Donald Trump uses demeaning language about women, and what does husband and father of two daughters Senator John Thune have to say about it? Trump is a misogynist pig, morally unfit for the Presidency? Nah—South Dakota’s senior Senator and moral compass just says Golly, that’s not “helpful”:
Misogyny? I don’t see any misogyny….
…Thune says Trump’s celebrity status may be one reason he’s jumped out to an early lead in the polls.
“I think he’s someone who grabs attention. Now they had more people watching the debate last week, obviously because he was participating in it, but does he have the potential to go the distance? Remains to be seen,” Thune said.
Thune, whose name has been mentioned in the past as a Presidential candidate, thinks there are a handful of Republican candidates who will surface to the top as the campaign moves forward.
He’s not sure Trump will be one of them.
“I think frankly as some of the things he said are not going to be helpful to him in the long term in this campaign,” Thune said.
Thune says the American public wants to hear how the candidates will deal with issues including the economy and national security.
“Those are things he’s going to have to really drill down on and if he doesn’t do that, he probably won’t be around for long,” Thune said [Don Jorgenson, “Thune: Trump Comments Not Helpful to Him,” KELO-TV, 2015.08.11].
Nice political analysis, but not a whiff of moral condemnation. Thune’s words on Trump’s misogyny would be perfectly consistent with saying, Gee, if a majority of likely primary voters were sexist pigs, Trump would find it helpful to call more women animals, slobs, and big fat pigs.
That’s our Senator John Thune: mired in political calculation, unable to call a moral spade a spade.
Yes, Trump does like women to be beauty queens who are seen and not heard. Megan Kelly asked him a question about how he views women, and he sure did validate her concerns and then some.
I think Thune is angling for some of Trump’s money.
Roger Cornelius
I think you nailed it right off, that is precisely why the other presidential candidates have not called out Trump for his sexist and hateful comments about women. If anything, they are encouraging him to reframe the War on Women.
None of the candidates can risk Trump’s money, it is as clear as mother’s milk.
Bill Fleming
Thune’s just being smart. Trump’s a master at the politics of personal destruction, and Thune has no real reason to take him on… as in: “Never wrestle with a hog. You get all dirty, and the hog has all the fun.” — Tom Daschle.
Just sayin’ Cory.
Bill Fleming
Trump will give money to anybody he want’s to buy, whether those people have been critical of him or not. Thune’s test down the road will be whether or not he wants to take it (since Trump has pretty much admitted that he uses his dough to buy favors from those he “supports.”).
It could be that by the time this is over, Trump may have made both himself and his money “radioactive” but I don’t think he’s reached that level of depravity quite yet, has he Cory?
mike from iowa
Wingnut constituents prolly want to hear how Marlboro Barbie Thune and others are going to obstruct Obama’s economy and foreign policy. Misogyny has been a wingnut staple since Roe v Wade became the law of the land.
Remember just a few years ago Thune voted against rape protections for American Contractors working overseas, this after a worker testified to Congress she had to have reconstructive surgery to her vagina and anus after being brutally raped by several of her co-workers. And how many local media outlets in SD covered it? I couldn’t find one. He is the darling of SD politics, he can do and say whatever he wants to without consequences.
larry kurtz
“Bill, some actions by legislators are so dumb they need to be mocked.” Pat Powers.
What’s particularly worth noting to me is whom The Senator is discussing as the recipient of the “unhelpfulness” … he’s not saying that The Donald’s misogynist verbal barbs are unhelpful to a society that already struggles to live up to an ideal of anything approaching women’s equality (let alone empowerment), which is most assuredly true, if understated. Instead, The Senator’s comment buys into the idea that the whole issue is about The Donald. The assertion that The Donald won’t help HIMSELF with his rhetoric plays into The Donald’s delusion that everything on earth should be about The Donald, and forget any broader implications. That makes The Senator’s comment not merely noncommittal, but in active opposition to the important dialogue around gender equity.
“As a state legislator, I call for North American Title Loan Company to leave the state of South Dakota,” Hickey said.
Even as one sympathetic to Rep. Hickey’s cause, I have to agree with PP, Larry, that such a demand by a state legislator worthy of a hearty belly laugh.
I’m with Bill. Thune said more than I would. When I heard it, I went off and realized he pulled me into a place not becoming. I’d just say “What he said seems clear to me and you are capable of making you own judgment on those words and thoughts” and move on.
