as anti-Muslim extremist group.
- Lopez worked for Cruz, was considered for security advisor position in Trump administration
- Lopez said Joseph McCarthy was “spot-on” with accusations of Communist/KGB infilitration of US government.
- McCarthy was actually wrong on facts and in tactics.
- DFP post on social science research on rituals and trust.
- The folks hosting Lopez’s propaganda pole dance, the “Americans First, Task Force.”
- Senator Al Novstrup peddling falsehoods on Sharia in America at the February 11 crackerbarrel.
Dr. Courtney Waid-Lindberg, criminologist, Northern State University