You want great radio? Watch this in-studio video of my debate with Al Novstrup on yesterday’s Don Briscoe Show on Hub City Radio/KSDN AM 930 (program begins at timestamp 9:40—sorry, but no pre-show hot mic!):
Pre-Game Warm-Up: For weeks, Al had balked at Briscoe’s invitation to this joint interview. He first said he wasn’t sure he could commit. Then last week he asked Briscoe to find a different moderator or a second moderator to ensure fairness, something no candidate asked Briscoe for in previous interviews this year or in past election years. I pressed Al publicly this week to join the program and address the negative attacks the South Dakota Republican Party is spending thousands of dollars on to save his seat in the Legislature.
Producer Les Cummings gets ready for the most fun show he’s produced all election season!
Finally, yesterday, minutes before the program, Al showed up unannounced at the studio. He commented on my clothes, then argued with Briscoe on the way into the studio about whether he’d demanded a different moderator or not.
If there was any cause for concern about moderator fairness, perhaps I should have thrown the flag when Briscoe opened the show with a joke calling my fellow Democrat Hillary Clinton a continual liar. But hey, I’ll talk to anyone. And I don’t go around making demands of the media. If they want to have me on, I’m happy to fulfill my obligation to talk to the voters.
Rep. Al Novstrup, with his folder full of negative postcards, ads, and blog print-outs, ready to attack.
Negative Novstrup: After a brief note on campaign finance, Briscoe turned right away to Al’s negative attacks on me. I can say Al’s, and not just the South Dakota Republican Party’s, because Al came armed with a folder full of the SDGOP postcards and print ads, along with numerous printouts of Dakota Free Press blog posts. Those negative attacks were almost all Al talked about throughout our hour on the air. Al thus owns the negative attacks. (For what it’s worth, the only materials I brought with me to The Don Briscoe Show were my campaign card, which I handed to Briscoe and producer Les Cummings before we began. Al said he already had my card.)
Taxes: Briscoe asked about Al’s frequent attack on my policy statements on taxes. I summarized the responses I offered here on the blog the day that attack came out, October 18: yes, I support using progressive taxes (for example: it would be fairer to tax farmers on their actual income than on the fantasy earnings of the current productivity assessment model) to replace and reform our woefully regressive taxes. My proposal to discuss sales tax exemptions wasn’t the simple clueless money grab that Al falsely portrayed it as; it was a response to blog readers’ desire to discuss the hundreds of millions of dollars in breaks that we give lots of special interests on sales tax. (That shows my ability to listen to constituents and invite serious policy conversations.) And as for Al’s contention that we should only raise taxes in emergencies, his creative excuse for the enormous tax increases he has supported over the last two years, I replied that instead of twiddling our thumbs in Pierre until emergencies happen, good legislators anticipate problems and act before trucks get stuck in ruined roads and teachers leave the state in droves due to low pay.
And now with sports, Cory Allen….
Local Interests: A caller asked about what we candidates will do for Brown County. Al focused on his work to bring funding to Northern State University. I agreed that NSU is vital to our community and all of northeastern South Dakota as a driver of cultural and economic development. Al said legislators need to build relationships and trust to win support for NSU; I responded that my honest, fact-based blogging has helped me develop exactly those relationships and trust with policymakers around the state and that all legislators should be able to put the public interest above any personal concerns.
Immigration: Another caller asked for our “opinions on immigration.” Briscoe acknowledged that immigration is “off the scale”—i.e., outside the jurisdiction of state legislators. I said we are a nation of immigrants and derive our strength from bringing in new people and new ideas. Al said he’s more “moderate” than me, which a nice cloak of his radical Trumpist position on immigration. He repeated the lie that we can’t vet immigrants (we can and do, more rigorously than most nations), which holds about as much water as the lie he told on This American Life about Sharia law governing Dearborn, Michigan. He also peddled the false notion that immigrants impose a burden on our society with welfare payments, which flies in the face of the information I posted yesterday morning about refugee men joining the workforce at higher rates than U.S.-born men. Good grief: how many facts must a legislator get wrong before we stop giving any credence to the things he says on a given topic?
A later caller asked about refugees from “terrorist countries that vow to kill Americans.” Producer Les asserted that some of the Founding Fathers were refugees. I recalled that the United States took pride in taking refugees from the Soviet Union during the Cold War.
Host Don Briscoe does an ad break during the Heidelberger–Novstrup debate on KSDN, 2016.11.04.
Bang Bang—Cory’s Reasonable, the NRA’s Crazy: Briscoe asked about the charge that I refused to state my position on the Second Amendment. I said I support all of the amendments—Second, First, etc.—and noted it was funny that, given all the blog articles Al hauled into the studio, he couldn’t take the time to find my numerous public statements on gun policy, which I said the SDGOP doesn’t want to talk about, because it turns out I’m pretty reasonable on gun policy. Briscoe himself said he loves guns but said people don’t need high-capacity magazines and said the NRA has gone crazy.
