Boadwine Farms near Baltic held its industrial-ag-boosting open house earlier this month. Now the Deuel County Dakota Rural Action chapter and Organic Valley cooperative counterprogram with an Organic Dairy Tour to help its neighbors “explore the possibility of reclaiming our history of small dairies in a meaningful, profitable, and community-building way”:
One of Rick Fonder’s milk makers.
Please join us for a tour and informational session at Rick Fonder’s organic dairy and pork operation. Listen and ask questions directly to organic dairy farmers and organic grain growers in South Dakota and Organic Valley Coop and see firsthand how an organic operation functions. The tour is August 10th from 1:00 pm to 3:00 pm, with an opportunity for in-depth questions and answers by Mr. Fonder and Organic Valley Veterinarian Dr. Guy Jordaski. Attendees are invited to stay for milking at 5:00 pm. Rick Fonder’s farm is located at 14183 477th Avenue in Milbank, South Dakota. (Follow US HWY 15 North of Milbank, and turn west at 142nd. Follow one mile, and turn North. The Farm is the first turn to the West.) Snacks and coffee will be provided [Deuel County Dakota Rural Action, press release, received by DFP 2016.07.25].
It’s too bad that Gov. Daugaard can’t lend support to these type dairies rather than going all out for the 5000 head CAFO dairies.
Wade Brandis
I wonder if this organic dairy tour will receive any good media coverage on TV and in print.
It would be great if it did, since the Boadwine open house got promotion from KSFY, complete with a weather forecast broadcast live from their massive dairy barn.
Paul, it’s too bad the Governor can’t come to one of these organic dairy events and learn how he could temper his Butzism by fitting alternative farming models into his economic development strategy.
Wade, if we could get the Governor to attend, I’ll bet we could get some media there. Or would it be vice versa: get the cameras there, and the Governor would follow?
It’s too bad that Gov. Daugaard can’t lend support to these type dairies rather than going all out for the 5000 head CAFO dairies.
I wonder if this organic dairy tour will receive any good media coverage on TV and in print.
It would be great if it did, since the Boadwine open house got promotion from KSFY, complete with a weather forecast broadcast live from their massive dairy barn.
Paul, it’s too bad the Governor can’t come to one of these organic dairy events and learn how he could temper his Butzism by fitting alternative farming models into his economic development strategy.
Wade, if we could get the Governor to attend, I’ll bet we could get some media there. Or would it be vice versa: get the cameras there, and the Governor would follow?