I saw a quote from Whitman, Twain or someone from that era who said something to the effect: “Don’t get in an argument with someone who is stupid. He will drag you down to his level and will win because he has more experience being stupid.” Mysogyny is both a sickness of the heart and deficiency of the brain. Who really wants to go there?
larry kurtz
Seven sacraments for men, six sacraments for women. Pick a lane, Troy.
larry kurtz
When there’s a woman Pope, Troy be sure to get back to us…that is after you untangle yourself from the man-pile on Steve Hickey over at Pat’s bait shop.
Hickey sounds like a leader. thune’s Ken sunglasses (photoshopped) look just like Barbie’s
(e.g brit spears), but he does not sound like a leader. imo. no bellylaugh
Deb Geelsdottir
This post could be Deb-bait, but really, what more is there to say? Every sane a decent person knows that Trump is a hateful mispgynist.
There’s only one thing I’m waiting for: That the Trump/War on Women condemners demonstrate those sentiments via action. Turn their anti-abortion zeal against the serial impregnators.
I see “just a mom” Lisa “550%” Furlong, interviewed at PP’s site.
mike from iowa
Troy must go through life with blinders on see he can’t see what he is pulling behind him. See no evil,hear no evil,believe no evil. Your entire party is “that” way,Troy. Face up to it and own it or get out.
erin, meet lisa. Women, meet RST who returned $25,000 from the REDSKINS team to keep them quiet. Thune, just go to trump’s next wedding.
Thune’s not a leader. Hickey thinks he’s modern-day Moses. Lisa Furlong is a disingenuous and dishonest paid obfuscator. PP is a combination of the see no evil/hear no evil/speak no evil monkeys, when he’s not just a plain old monkey.
but really, what are family values? yesterday? today? should a 19 year old go on sex offender list for life after sex w/ 14 yr old who said on facebook she was 17?
it never ends.
Wow so you cant figure this out Thune is a rubber stamp thats all he has ever been except for taking photo ops; and basketball games what has he done.This is not rocket science only for the Thune staffers.
Roger Elgersma
Trump does mention dealing with the economy and national defense, not with real rational terms though. The real problem, and this is for both parties, is when just a few years ago the Congress had a 6% approval rating. That other 94% still remember that situation. They want someone who can straighten out Washington. Trump’s ‘I will take you all on and dump on you’ attitude is seen as a possible solution. Problem is that he is no better than Congress and could alienate much of the country and the whole world with his bully attitude. The ability to step on people is not necessarily the ability to do something that is successful and right at the same time.
mike from iowa
Jimmy Carter was the last family values politician. He made no bones about his religiosity,but never flaunted it and,to my knowledge,has never had an affair with a man,woman or livestock. He lives a true Christian life as one who has spent his life in service to others. Would that more pols would emulate his life. Carter spent his post-presidency helping other people. The rest of the living Presidents spend their time getting wealthier.
Lynn asks:
>“So who is running against Thune in 2016?”
I think I’m the only one who’s announced so far, but it wouldn’t surprise me to see Brendan Johnson throw his hat into the ring at some point, even if he believes he’s unlikely to win in this election cycle.
Kurt, you’re still on for that campaign, right? Permit me to derail the thread for a moment (I’ll turn it into a full blog post shortly) and pose this scenario: if you are running as an Independent, you can pursue the Pressler 17%. A Democrat considering a 2016 run could look at your candidacy and say, “Heck, Evans is knocking down half the wall for me—I’m in!” Would the possibility that you increase a Democrat’s chance of entering the race and winning deter you from carrying out your campaign for Thune’s seat?
I do agree with Bill’s assessment of Trump’s mild radioactivity. He hasn’t broken any laws yet. He hasn’t sold any baby parts. He’s not completely radioactive; he’s just a jerk, and unfortunately, a rich and popular jerk. Taking his money would have the same political impact on Thune or other candidates as taking Kim Kardashian’s money. It’s more a People Magazine story than a Politico story.
For the record, Donald Trump, if you’re reading, ring the Tip Jar, put a million or two in my Paypal account. I’ll happily use your money to promote democracy and Democrats in South Dakota.