Humor in the Trenches: A woman called with a question for Mr. Heidepriem, but the time warp closed before she could pose her question to the 2010 Democratic candidate for Governor. Al and Don both laughed at my historical reference.
A Brief Gleam of Agreement: Another caller asked about increasing the state’s share of video lottery revenue. I said I’m open to that policy conversation, but video lottery is a rotten way to fund a state, another regressive shift of tax burdens to low-income folks. Al appeared to agree, mentioning the untallied social costs of addiction and crime linked to gambling.
Youth Minimum Wage: Briscoe asked each of us to ask our opponent one question (not about taxes, since he felt we’d done enough on that topic. I asked Al why he voted to overturn the will of the voters by cutting the minimum wage for young workers. Al recited his son’s standard propaganda that cutting kids’ wages is about giving kids more opportunity. He said that 80% of kids are unemployed, so “you can’t cut their wages; they’re already zero.” How offering even lower wages will persuade any of those kids who are choosing (with parental support) not to enter the workforce escapes me.
The Central Personal Attack of This Campaign: I posed my question to Al in 12 seconds. He took over a minute to pose his final question to me. He rehashed the “boycott” complaint that he inartfully crowded onto the end of his closing remarks at our only other joint appearance during this election, the League of Women Voters forum on September 24. He said he was one of 46 House members who voted for Rep. Rev. Scott Craig’s bill this year on “religious freedom,” which, Al said, was about making sure that “we’re not going to force anybody to violate their religious beliefs.” Al noted that I had proposed boycotting the businesses of those 46 House members and that I had called those members “bigoted, they’re intolerant, they’re lacking character, and they’re lacking intelligence.” Al said that many of those 46 members will be in the Capitol next Session. He asked how I will be able to represent Brown County and work with those legislators whom I have called such names.
Here’s my response:
Al Novstrup makes a strange throat-slashing gesture as I explain why a boycott is a reasonable moral response to legislators’ attempt to discriminate against customers based on religious beliefs. Screen cap from KSDN podcast, 2016.11.04.
I’m glad you asked this question, Al, because the bill you were supporting was bigoted and uninformed and unintelligent and I’ll stand by every word I’ve said about the nature of that bill and the people who supported it, including you. The bill actually would have given businesses like yours the right to basically boycott certain customers whose religious beliefs—[Al attempted a Trumpist interruption here; I had to tell Al to pipe down]—Your bill gave employers the right to discriminate against people based on their religion. I simply said goose for gander: if you want to discriminate against customers, how about customers discriminate against you? If you’re so offended by that, then you’ve learned your lesson, and you should know how the people you target with your discrimination would feel about that kind of legislative discrimination that you want to use the force of the state to impose on people that you don’t like [Cory Allen Heidelberger, radio interview, KSDN AM 930, 2016.11.04, timestamp 1:00:08].
At this point, the station manager came in and gave Briscoe permission to extend the program past the news break. I thus had the opportunity to move beyond explaining Al’s false representation of 2016 House Bill 1107 (which one commentator called “Sharia for Jesus”—ironic given Al’s false fears of Sharia Law elsewhere) and address the idea that my criticism of HB 1107 somehow precludes my ability to work with other legislators on other bills.
The issue of relationships with legislators with whom I’ve had passionate disagreements: That’s where my skills are best suited. I would say this. I’ve made my living as a teacher, as a debate judge, as a debate coach. I’m used to having spirited disagreements about issues. I’m not afraid to have those disagreements.
But when we sit down to talk policy, I’m ready to put the people of South Dakota first. So I can forget the personal slights that Al and his Republican pals have thrown on me over the past several years. When we get to Pierre, I’ll look them in the eye, I’ll say, all right, we’re here to do a budget. I’ll say, all right, we’re here to do good policy. Let’s make it happen. I can be the grown-up in the room.
If Al is telling me that there are legislators in Pierre who can’t get past a little personal disagreement and are going to hold that against the people of South Dakota, that’s alarming. Because when I go to Pierre, it’s not Cory Heidelberger going to Pierre. When Al goes to Pierre, it’s not Al Novstrup going to Pierre. It’s the people of District 3 going to Pierre in the form of their representative. And agree or disagree with various issues, we still have to get work done at the end of the day. That’s what matters [CAH, 2016.11.04, timestamp 1:03:40].
Al complained that I was filibustering and demanded the short answer. Fine.
When Al attacks me for “name-calling,” he’s actually attacking himself and the GOP club in Pierre. Al is saying that he would put taking revenge for some personal slight over working together on practical policy for the general good of the people of South Dakota. He’s projecting that same petty, immature attitude onto other legislators of his party. If legislators like Al can’t get past their personal grievances, that doesn’t indict my character; that tells voters we need to elect better legislators who care about the people more than about their own egos.
