The South Dakota Democratic Party has hired a new communications director. For the guy they hired, Michael Ewald, that’s probably the headline of the year. From the human interest angle, it’s kind of a nice story, since Ewald is a Watertown HS/USD alumnus who gets to come back to South Dakota after adventures in the big city. But is it really big news, like the announcement of the Democrats’ challenger to John Thune?
Well, for GOP spinster Pat Powers it apparently is big news, worthy of a superfluous apostrophe and a comparison to Dennis Daugaard’s résumé:

Yes, of the various angles one could headline on this particular staffing decision, the GOP spin blog emphasizes the one that likens Ewald’s experience to that of South Dakota Governor Dennis Daugaard:
Following graduation, Daugaard attended law school at Northwestern University in Chicago, Illinois. During law school, he held jobs as a bus driver, law clerk, and security guard. After earning his law degree in 1978, Daugaard passed the Illinois bar exam and worked in the Chicago area for three years [Office of Governor Dennis Daugaard, official biography, downloaded 2016.01.09].
Why else would the GOP spin blog mention Chicago, the governor’s own big-city stopover prior to his South Dakota political career, other than to acknowledge Ewald’s experience and respect his willingness to return to South Dakota?
No word yet on when the Governor’s Dakota Roots ex-pat recruitment program will feature Michael’s moving story and tout the state help they offered to bring him home.
The Ewalds are a family of high distinction and honor in H20town. South Dakota Democratic Party has chosen well. In fact, he’s already got Powers as nervous as an American’s For Prosperity official in an ethics investigation.
As a close personal friend of Michael’s I may be a bit biased, but imho there is not a person alive better suited for this job. The SDGOP may not win much less in the short term, but they will have a much harder time, and much less fun doing it, of that I am sure.
Doesn’t PP design bumper stickers and political signs and such? You know, things that have words in them? And he believes the word Dems needs an apostrophe, and secretary should be capitalized in the headline?? Wow.
Since PP is an SDSU alumnus, it is good to know that they must also teach the superfluous apostrophe mistake, too; but in mock defense of the DWC, I am wondering if the next grammar quiz will be open book, too?
Speaking of Chicago, wasn’t Janklow born there?
When most of the comments under anything PP posts are criticisms of his broken English it’s time for him to revisit his claim to being South Dakota’s political primer.
At least it will be a job to get back to get him closer to family here in South Dakota. Not sure how long he will be there. It will definitely be challenging for him.
Great endorsement, LYNN. (That’s what a positive message looks like from a Republican stricken with “negativity bias”). Glad you’re finally realizing where the political talent lies in SoDak. With the South Dakota Democratic Party women. This election cycle is about women and our side has the team to move the ball and the candidate to represent the state in DC.
Mr. Lansing, I think Ms. Lynn is not registered as a Republican, although I could be mistaken. Regardless, I, for one, welcome Mr. Ewald back to the Great State of South Dakota, and am sure he will find himself most effective and comfortable in the Sioux Falls area. I highly recommend he frequent Parker’s “bistro” and the Wendy’s on 41st street.
Do you mean Wendy’s, the fast food joint? She kicked the Democratic Party to the curb in a childish and selfish tirade. Any consequence is well deserved. The Progressive bus is leaving the terminal and she’s been left behind.
It will be a good place for this young man to land after his return to SD and he can scope for better opportunities elsewhere after a while. I am a registered Republican and have been for about 2 years now. Happy I did! :)
Do you know what our friend Colorado is ranting about this time?
The bus is empty, Porter.
Hope nothing odd happens to Lynn with your “any consequence is well deserved” comment.
Any news on Matt McGoverns return to SD? Or do you have another candidate in mind to rep SD in DC?
“any consequence is well deserved” is a little disturbing coming from a guy who supposedly was going to Missouri from his home in Colorado to physically assault another commentor. What even brought that gross over reaction and threat of violence has puzzled a few of us.
Paula Hawks is a strong candidate with a solid platform. I foresee big things from Ms. Hawks.
What do you know about bussing, Les? Are you still bussing tables on weekends?
For the paranoid Republicans (but why wouldn’t you be?) the consequence is a woman very attracted to politics and the people that work there sadly without a party that cares about her.
Are we tearing down people that work at Wendys, bus tables and diswashers now? A few kids I went to school with had parents that did those jobs to do anything to support their families and they were incredibly hard workers and good people!