Roger E., a man at the Brown County Fair last night summed up his interest in Trump with language somewhat like what you identify in the Trump bombast: he said he was thinking about the possibility that we would go further into debt and that China would someday own us. He said Trump would probably tell the Chinese to buzz off and declare the U.S. bankrupt to get out of paying our debt. I suspect declaring national bankruptcy would trigger a global economic disaster and knock America out of the role of global superpower for decades, if not forever (think Spain). But the guy I was talking to was sucked in by the Hollywood/cowboy/macho/”tell it like it is” attitude, which feels great, even if it doesn’t translate well into practical policy.
But wait a minute: here I am criticizing John Thune for not telling it like it is about Donald Trump’s misogyny. Uh oh….
mike from iowa
It is a given we would go further into debt with a wingnut Potus. Research history and you will find that wingnuts rack up more debt faster than Dems because wingnuts don’t believe in taxing the only people with excess money.
Tax and spend Dems are fiscally responsible compared to wingnuts.
Roger, one of my Republican acquaintances was listening to some of the conversations around the GOP booth at the Brown County Fair. This acquaintance tells me that a lot of the people dropping kernels in Trump’s jar for the corn poll say just what you said: they like Trump because he tells it like it is. This acquaintance also hears a lot of anger in the local pro-Trumpers.
But how do Trump’s perceived straightforwardness and his backers’ anger translate into effective policy?
Roger Cornelius
Exactly Cory, Trump’s rants don’t translate into any policy, he’s been dodging policy discussions since he and announced and now says he won’t make any until early in September.
One glaring omission from Trump is any discussion about the Senate and Congress and how he will work with them to achieve any of his goals
I really do wonder if he is capable of discussing any policy with any amount of substance
If Trump’s obnoxious comments labeling particular women constitutes misogyny, then do his obnoxious comments aimed at particular men constitute misandry? And wouldn’t misogyny and misandry simply cancel each other out? Perhaps it was unfair of Megan Kelly to focus on his comments about women. Indeed, given his obnoxious comments about so many men and women, perhaps it would be more accurate to call him a misanthropist.
Meanwhile the GOP war against women has little to do with name calling. Rather it has to do with deeming women second class humans without the right to control their reproductive lives, as well as denying them rights in employment, such as equal pay for equal work and paid family leave, and opposing laws such as the Violence Against Women Act. And if I am not mistaken, those are positions squarely endorsed by Thune.
mike from iowa
Ms Kelly was on H Stern talking about pee-pee tails and other stuff Stern likes to talk about.
“Cancel out”? Interesting, BCB, but being a jerk to everybody doesn’t cancel out one’s jerkiness to each half of everybody. Negative plus negative = more negative.
But I will certainly agree that Thune’s bad policy positions do much more harm to women’s equal status in society than Trump’s words. (Do we even know Trump’s general stances on substantive women’s rights issues? His words don’t inspire confidence in his sensitivity to such issues.) Perhaps that’s why Thune can’t work up the moral courage to correct Trump on simple name-calling, because Thune actually holds much worse views about women and doesn’t think Trump needs moral correction.
Trump is like an entertainer feeding off the crowd and the crowd is having fun. It’s very therapeutic for them. I admit he’s funny and it’s nice to watch someone this high in the polls that is not so controlled, scripted and safe. He is very vague in how he will deal with issues with basically saying “trust him”. Yeah right!
What I find most entertaining while watching Trump get so much free press is how steamed and frustrated candidates like Jeb Bush’s team must feel since they never anticipated this. Bush’s campaign just hasn’t been able to get the traction in the polls so far despite their machine like fundraising.
Going to a Trump rally is like going to a mass venting session and the speaker is an entertainer.
larry kurtz
Donald Trump – Republican
The businessman and former reality television host supports medical marijuana but has taken conflicting positions on full legalization over the years. He appears to support the right of states to enact their own marijuana laws without federal interference. “Medical marijuana is another thing,” he added. “I think medical marijuana, 100 percent.”
BCB makes a good point that Trump seems to be a misanthropic generalist. Misogyny and misandry are not equal due to the power differential. Misogynists such as Trump have the ability to do much more damage than a woman with similar feelings toward men.
Lynn, let’s hope the Republican voters get their catharsis now, then get around to picking a real statesman by primary time.
Deb: “Misogyny and misandry are not equal due to the power differential.”—That’s one of the smartest sentences I’ve heard this weekend. Thank you.
larry kurtz
Cory, that’s one of the most misandrous sentences i’ve read this weekend: next to the one you just deleted.