Job Recommendation: In the middle of our discussion of Al’s character attack on me, Don Briscoe made this comment:
On your blog, you say this…: “I teach as I write, to get people thinking and talking.” This is just an aside, it just so happens both my grandchildren had you as a practice teacher, and they said he was one of the best teachers we’ve ever had. Id like to see you be a full-time teacher in this town, but I thought I should add that because, unprovoked, they both came home and told their parents we had this wonderful practice teacher [Don Briscoe, radio interview, KSDN AM 930, 2016.11.04, timestamp 1:01:44].
Pig P.S.: Al alleged that I called a Mitchell legislator a pig in a blog headline. I can’t find that post to verify Al’s claim, but he deemed calling someone a pig disqualifying for legislative service. I take it that Al will spend this weekend knocking down all the Donald Trump signs that stand next to his in Aberdeen.
Our media appearances are likely done—now it all happens online, at the doors, on the streets, and, most importantly, at the polls.
Why is video lottery a shift of tax burdens to poor people? I think it, just like pay-day loans, is a shift of burdens to stupid people. If those same people happen to be poor, I submit they are poor for the same reason they choose to pay video lottery taxes or interest on short-term loans. Can you guess what I think that reason is?
On the debate note, I think Mr. Novstrup’s haircut is still looking quite fine but your suit portrayed a good light upon you, Mr. H.
Almanzo Novstrup made a throat slashing gesture, but I would not call it any stranger than many of the violent hand waves I have seen from many candidates.
Richard Schriever
grudz – the wealthy people I know in SD, when they gamble, if they gamble – fly to Las Vegas to do so. Poor people can’t afford to travel to A LUXURIOUS RESORT TOWN TO GAMBLE. They CAN just pop into back door of the local gas station (Casino??) for a couple hours though.
Grudz, to advocate a tax on “stupid people” manifests an ugly urge to exploit your neighbors. Not cool. Let’s have honest tax policy where we all pay our share.
Roger Cornelius
Why does grudz’s have an obsession with Al’s hair? Is that healthy?
mike from iowa
Grudz needs more or less MSG in his gravy-taters.
Throat slash gesture in sports is an unsportsmanlike 15 yard penalty.
Enough about Grudz, more about the debate: how’d we do? Who’s better qualified to be District 3 Senator?
David Newquist
The matter of bringing funding to NSU is a bit of a puzzle. The Board of Regents are in charge of setting the funding for entire system and they set the p ritorities and budget for each institution. Local administrations compete with each other in getting Board approval and programs.
Legislators sometimes exercise great influence, as Joseph Barnett did 30 years ago in establishing the Barenett Center. His influence still is a presence, because a member of his law firm or a relative of a member has been on the Board ever since (currently Harvey Jewett. although he has separated from the firm recently). However, there has been a price to pay as the business college has been promoted to the diminishing of the colleges of education and arts and sciences. Not too many years ago, NSU supplied 40 percent of the teachers in South Dakota, and its graduates were known to have a grounding in the arts and sciences. Those programs have diminished.
Perhaps the most notable influence of the regents on NSU which had full endorsement of local legislators was the establishment of the International Business Institute under Joop Bollen, which operated until President James Smith realized that education money was being diverted to a money-making scheme which was irrelevant to the mission of the university and closed it down. He saved the university from being the seat of a major scandal.
NSU had some years of enrollment problems, even though it had a series of presidents who held degrees in things such as higher education marketing. The attraction and admission of foreign students, particularly from China and South Korea, has been significant in stabilizing enrollment. I wonder how Mr. Novstrup reconciles the presence of foreign students, particularly from some communist regimes, with his take on immigration.
There is no doubt that NSU has over the years been a huge force in the cultural and educational development of northeast South Dakota. It has been a resource for regional students in supplying an affordable education and in providing a way for people to survive economic crises, as when Magnetic Peripherals closed and put 800 employees out of work and in providing educational support to people thrown off the land by the agricultural crisis.
But NSU is under pressure from some quarters to be more a vocational school. It gets supports from people who are loyal sports fans, and a resurgence of its music department in recent years has re-established it as cultural force in that area. But needs some attention and support in restoring its arts and sciences programs, particularly in language arts and culture.
An effective legislator pays attention to all those aspects which qualify an institution to bear the title of university. A teacher of French, debate, and other subjects has an edge
the qualified understanding of the importance of the arts and sciences program.
David Newquist
At the Cubs celebration yesterday, Joe Maddon made the point that ultimately baseball is the players’ game. The same goes for universities and colleges. Ultimately, they are the players’;game, faculty, staff, and students. That is where legislative support works for the benefit of the university constituency.
Porter Lansing
Like all good debates it went too fast. Politics works best when the opposing candidates have distinctly different agendas. Cory seems open to working with all legislators in Pierre. Al talks as if he is a team player but that’s easy when all he has to do is work with good ‘ol boys who agree, out of habit. Al and his Republican colleagues believe that doing little is helpful to South Dakota. Cory mines a bit deeper into options where innovative solutions are hiding.
