Friends, readers, citizens, lend me your signatures! I have two events where you registered voters can come sign the petitions I’ve taken out to refer the Legislature’s incumbency protection program (why else would you make it harder for people to run for office?) and the counterproductive, unconservative youth minimum wage.

On Wednesday (that’s tomorrow already!), I’ll be petitioning outside the Alexander Mitchell Public Library at 519 S. Kline St., from 11:30 a.m.–1:00 p.m. The forecast says light southerly breeze and heading for the 70s, so it should be a beautiful day for signing a petition, not to mention taking a lunchtime walk, checking out a book, sitting under a tree and reading…. Swing by the library on your lunch break and sign the petitions to refer SB 69 and SB 177.
Then Thursday evening, I’ll be at the Eagles Club at 316 S. 2nd St. from 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. I’m attending (and speaking at!) the Brown County Democrats meeting, which starts at 7 p.m. I’ll happily collect signatures before and after the meeting. Democratic neighbors, tomorrow’s a great chance for a democracy two-fer: come sign the petitions to protect the people’s right to vote, then join the Dems’ meeting to see what else you can do for democracy. But these petitions are non-partisan: SB 69 and SB 177 threaten everyone’s ability to participate in governing this state, Independent, Republican, Democrat, Libertarian, Green, what have you. Even if you’re not interested in party politics, Thursday night at the Eagles Club will be a good chance to sign these petitions.
And you know, if you’re fired up about the third big referendum drive, started by some Aberdeen veterans to challenge the state’s redefinition of their ranks (and reported first here on Dakota Free Press), I will have a couple of those sheets in my folder as well. Bring your friends, and come sign some petitions!
South Dakota targeted for nuke waste test.
A study conducted by scientists at Sandia Labs considers an area in east central South Dakota to be a potential site for the nation’s first test of whether deep crystalline basement rock formations can safely house high-level radioactive waste. According to a study published in 2014, a South Dakota site appears to be the favorite of three sites, the others being in South Carolina and Texas, for a test of the deep borehole disposal of the nation’s most dangerous nuclear wastes.
Efforts may be underway, or will soon commence, to secure necessary authorities through state and federal agencies in order to conduct the necessary drilling. If authority is given, the test could begin in 2016.
The study by Sandia Labs indicates considerable initial research has been conducted to hone the potential nuclear waste test site down to a broad area, including Faulk, Spink, Clark, Hand, Beadle, and the northwest part of Kingsbury Counties.
Is that the real you, Mr. Pay, or is that the irradiated version that has 80% of your organism’s lymph nodes irrationally focused on that garbage dump down by Edgemont? Did you know that the ice cream in Edgemont is as good if not better than that served nearly anywhere?
It is unlikely but possible that they have buried vast sums of cash and yellow cake beneath the Dakota Dome in Vermillion. I’m just sayin…
I just provide the information, Grudz. Or, rather, I provide the information that your government has put out, and that your elected representatives should have provided to you already, but didn’t. This study was finalized in September. I’m not sure when it went up on-line. I’m not sure what has been done since. Maybe those are questions you should pursue, rather than your delusional inquiries of me.
My own focus would be on: When did Governor Daugaard know about this? When did Senators Thune and Rounds know about this? If they don’t know, why not? If SDSM&T or other schools have known about this, why have they not provided information to the Governor, Senators and the public? Has money been appropriated for this study? What authorities of the state are required? And of the federal government? Have any permits been applied for? Is an EIS at the state or federal level required? Does this “test” require a state solid waste or other permit? Can the public have any say in whether their state becomes a nuclear waste dump?
Kerry DeVries of RESPEC in Rapid City is an Elkton boy.
WIPP has had breaches but NM’s GOP governor wants more buried there.
Won’t they just change it back again? It doesn’t seem fair, we go through all the work, they (Depublicans and Remocrats) dismiss it with a pen stroke. Why should we have to do it again? They should only be able to refer it back to a vote of the people if they think we made a mistake.
Thanks for the link to the study Donald. I studied it for 30 min. this morning and will spend more time with it later. I wish there was a better resolution link. I’m having a hard time reading the legends on some of the maps.
I agree that it’s a shame that I only learn about this recently completed government study and publicly available report from a blog comment.
You’re welcome, Nick.
Barry, the Legislature and Governor in, I believe, 1987 took away the right you voted to give yourself in 1984, to have this decision in your hands. I’m waiting for them to correct that mistake, but so far Daugaard has not seen fit to put any real legislation forward. He did, after all, promise that state citizens would have a vote on this, but, well, I guess Daugaard’s priorities lie in currying favor with the nuclear waste industry, rather than keeping a promise to his subjects. It could be an initiative, but I would make it a constitutional amendment in order to keep it safe from the Legislature and Governor.
Barry, there is every possibility that the Legislature will continue to ignore and thwart the will of the people. We can surrender, or we can fight. I say fight and don’t give up, wear the other guys out, and vote them out. (Have your signed our petitions yet?)
Bernie Sanders is officially running for President! That’s great!