Deb Geelsdottir
You’re welcome Cory. I try to give “smart” a go every now and then.
Larry, you sometimes confuse me. I’m not that smart.
larry kurtz
deb, fleming called me a ‘philistene’ recently and while his own orthographic skills fail on occasion his eye is keen as ever. cory cropped my quip about ken santema’s swath.
my bad in an alternate universe.
Deb Geelsdottir
My eyes are rolling around in my head. In opposite directions.
Cory asks:
>“Kurt, you’re still on for that [2016 U.S. Senate] campaign, right?”
>“Would the possibility that you increase a Democrat’s chance of entering the race and winning deter you from carrying out your campaign for Thune’s seat?”
No, I’d considered that possibility before I announced.
Yes, Trump does like women to be beauty queens who are seen and not heard. Megan Kelly asked him a question about how he views women, and he sure did validate her concerns and then some.
I think Thune is angling for some of Trump’s money.
I think you nailed it right off, that is precisely why the other presidential candidates have not called out Trump for his sexist and hateful comments about women. If anything, they are encouraging him to reframe the War on Women.
None of the candidates can risk Trump’s money, it is as clear as mother’s milk.
Thune’s just being smart. Trump’s a master at the politics of personal destruction, and Thune has no real reason to take him on… as in: “Never wrestle with a hog. You get all dirty, and the hog has all the fun.” — Tom Daschle.
Just sayin’ Cory.
Trump will give money to anybody he want’s to buy, whether those people have been critical of him or not. Thune’s test down the road will be whether or not he wants to take it (since Trump has pretty much admitted that he uses his dough to buy favors from those he “supports.”).
It could be that by the time this is over, Trump may have made both himself and his money “radioactive” but I don’t think he’s reached that level of depravity quite yet, has he Cory?
Wingnut constituents prolly want to hear how Marlboro Barbie Thune and others are going to obstruct Obama’s economy and foreign policy. Misogyny has been a wingnut staple since Roe v Wade became the law of the land.
Remember just a few years ago Thune voted against rape protections for American Contractors working overseas, this after a worker testified to Congress she had to have reconstructive surgery to her vagina and anus after being brutally raped by several of her co-workers. And how many local media outlets in SD covered it? I couldn’t find one. He is the darling of SD politics, he can do and say whatever he wants to without consequences.
“Bill, some actions by legislators are so dumb they need to be mocked.” Pat Powers.
So who is running against Thune in 2016? lol
You say you’re a Democrat, Lynn: you run.
What’s particularly worth noting to me is whom The Senator is discussing as the recipient of the “unhelpfulness” … he’s not saying that The Donald’s misogynist verbal barbs are unhelpful to a society that already struggles to live up to an ideal of anything approaching women’s equality (let alone empowerment), which is most assuredly true, if understated. Instead, The Senator’s comment buys into the idea that the whole issue is about The Donald. The assertion that The Donald won’t help HIMSELF with his rhetoric plays into The Donald’s delusion that everything on earth should be about The Donald, and forget any broader implications. That makes The Senator’s comment not merely noncommittal, but in active opposition to the important dialogue around gender equity.
“As a state legislator, I call for North American Title Loan Company to leave the state of South Dakota,” Hickey said.
Even as one sympathetic to Rep. Hickey’s cause, I have to agree with PP, Larry, that such a demand by a state legislator worthy of a hearty belly laugh.
I’m with Bill. Thune said more than I would. When I heard it, I went off and realized he pulled me into a place not becoming. I’d just say “What he said seems clear to me and you are capable of making you own judgment on those words and thoughts” and move on.
I saw a quote from Whitman, Twain or someone from that era who said something to the effect: “Don’t get in an argument with someone who is stupid. He will drag you down to his level and will win because he has more experience being stupid.” Mysogyny is both a sickness of the heart and deficiency of the brain. Who really wants to go there?
Seven sacraments for men, six sacraments for women. Pick a lane, Troy.
When there’s a woman Pope, Troy be sure to get back to us…that is after you untangle yourself from the man-pile on Steve Hickey over at Pat’s bait shop.
Hickey sounds like a leader. thune’s Ken sunglasses (photoshopped) look just like Barbie’s
(e.g brit spears), but he does not sound like a leader. imo. no bellylaugh
This post could be Deb-bait, but really, what more is there to say? Every sane a decent person knows that Trump is a hateful mispgynist.