Fourteen years is enough time in Pierre and it shows in Al’s nonchalance and acceptance of mediocrity. Candidate Heidelberger would bring fresh perspective where it’s sorely needed.
(* A Senate seat is only an audition, on loan from the voters. Every day must be spent proving to the constituents that they made the right choice. Political office is a rental not an ownership.)
Donald Pay
Boy, things don’t change much in SD, do they? Democrats have people with ideas. Republicans have last-minute attack ads.
Recent political history (about 40 years of it) in South Dakota would favor the naysayers, the know-nothings and the do-nothings with attack ads. For every Schoenbeck and Frankenfeld in Republiclan-land there’s 100 Pat Powers, Bill Napolis and Al Novstrups who have nothing of value to provide the voters. Here’s the problem you will have, Cory: I think you have a good shot at winning, in spite of history. Then you have to work to find the good Republicans in Pierre, because, although you are the eternal optimist, there are lots of cipers, like Al, in Pierre. Things didn’t get this bad because there are lots of smart folks in the Legislature.
There’s been too much corruption and mismanagement, I think, that even their attack ads can’t paper over their problems. Someone with new ideas and a new approach (which is really just going back to good old South Dakota governing and ditching 40 years know-nothingism that brings mismanagement) might just be a change people can believe in.
Roger Elgersma
As little respect Novstrup has for young peoples work he needs to be beaten as bad as possible.
Mark Remily
Cory, You did great. I see you as S.D. 21st century George McGovern.
Cory, you would look good in the Gov’s house in Pierre, any chance we would have a Gov’s run to look forward to? lol
David: you make an important point which I expand about NSU, Regents and EB5 “which had full endorsement of local legislators [then]the establishment of the International Business Institute [eventually] under Joop Bollen, which [in my opinion marred] the university [as] the seat of a major scandal. ” together with GOED and AG’s staff lawyers that monitored the cali lawsuit and the EB5 melt down in all its flavors, it seems clear to me every administrator except the Univ. Pres mentioned had a hand in a $600 million slush fund and lack of accountability is only because we have a conspiracy of silence in state government with joop and his lawyers. Rounds and Daugaard are deeply involved and their audacity of running government with their culpability are only surmounted by the next big tragedy, Platte’s MCEC murders.
Investigation into MCEC should bring that state house of cards down but time is ticking and we are forgetting and not understanding EB5, the same program Trump has become involved in. Blood attracts predators.
It is very sad we as a state do not stand up to these republicans. Chris Christie did the same to his own state. If we win Tuesday, big, after the republicans fail in their mass obstruction strategy, we may be able to start to stand up to bully republicans across the nation and their assiduous impact on the rest of the world too.
Putting EB5 and MCEC to bed matters.
Bob Newland
It has become obvious to me that neither Novstrup has a grasp on why he’s in Pierre, nor a clue as to how to attain it.
Mr. H, you talked far too fast and you kept interrupting your elder, the moderator fellow. Mr. Novstrup, who was hidden behind some of the stage infrastructure which kept him from really showing off his nice new haircut, was more polite, spoke in a calmer and more measured speed, and clearly came off as the winner in this debate.
I’m sorry, Mr. H, I think Mr. Novstrup and the moderator clearly got under your skin and you went all chihuahua on the whole thing.
Bob, can you hitch a ride up to the Campbell Street Cafe for second breakfast tomorrow? There will be some enlightening speakers that will appeal to Libertarians like me and you.
I’m belly laughing as I re-watch the part where you say “you’re piping down now.” That is very entertaining. I hope they keep that on the tubes for a long time as I may watch it often. Legislatures indeed
Cory, I saw enthusiasm, energy, intelligence and passion in you. You know your topics and have a genuine earnest desire to serve your district in Pierre. Thumbs up for you, the vigor for political debate and hard work to solve SDs problems is what is needed in Pierre.
Al fits the typical good ol’ boy don’t ruffle anyone’s feathers style that South Dakotans are more familiar with. His personality is what South Dakotans are more used to. As long as a guy has a republican behind his name he can slide on in to Pierre and join the good ‘ol boy club.
Grudz, I don’t think Cory lost the debate by any means. SD is just not used to passion in their politics.
As the Democrat, Cory is going to have different ideas than Al and is just vocal about it. Nothing wrong with that. SD Democrats need more people who are not afraid to jump into the ring.
With time, I think Cory will learn to calm his passion and vigor a tiny bit so it fits more in par with the typical average South Dakotan.
Steve Hickey
All the best on Tuesday, Cory. You can understand my support for Al Novstrup though I would say you’d be a fun addition to the “club” up there. Snoozeville is the word I’d use to describe the typical Senate or House floor speaker. You wouldn’t be boring even if you were wrong. And I concede you are right on more than a few things but just not on the key important ones in my view.
