What do you do when you come in last in a statewide Republican primary? If you’re Jason Ravnsborg, you go looking for love online…

…and in Eureka…

I don’t know how many ladies of fair repute Jason Ravnsborg will meet through Barbie Velizar, but I have a bad feeling he’ll find plenty of fellow fact-free paranoiacs among the Eureka GOP.
Ravnsborg is one of my favorite earth haters to troll from PP’s sidebar followed by Jon Lauck and Mike Rounds. John Thune’s staff tweet for him as he is so clueless to do it by himself just like Kristi Noem is.
What a sad state of affairs.
Arizona is selling Apache holy land to furriners,Kurtz. Stop them!
mfi, don’t know whether you’ve ever been to Miami or Globe, Arizona where an entire mountain range has been reduced to piles of waste rock for as far as the eye can see but what mining has rendered to tribal lands makes the pollution in the Mississippi watershed look like parks and gardens.
Larry K,I have barely ever been out of iowa. Farthest SW I have ever been is Omaha. Went to Chicago as a real young kid but don’t really remember. I’ve been to Minneapolis once and as far South as Sedalia,Mo.
Or, “Barbie” is like one of the millions of Twitter trolls who follow you to get exposure for whatever they are pushing. Considering many of the politicians that I have followed almost immediately and automatically followed me, I can see how this happens.
Spence, honey: share your twitter handle?
Spencer, I expect politicians and other public figures to be smarter than that. Trading exploit/spam follows seems a really bad campaign strategy. I delete a good 80% of those spam-follows, even though I have a blog to promote. I focus on following folks in my market and not allowing folks outside my market to exploit my follow list for free advertising. (A good general rule: if her profile pic features her ample bust, she’s probably not real, let alone someone from whom Jason, you, or I will gain anything by following.)
But hey, Spencer, what is Ravnsborg campaigning for?
This all seems very strange. I clicked on the Eureka link due to curiosity, and was reminded of Christians Hoffman’s birthed spasm. I had forgotten all about that.
What is Ravnsborg’s point? Is he campaigning for a 2016 run for, well, something?
Deb, a guy has to really like Eureka, ISIS, or public speaking to drive from Yankton to McPherson County to make a speech on foreign policy on a Saturday afternoon. If he’s running for something, he doesn’t really have anything to run for until 2018, does he? We have content incumbents in the House and Senate… unless Thune is planning to join the herd running for President and Noem is planning to seek promotion to Senate. That scenario seems unlikely: the chatter seems to be that Noem is eying Governor in 2018 and thus will happily sit around in Washington for another couple years bringing home the bacon for Bryon and Booker and paying that high USF tuition for the middle child.
…but Ravnsborg could be working on a plan with Charlie Hoffman: Hoffman for Governor, Ravnsborg for AG in 2018. Pulling that off against the established powers of the party could take some long planning.
Have any of you read the tweets Ravnsborg has sent out?
When he was on his speaking tour to Eureka did he mention how many sorties he flew piloting his tank busting ground supporting A-10 Warthog?
Do you really think Ravnsborg could ever be elected AG or any state wide office here in South Dakota?
I just don’t see it unless there is no competition or the alternative candidate is really bad. I could see him getting appointed to a supportive crony position in state government for his loyalty and carrying water for the party but that is about it.
Maybe that’s the water-bucket position he’s working on with Hoffman?
Ravnsborg tweeted to me that he has been invited to Aberdeen to make a similar presentation. he says he’ll send me the date, time, and location when logistics are nailed down. (And you know, he is a Reserve logistics officer.)
Yeah I know he served as a transportation officer in Iraq and that is a vital and can be a dangerous position in a military campaign but during his US Senate campaign he had those photos standing in front of an A-10 with his aviator glasses on which was misleading. Maybe those A-10 photos gain a little more traction with online dating. :)
After watching his US Senate Campaign and reading his tweets I don’t think this guy is too sharp.
There is little daylight between Ravin’ Ravnsborg and Tim Begalka, who is littering SDWC with turds of his own. They should get married.
Cory, a friend is a retired Navy Lt. Commander. After 20 years of logistics, she can out plan anyone regarding anything. I’m willing to bet my first born that Ravnsborg can’t touch her.
In fact, friend Linda, who has been a Lutheran rev since 1997, would probably make an outstanding campaign manager, but she would never – repeat – never support a guy like Ravnsborg. She has high ethics.