There’s only one thing I’m waiting for: That the Trump/War on Women condemners demonstrate those sentiments via action. Turn their anti-abortion zeal against the serial impregnators.
I see “just a mom” Lisa “550%” Furlong, interviewed at PP’s site.
Troy must go through life with blinders on see he can’t see what he is pulling behind him. See no evil,hear no evil,believe no evil. Your entire party is “that” way,Troy. Face up to it and own it or get out.
erin, meet lisa. Women, meet RST who returned $25,000 from the REDSKINS team to keep them quiet. Thune, just go to trump’s next wedding.
Thune’s not a leader. Hickey thinks he’s modern-day Moses. Lisa Furlong is a disingenuous and dishonest paid obfuscator. PP is a combination of the see no evil/hear no evil/speak no evil monkeys, when he’s not just a plain old monkey.
Wingnut potus Warren Harding fathered a woods colt while in office.
Gotta love dem fambly values politicians.
mfi- “them”, not dem pls :)
but really, what are family values? yesterday? today? should a 19 year old go on sex offender list for life after sex w/ 14 yr old who said on facebook she was 17?
it never ends.
Wow so you cant figure this out Thune is a rubber stamp thats all he has ever been except for taking photo ops; and basketball games what has he done.This is not rocket science only for the Thune staffers.
Trump does mention dealing with the economy and national defense, not with real rational terms though. The real problem, and this is for both parties, is when just a few years ago the Congress had a 6% approval rating. That other 94% still remember that situation. They want someone who can straighten out Washington. Trump’s ‘I will take you all on and dump on you’ attitude is seen as a possible solution. Problem is that he is no better than Congress and could alienate much of the country and the whole world with his bully attitude. The ability to step on people is not necessarily the ability to do something that is successful and right at the same time.
Jimmy Carter was the last family values politician. He made no bones about his religiosity,but never flaunted it and,to my knowledge,has never had an affair with a man,woman or livestock. He lives a true Christian life as one who has spent his life in service to others. Would that more pols would emulate his life. Carter spent his post-presidency helping other people. The rest of the living Presidents spend their time getting wealthier.
Lynn asks:
>“So who is running against Thune in 2016?”
I think I’m the only one who’s announced so far, but it wouldn’t surprise me to see Brendan Johnson throw his hat into the ring at some point, even if he believes he’s unlikely to win in this election cycle.
Bill F., that’s generally good advice… but sometimes you’ve got to grab the cleaver and make some bacon.
Kurt, you’re still on for that campaign, right? Permit me to derail the thread for a moment (I’ll turn it into a full blog post shortly) and pose this scenario: if you are running as an Independent, you can pursue the Pressler 17%. A Democrat considering a 2016 run could look at your candidacy and say, “Heck, Evans is knocking down half the wall for me—I’m in!” Would the possibility that you increase a Democrat’s chance of entering the race and winning deter you from carrying out your campaign for Thune’s seat?
I do agree with Bill’s assessment of Trump’s mild radioactivity. He hasn’t broken any laws yet. He hasn’t sold any baby parts. He’s not completely radioactive; he’s just a jerk, and unfortunately, a rich and popular jerk. Taking his money would have the same political impact on Thune or other candidates as taking Kim Kardashian’s money. It’s more a People Magazine story than a Politico story.
For the record, Donald Trump, if you’re reading, ring the Tip Jar, put a million or two in my Paypal account. I’ll happily use your money to promote democracy and Democrats in South Dakota.
Patience, Lynn—we’ll find someone to join Kurt in the two-flank attack on our Senator and his broken moral compass.
Roger E., a man at the Brown County Fair last night summed up his interest in Trump with language somewhat like what you identify in the Trump bombast: he said he was thinking about the possibility that we would go further into debt and that China would someday own us. He said Trump would probably tell the Chinese to buzz off and declare the U.S. bankrupt to get out of paying our debt. I suspect declaring national bankruptcy would trigger a global economic disaster and knock America out of the role of global superpower for decades, if not forever (think Spain). But the guy I was talking to was sucked in by the Hollywood/cowboy/macho/”tell it like it is” attitude, which feels great, even if it doesn’t translate well into practical policy.
But wait a minute: here I am criticizing John Thune for not telling it like it is about Donald Trump’s misogyny. Uh oh….
It is a given we would go further into debt with a wingnut Potus. Research history and you will find that wingnuts rack up more debt faster than Dems because wingnuts don’t believe in taxing the only people with excess money.