Just for fun someday, or maybe for a fundraiser, I’d love to have an event where we filled that Senate Chamber up on a Saturday and invited the public to the gallery to watch the activists and articulate agitators and politico’s in our state debate a few SD issues. We’d invite you, Sibby, Stace Nelson, Larry Kurtz, Scott Ehrisman, Gordon Howie, Mike Myers, Bob Newland, Steve Hildebrand, Rick Knobe, Troy Jones, Bolin, Schoenbeck, Hoffman, Frank Kloucek, Todd Epp, David Newquist, John Tsitrian. As I’m thinking through this list I’m wondering where the women are – maybe the Hubblecraft could land on the Capitol grounds and she could grace us with her lunacy – don’t know the real ID’s of Jenny, Leslie and Grudz?? Wait, he’s not a lady – but he is known for his ogling out loud. Definitely Betty Olson and Liz May would be a hoot – they are never boring.
Forgive me for leaving out your favourite loudmouth or loon – feel free to suggest names that I’m not thinking of. I was thinking to put our friend Pat Powers on the list but any more these days he doesn’t have original thoughts on policy, only press releases and party/advertiser propaganda. Maybe he could be our photographer. All in fun. Definitely Matt Michaels should be just what he is and preside over the debate. If he’s not available perhaps lobbyist Diane Miller– she always does a stellar job at the mock Floor Debate the lobbyists put on the last week of Session to roast us for the goofy bills we tried to pass and the stupid things we said. Never a shortage of material.
Maybe we could debate the increased use of ballot measures, SD dependance on Fed dollars, and tribal relations.
I have read for months about how poor of a candidate Al Novstrup is. Cory I didn’t see that in this debate, I saw a man with good answers and far more courteous than you were in this debate. I think both candidates are good people, but Al won this debate.
Donald Pay, I think I can work with guys like Schoenbeck and Frankenfeld. And boy, that Schoenbeck guy isn’t afraid to call a few names when he sees fit… yet he was the one who helped save the sales tax for teacher pay this year.
Greg, courtesy includes telling the truth. When Al said the bill on which I called for a boycott was not about discrimination, he was not telling the truth. Look up 2016 House Bill 1107, read the commentary surrounding it, and you’ll see I’m right.
Grudz, Al launched the interruptions when he saw I was blowing his misportrayal of HB 1107 out of the water. I only interrupted to reclaim my time in the face of those interruptions and his flat lies about HB 1107. It’s time for Republicans to stop thinking they are entitled to lie to us without getting called out on it. It’s time to hold Republicans like Al accountable.
Oh, and Grudz, I did not talk too fast. You understood every word I said. :-)
Jenny, a good friend told me that I have mellowed since getting married. You can just imagine how hyper I was at 25. Maybe at 65 I’ll be even calmer. Maybe.
Steve, I would enjoy such an event. I agree that PP would have no place at it, since his output is all selfish, fawning hackery and not honest, passionate, original advocacy for the general welfare. Absent a mass gathering at the Capitol, how about a traveling Chautauqua? Present rotating pairs of notable and interesting speakers at a variety of locations across South Dakota all addressing a narrow set of topics and entertaining the heck out of small-town crowds. We could open for street dances in the summer, then gather at the big fairs (Sioux Empire, Central States, Turner County, Brown County, State Fair) for battles royale!
Steve Hickey
I love the Chautauqua idea. Sign me up to help it get rolling.
Token Indian? Heck, Roger, we’ll bring the Chautauqua to Pinky’s in Manderson, and I’ll be the token white guy!
Just don’t be the tokin’ Indian. ;-)
Steve, whom do we contact? How do we get the Chautauqua rolling for next summer?
Porter Lansing
It was special when Mr. Briscoe added that two of his grandkids thought you were the best teacher they’d had. You can’t buy that kind of endorsement. Speaking of teachers, Mr. Novstrup reminds me of a few of the weak ones I’ve had, who seem to be just putting in the time until retirement, with little energy, enthusiasm or dedication to the task at hand. I think when he loses it won’t even mean that much to him. He can stay home in Aberdeen and reminisce about his time before Heidelberger came to Pierre. hehehe
Donald Pay
You know, I’m going to revise and extend my remarks. I like the smart Republican elitists, and they are fun to discuss the fine points of policy with, but I worked best with the really conservative folks who have a skeptical view of government. Sure, when I was trying to get something done, they were a pain in the ass, but a lot of my work was trying to stop bad ideas for economic development. Then, I found it was much easier to approach those conservative folks who already had an antenna up for bad government. It’s really funny how politics in South Dakota works. The right and the left can work together. That doesn’t happen in Wisconsin anymore.
Mr. Lansing, thank you for confirming there are good teachers and not good teachers. I always knew this was the case! When we start having to sort out the teachers because the tax increase wasn’t enough your words will provide wise counsel.