I know. Humor is wasted on Republicans. As a restaurant professional I revere my friendships with all our workers. Especially the “New Americans” who may or may not have their paperwork finalized yet.
Where is the ;-) (wink), Porter. You know, the humor indicator when you want it both ways.
Oh, yeah. The wink indicator. Can y’all see this one. It doesn’t show up on all blogs. wink-?
Before I watch the next football game, here’s what Lynn was asking for concerning why it’s OK to use the adjective “lazy” and so hurtful to use the noun “stupid”. LWIY (last word is yours)
~If a father tells his son that he’s lazy, the boy will be hurt but he knows he can easily try harder and improve. But, if a father tells his boy that he’s stupid, the child knows there’s nothing he can do. He’ll always be stupid because he now believes he was born that way. You can imagine the different impacts that the two criticisms have on kids. That’s why I was taught not to use the word stupid and I have a negative impression of those who do.
(IMHO … Many Republicans have the low self esteem that comes from being called stupid as a child. They believe that even though they’re inferior they can still be better than minorities and the poor if they don’t offer help to anyone.)
When your ass is chapped, Porter, rather than taking it out on the folks over here, just push the button and have the aid change your diaper.
If I were Paula Hawks, I’d get on here and personally tell you, ” I don’t want your kind of support.”
Your lib brothers and sisters are going to vote Hawks without your mouth work. It’s the Indies and Pubs you are driving away Paula needs to win, Porter. That little number SHS and Rick Weiland needed to get to 50% plus 1.
Good grief! Micheal Ewald will have my sympathy in trying to get a message out and have nutjobs undermine his efforts.
I am glad, Ms. Lynn, to hear of your registration. I appreciate your comments as well.
Most importantly, and what some here at this blog seem to miss, is that Ms. Lynn is registered as a voter here in the Great State of South Dakota, and voting on things that affect her. The effect of which is called “good government.” Indeed.
Expat, I look forward to Ewald applying his enthusiasm and rapid-response capability to beating back the Republican propaganda.
Lynn, the consequences that could accrue from your fall from enlightenment and optimism are obvious: If your goals are realized, South Dakota will sink further into low-wage jobs, teacher shortage, depletion of talent, disrespect for diversity, lack of vision and statesmanship in the Legislature, corruption, and disregard for democracy. You and I and every other South Dakotan will suffer those consequences.
Cory@”Lynn, the consequences that could accrue from your fall from enlightenment and optimism are obvious: “. Yes, Cory. There are consequences. Look to the root of Lynn’s dissatisfaction here. A divisive group disagreed mostly with one out of a myriad of Lynn’s beliefs and personally attacked her on almost very level.
It’s no wonder the Dems fail to produce a candidate. You eat your own(think SHS) and give up any chance of even bites of change.
With the irrational complicity of a few SD Democrats, the party needs no enemies.
While I don’t agree with Lynn’s take on legalization of mj and wish for an answer of how much time in jail is right for smoking a joint in SD, it’s not worth losing everything else to fight that battle in an unbalanced political arena.
The only thing that comes to mind with Ewald for me, poor guy must be unemployed and starving to move up to the Dem machine in SD.
Bring a few candidates we can all support, Mike Ewald and you’ll have the money to raise your salary.
Ita vero. The demon weed promoters are driving down the number of registered democrats.
Les, I will grant that Lynn represents one major problem facing the party: we let petty squabbles and insults prevent us from seeing our common interest in ousting regressive Republicans from office.
Also hurting South Dakota in general is the assumption that young people must be unemployed and starving to want to move back here. It’s like teaching: sure, statistically, the numbers are against us, but some people (not enough to count on reversing the teacher shortage or the Democrat shortage) will come for reasons other than money. Some people will come back to South Dakota from the big city because they love it here and want to make a difference.
Obviously it’s your opinion. The 2016 election results will determine which direction things will go and just what issues are petty or not.
No doubt Mr. Ewald is learning that the only people moving to South Dakota are white retirees fleeing cultural diversity in blue states and have elderly parents in nursing homes or assisted living. Lynn is wise to be registered in the earth hater party.
Lynn, obviously your opinion is wrong. Your single issue is petty, and you have blown it up into a personal vendetta that is counterproductive to the public interests we share. I fear that, instead of objectively evaluating the work Ewald does for the party, you’ll niggle around the edges, take a handful of statements out of context, fabricate positions where none demonstrably exist, and turn them into propaganda for the Republican Party that will do nothing to advance progressive interests in affordable health care, fair compensation for teachers, and more open and honest government in Pierre. At no point in your bleating about marijuana have you established that any Republican candidate for whom you are campaigning is more inclined to make progress on any of those goals than the Democrats you supported less than six months ago. Get off your horse and get back with the program.