Tax and spend Dems are fiscally responsible compared to wingnuts.
Misogyny? What misogyny?
Facebook had a meme yesterday that read something like this:
The Trump crazies admire him for “telling it like it is”, hell I have a drunk uncle that “tells it like it is” and he’s an ass too.
Hahahahahahahaha! That’s a good one. Thanks for sharing it.
(I had a drunk uncle too.)
Roger, one of my Republican acquaintances was listening to some of the conversations around the GOP booth at the Brown County Fair. This acquaintance tells me that a lot of the people dropping kernels in Trump’s jar for the corn poll say just what you said: they like Trump because he tells it like it is. This acquaintance also hears a lot of anger in the local pro-Trumpers.
But how do Trump’s perceived straightforwardness and his backers’ anger translate into effective policy?
Exactly Cory, Trump’s rants don’t translate into any policy, he’s been dodging policy discussions since he and announced and now says he won’t make any until early in September.
One glaring omission from Trump is any discussion about the Senate and Congress and how he will work with them to achieve any of his goals
I really do wonder if he is capable of discussing any policy with any amount of substance
If Trump’s obnoxious comments labeling particular women constitutes misogyny, then do his obnoxious comments aimed at particular men constitute misandry? And wouldn’t misogyny and misandry simply cancel each other out? Perhaps it was unfair of Megan Kelly to focus on his comments about women. Indeed, given his obnoxious comments about so many men and women, perhaps it would be more accurate to call him a misanthropist.
Meanwhile the GOP war against women has little to do with name calling. Rather it has to do with deeming women second class humans without the right to control their reproductive lives, as well as denying them rights in employment, such as equal pay for equal work and paid family leave, and opposing laws such as the Violence Against Women Act. And if I am not mistaken, those are positions squarely endorsed by Thune.
Ms Kelly was on H Stern talking about pee-pee tails and other stuff Stern likes to talk about.
“Cancel out”? Interesting, BCB, but being a jerk to everybody doesn’t cancel out one’s jerkiness to each half of everybody. Negative plus negative = more negative.
But I will certainly agree that Thune’s bad policy positions do much more harm to women’s equal status in society than Trump’s words. (Do we even know Trump’s general stances on substantive women’s rights issues? His words don’t inspire confidence in his sensitivity to such issues.) Perhaps that’s why Thune can’t work up the moral courage to correct Trump on simple name-calling, because Thune actually holds much worse views about women and doesn’t think Trump needs moral correction.
Trump is like an entertainer feeding off the crowd and the crowd is having fun. It’s very therapeutic for them. I admit he’s funny and it’s nice to watch someone this high in the polls that is not so controlled, scripted and safe. He is very vague in how he will deal with issues with basically saying “trust him”. Yeah right!
What I find most entertaining while watching Trump get so much free press is how steamed and frustrated candidates like Jeb Bush’s team must feel since they never anticipated this. Bush’s campaign just hasn’t been able to get the traction in the polls so far despite their machine like fundraising.
Going to a Trump rally is like going to a mass venting session and the speaker is an entertainer.
BCB makes a good point that Trump seems to be a misanthropic generalist. Misogyny and misandry are not equal due to the power differential. Misogynists such as Trump have the ability to do much more damage than a woman with similar feelings toward men.
Lynn, let’s hope the Republican voters get their catharsis now, then get around to picking a real statesman by primary time.
Deb: “Misogyny and misandry are not equal due to the power differential.”—That’s one of the smartest sentences I’ve heard this weekend. Thank you.
Cory, that’s one of the most misandrous sentences i’ve read this weekend: next to the one you just deleted.
You’re welcome Cory. I try to give “smart” a go every now and then.
Larry, you sometimes confuse me. I’m not that smart.
deb, fleming called me a ‘philistene’ recently and while his own orthographic skills fail on occasion his eye is keen as ever. cory cropped my quip about ken santema’s swath.
my bad in an alternate universe.
My eyes are rolling around in my head. In opposite directions.
Cory asks:
>“Kurt, you’re still on for that [2016 U.S. Senate] campaign, right?”
>“Would the possibility that you increase a Democrat’s chance of entering the race and winning deter you from carrying out your campaign for Thune’s seat?”
No, I’d considered that possibility before I announced.
Kurt is on, then! Thune will likely find that unhelpful as well. :-)