Donald, that’s another interesting observation about a different slice of the GOP. I think I share your affinity for those conservatives… perhaps since I kinda was one, or thought I was, or maybe deep down still am in ways.
I’m trying to figure out: do the Novstrups belong to either of those groups? Or are their only principles the flavors of the moment that win them votes and pad their amusement park profits?
Why is video lottery a shift of tax burdens to poor people? I think it, just like pay-day loans, is a shift of burdens to stupid people. If those same people happen to be poor, I submit they are poor for the same reason they choose to pay video lottery taxes or interest on short-term loans. Can you guess what I think that reason is?
On the debate note, I think Mr. Novstrup’s haircut is still looking quite fine but your suit portrayed a good light upon you, Mr. H.
Almanzo Novstrup made a throat slashing gesture, but I would not call it any stranger than many of the violent hand waves I have seen from many candidates.
grudz – the wealthy people I know in SD, when they gamble, if they gamble – fly to Las Vegas to do so. Poor people can’t afford to travel to A LUXURIOUS RESORT TOWN TO GAMBLE. They CAN just pop into back door of the local gas station (Casino??) for a couple hours though.
Grudz, to advocate a tax on “stupid people” manifests an ugly urge to exploit your neighbors. Not cool. Let’s have honest tax policy where we all pay our share.
Why does grudz’s have an obsession with Al’s hair? Is that healthy?
Grudz needs more or less MSG in his gravy-taters.
Throat slash gesture in sports is an unsportsmanlike 15 yard penalty.
Enough about Grudz, more about the debate: how’d we do? Who’s better qualified to be District 3 Senator?
The matter of bringing funding to NSU is a bit of a puzzle. The Board of Regents are in charge of setting the funding for entire system and they set the p ritorities and budget for each institution. Local administrations compete with each other in getting Board approval and programs.
Legislators sometimes exercise great influence, as Joseph Barnett did 30 years ago in establishing the Barenett Center. His influence still is a presence, because a member of his law firm or a relative of a member has been on the Board ever since (currently Harvey Jewett. although he has separated from the firm recently). However, there has been a price to pay as the business college has been promoted to the diminishing of the colleges of education and arts and sciences. Not too many years ago, NSU supplied 40 percent of the teachers in South Dakota, and its graduates were known to have a grounding in the arts and sciences. Those programs have diminished.
Perhaps the most notable influence of the regents on NSU which had full endorsement of local legislators was the establishment of the International Business Institute under Joop Bollen, which operated until President James Smith realized that education money was being diverted to a money-making scheme which was irrelevant to the mission of the university and closed it down. He saved the university from being the seat of a major scandal.
NSU had some years of enrollment problems, even though it had a series of presidents who held degrees in things such as higher education marketing. The attraction and admission of foreign students, particularly from China and South Korea, has been significant in stabilizing enrollment. I wonder how Mr. Novstrup reconciles the presence of foreign students, particularly from some communist regimes, with his take on immigration.
There is no doubt that NSU has over the years been a huge force in the cultural and educational development of northeast South Dakota. It has been a resource for regional students in supplying an affordable education and in providing a way for people to survive economic crises, as when Magnetic Peripherals closed and put 800 employees out of work and in providing educational support to people thrown off the land by the agricultural crisis.
But NSU is under pressure from some quarters to be more a vocational school. It gets supports from people who are loyal sports fans, and a resurgence of its music department in recent years has re-established it as cultural force in that area. But needs some attention and support in restoring its arts and sciences programs, particularly in language arts and culture.
An effective legislator pays attention to all those aspects which qualify an institution to bear the title of university. A teacher of French, debate, and other subjects has an edge
the qualified understanding of the importance of the arts and sciences program.
At the Cubs celebration yesterday, Joe Maddon made the point that ultimately baseball is the players’ game. The same goes for universities and colleges. Ultimately, they are the players’;game, faculty, staff, and students. That is where legislative support works for the benefit of the university constituency.
Like all good debates it went too fast. Politics works best when the opposing candidates have distinctly different agendas. Cory seems open to working with all legislators in Pierre. Al talks as if he is a team player but that’s easy when all he has to do is work with good ‘ol boys who agree, out of habit. Al and his Republican colleagues believe that doing little is helpful to South Dakota. Cory mines a bit deeper into options where innovative solutions are hiding.
Fourteen years is enough time in Pierre and it shows in Al’s nonchalance and acceptance of mediocrity. Candidate Heidelberger would bring fresh perspective where it’s sorely needed.
(* A Senate seat is only an audition, on loan from the voters. Every day must be spent proving to the constituents that they made the right choice. Political office is a rental not an ownership.)
Boy, things don’t change much in SD, do they? Democrats have people with ideas. Republicans have last-minute attack ads.