Larry Who Resides in New Mexico,
I disagree with your first sentence but at the present time the SDGOP is wiser more practical choice and better vehicle for change.
The SDDP is like an abandoned car on I-90 that is out of gas, broken down, all but one window is smashed out with one of those orange abandoned vehicle sticker on it, hood up, stripped of many parts and is on blocks going nowhere.
South Dakota is like an abandoned car on I-90 that is out of gas, broken down, all but one window is smashed out with one of those orange abandoned vehicle sticker on it, hood up, stripped of many parts and is on blocks going nowhere.
It’s not just a single fundamental issue but a number of which being proposed are unrealistic for South Dakota. So when you run across someone on the street that disagrees with you will they be told, their concerns are petty, they are not enlightened and need to get with the program? That will just alienate more people.
South Dakota Democrats: flee why you still can.
This election cycle is about women and the South Dakota Democratic Party has women far superior in so many ways to women in the inferior Republican Party.
As far as young people are concerned, males almost always live where their spouse wants to live, which is very often near their mothers. Women run South Dakota and are wise enough to just let the men think they’re in charge.
PS … Vehicle for change? C’mon, lady. There’s nary a modicum of change in the South Dakota Republican Party. It’s the “Party of Stagnation”. As an exercise, whenever you see or hear “South Dakota Republican Party” draw up a visual word picture of a smelly, repulsive, stagnant slough with water so repugnant even a coot can’t take it. That puts the brain in a proper frame to understand what one party rule has done to the beautiful state.
How about a list of accomplishments from the SDRP in the last 30 years? Saying no isn’t an accomplishment. It’s regressive.
When last I offered this list all we got was, “Total control” as an accomplishment. Do you as citizen voters think that’s an example of progress?
Porter ask a question about accomplishments, and expects an answer about progress. The two will very seldom meet.
The Blindman
No, Lynn, I’m not talking about a person on the street. I’m talking about you personally. How I deal with a petty, irrational, and wrong betrayer of the party is not at all how I will deal with the general electorate. It’s just like Donald Trump: I can call him arrogant, petty, and fascist without calling every voter those things. You need to stop over-generalizing, Lynn.
Cory, Whoa! That’s way out there and another overreaction! So if or when the SDDP gets trounced again but more likely worse coming this November your going to blame it on me? It is simply a rejection by voters.
Lynn, hell must be freezing over, we agree on something.
The Blindman
Bill I agreed with a number of things you and Les, Rohr and others have posted regarding what is basically “LaLa-Land” proposals and what is realistic here in South Dakota but notice Cory focuses on me.
It might work well proclaiming their manifesto on some street corner or a coffee shop in Portland but not in South Dakota.
Hey other than Portland is becoming very expensive to live now with Californians moving there it’s a cool area for kayaking, hiking, cycling and have Mt. Hood nearby.
I am a little disappointed that you did not mention that Michael’s ties to debate. He was an assistant coach at SF Lincoln and, if memory serves, coached in Chicago as well.
Again, Lynn, quit overgeneralizing and overreacting. I don’t get how you get to spend the year hyperbolizing about your newfound loathing of the SDDP, but when I respond forthrightly, suddenly such vigorous opposition is “over the top.” Welcome to the mirror.
You asked about consequences. I laid out consequences that can arise if lots of voters adopt your short-sighted attitude. If you don’t want to face those consequences, drop that attitude.
Mark Vargo, true! Ewald does bring us another step toward the debatocracy, the proper rule of philosophical and rhetorical kings.
Do we know Ewald’s salary?
Not yet, but I’m sure we’ll be able to calculate it from SDDP’s next campaign finance filing.
Whatever his salary is I’m afraid it won’t be enough!
Whatever his salary it’s likely too much.
Curious whether South Dakota’s media will seek Ewald’s response to the machinations of the nutjob congressional delegation.
Curious whether South Dakota’s media will seek Ewald’s response to the machinations of the nutjob SDGOP legislators like Schoenbeck, Deutsch and Bolin.
Curious whether South Dakota’s media will seek Ewald’s response to the machinations of the nutjob SDGOP business owners like Chuck Brennan, DeLon Mork, Ted and Rick Hustead.
Welcome to the party admin. Ewald! You and Cory will serve the cause well in 2016