Recent political history (about 40 years of it) in South Dakota would favor the naysayers, the know-nothings and the do-nothings with attack ads. For every Schoenbeck and Frankenfeld in Republiclan-land there’s 100 Pat Powers, Bill Napolis and Al Novstrups who have nothing of value to provide the voters. Here’s the problem you will have, Cory: I think you have a good shot at winning, in spite of history. Then you have to work to find the good Republicans in Pierre, because, although you are the eternal optimist, there are lots of cipers, like Al, in Pierre. Things didn’t get this bad because there are lots of smart folks in the Legislature.
There’s been too much corruption and mismanagement, I think, that even their attack ads can’t paper over their problems. Someone with new ideas and a new approach (which is really just going back to good old South Dakota governing and ditching 40 years know-nothingism that brings mismanagement) might just be a change people can believe in.
As little respect Novstrup has for young peoples work he needs to be beaten as bad as possible.
Cory, You did great. I see you as S.D. 21st century George McGovern.
Cory, you would look good in the Gov’s house in Pierre, any chance we would have a Gov’s run to look forward to? lol
David: you make an important point which I expand about NSU, Regents and EB5 “which had full endorsement of local legislators [then]the establishment of the International Business Institute [eventually] under Joop Bollen, which [in my opinion marred] the university [as] the seat of a major scandal. ” together with GOED and AG’s staff lawyers that monitored the cali lawsuit and the EB5 melt down in all its flavors, it seems clear to me every administrator except the Univ. Pres mentioned had a hand in a $600 million slush fund and lack of accountability is only because we have a conspiracy of silence in state government with joop and his lawyers. Rounds and Daugaard are deeply involved and their audacity of running government with their culpability are only surmounted by the next big tragedy, Platte’s MCEC murders.
Investigation into MCEC should bring that state house of cards down but time is ticking and we are forgetting and not understanding EB5, the same program Trump has become involved in. Blood attracts predators.
It is very sad we as a state do not stand up to these republicans. Chris Christie did the same to his own state. If we win Tuesday, big, after the republicans fail in their mass obstruction strategy, we may be able to start to stand up to bully republicans across the nation and their assiduous impact on the rest of the world too.
Putting EB5 and MCEC to bed matters.
It has become obvious to me that neither Novstrup has a grasp on why he’s in Pierre, nor a clue as to how to attain it.
Mr. H, you talked far too fast and you kept interrupting your elder, the moderator fellow. Mr. Novstrup, who was hidden behind some of the stage infrastructure which kept him from really showing off his nice new haircut, was more polite, spoke in a calmer and more measured speed, and clearly came off as the winner in this debate.
I’m sorry, Mr. H, I think Mr. Novstrup and the moderator clearly got under your skin and you went all chihuahua on the whole thing.
Bob, can you hitch a ride up to the Campbell Street Cafe for second breakfast tomorrow? There will be some enlightening speakers that will appeal to Libertarians like me and you.
I’m belly laughing as I re-watch the part where you say “you’re piping down now.” That is very entertaining. I hope they keep that on the tubes for a long time as I may watch it often. Legislatures indeed
Cory, I saw enthusiasm, energy, intelligence and passion in you. You know your topics and have a genuine earnest desire to serve your district in Pierre. Thumbs up for you, the vigor for political debate and hard work to solve SDs problems is what is needed in Pierre.
Al fits the typical good ol’ boy don’t ruffle anyone’s feathers style that South Dakotans are more familiar with. His personality is what South Dakotans are more used to. As long as a guy has a republican behind his name he can slide on in to Pierre and join the good ‘ol boy club.
Grudz, I don’t think Cory lost the debate by any means. SD is just not used to passion in their politics.
As the Democrat, Cory is going to have different ideas than Al and is just vocal about it. Nothing wrong with that. SD Democrats need more people who are not afraid to jump into the ring.
With time, I think Cory will learn to calm his passion and vigor a tiny bit so it fits more in par with the typical average South Dakotan.
All the best on Tuesday, Cory. You can understand my support for Al Novstrup though I would say you’d be a fun addition to the “club” up there. Snoozeville is the word I’d use to describe the typical Senate or House floor speaker. You wouldn’t be boring even if you were wrong. And I concede you are right on more than a few things but just not on the key important ones in my view.
Just for fun someday, or maybe for a fundraiser, I’d love to have an event where we filled that Senate Chamber up on a Saturday and invited the public to the gallery to watch the activists and articulate agitators and politico’s in our state debate a few SD issues. We’d invite you, Sibby, Stace Nelson, Larry Kurtz, Scott Ehrisman, Gordon Howie, Mike Myers, Bob Newland, Steve Hildebrand, Rick Knobe, Troy Jones, Bolin, Schoenbeck, Hoffman, Frank Kloucek, Todd Epp, David Newquist, John Tsitrian. As I’m thinking through this list I’m wondering where the women are – maybe the Hubblecraft could land on the Capitol grounds and she could grace us with her lunacy – don’t know the real ID’s of Jenny, Leslie and Grudz?? Wait, he’s not a lady – but he is known for his ogling out loud. Definitely Betty Olson and Liz May would be a hoot – they are never boring.
Forgive me for leaving out your favourite loudmouth or loon – feel free to suggest names that I’m not thinking of. I was thinking to put our friend Pat Powers on the list but any more these days he doesn’t have original thoughts on policy, only press releases and party/advertiser propaganda. Maybe he could be our photographer. All in fun. Definitely Matt Michaels should be just what he is and preside over the debate. If he’s not available perhaps lobbyist Diane Miller– she always does a stellar job at the mock Floor Debate the lobbyists put on the last week of Session to roast us for the goofy bills we tried to pass and the stupid things we said. Never a shortage of material.
Maybe we could debate the increased use of ballot measures, SD dependance on Fed dollars, and tribal relations.
Maybe we could pretend the Feds were making us change our state motto- under God the people rule – and so we could debate a bill to change the motto – we could debate each others hoghouse amendments.
I have read for months about how poor of a candidate Al Novstrup is. Cory I didn’t see that in this debate, I saw a man with good answers and far more courteous than you were in this debate. I think both candidates are good people, but Al won this debate.
Donald Pay, I think I can work with guys like Schoenbeck and Frankenfeld. And boy, that Schoenbeck guy isn’t afraid to call a few names when he sees fit… yet he was the one who helped save the sales tax for teacher pay this year.
Greg, courtesy includes telling the truth. When Al said the bill on which I called for a boycott was not about discrimination, he was not telling the truth. Look up 2016 House Bill 1107, read the commentary surrounding it, and you’ll see I’m right.
Grudz, Al launched the interruptions when he saw I was blowing his misportrayal of HB 1107 out of the water. I only interrupted to reclaim my time in the face of those interruptions and his flat lies about HB 1107. It’s time for Republicans to stop thinking they are entitled to lie to us without getting called out on it. It’s time to hold Republicans like Al accountable.
Oh, and Grudz, I did not talk too fast. You understood every word I said. :-)
Mark: McGovern?! Holy cow—don’t be laying burdens that big on me! I just want to win District 3 on Tuesday. :-)
Tim: I have a nice house right here in Aberdeen. I don’t need a mansion in Pierre. But thank you, Tim and Mark, for the vote of confidence!
Jenny, a good friend told me that I have mellowed since getting married. You can just imagine how hyper I was at 25. Maybe at 65 I’ll be even calmer. Maybe.
Steve, I would enjoy such an event. I agree that PP would have no place at it, since his output is all selfish, fawning hackery and not honest, passionate, original advocacy for the general welfare. Absent a mass gathering at the Capitol, how about a traveling Chautauqua? Present rotating pairs of notable and interesting speakers at a variety of locations across South Dakota all addressing a narrow set of topics and entertaining the heck out of small-town crowds. We could open for street dances in the summer, then gather at the big fairs (Sioux Empire, Central States, Turner County, Brown County, State Fair) for battles royale!
I love the Chautauqua idea. Sign me up to help it get rolling.
Can I be the token Indian at this event?
Token Indian? Heck, Roger, we’ll bring the Chautauqua to Pinky’s in Manderson, and I’ll be the token white guy!
Just don’t be the tokin’ Indian. ;-)
Steve, whom do we contact? How do we get the Chautauqua rolling for next summer?
It was special when Mr. Briscoe added that two of his grandkids thought you were the best teacher they’d had. You can’t buy that kind of endorsement. Speaking of teachers, Mr. Novstrup reminds me of a few of the weak ones I’ve had, who seem to be just putting in the time until retirement, with little energy, enthusiasm or dedication to the task at hand. I think when he loses it won’t even mean that much to him. He can stay home in Aberdeen and reminisce about his time before Heidelberger came to Pierre. hehehe
You know, I’m going to revise and extend my remarks. I like the smart Republican elitists, and they are fun to discuss the fine points of policy with, but I worked best with the really conservative folks who have a skeptical view of government. Sure, when I was trying to get something done, they were a pain in the ass, but a lot of my work was trying to stop bad ideas for economic development. Then, I found it was much easier to approach those conservative folks who already had an antenna up for bad government. It’s really funny how politics in South Dakota works. The right and the left can work together. That doesn’t happen in Wisconsin anymore.
Mr. Lansing, thank you for confirming there are good teachers and not good teachers. I always knew this was the case! When we start having to sort out the teachers because the tax increase wasn’t enough your words will provide wise counsel.
Donald, that’s another interesting observation about a different slice of the GOP. I think I share your affinity for those conservatives… perhaps since I kinda was one, or thought I was, or maybe deep down still am in ways.
I’m trying to figure out: do the Novstrups belong to either of those groups? Or are their only principles the flavors of the moment that win them votes and pad their amusement park profits?
Grudz, thank you for confirming that there are good blog commenters and not good blog commenters. Yet we keep you around. Why is that?