If you harbor any doubts as to the ability of South Dakota Progress to become a constructive force in our politics, doubt no more. Here is proof that SD Progress can launch eager candidates to new highs:

South Dakota Progress Beer, homebrewed by the husband of South Dakota Progress chief Katrina Wilke. That’ll get the party hopping!
Newland reports the SDP home brew went over well, as did SDP’s pitch for support at the fundraiser co-hosted last night at former Democratic legislator Tom Katus’s house by Katus and Republican blogger, businessman, and culinaire John Tsitrian in Rapid City.

One correction, Cory, the event was co-hosted by me and Tom Katus. I supplied the grub for the occasion, which was held in Tom’s home.
Great so see so many people show up! Tom’s house was quite crowded! Thank’s Tom and John and anyone else that helped. The food was excellent! So was the conversation.
Awesome ‘grub’ it was, John. Thanks for doing it. Thanks also to Bob Newland for the photos.
Your welcome, Curt–it was certainly a pleasure. Had a pleasant chat with Mr. Newland. Meeting you was also a treat. I think we can agree that there was a lot of positive energy in the house last night.
I thought it was in your home! My mistake, john—let me amend above.
I missed your post, Cheryl. You’re most welcome. A lively evening it was.
Looks like a positive event. Good on ya, SDP.
I can’t find the SDP website. Help please.
Here is SDP’s website http://www.southdakotaprogress.us/
their facebook page https://www.facebook.com/southdakotaprogress
I’m going to bookmark it. Thanks Lynn.
Is that an 8-ounce beer? It looks like a pretty small bottle of weekly brewed over-carbonated blog beer. Serve it in a 25-ounce can like most of the libbies like their beer in.
sorry, bob, over here. i’m an oaf.
Grudzleming, you are worthless.
Grudz – Not sure why you think the bottle looks small to you, but all the bottles were standard 12-oz re-used commercial product. The ingredients were excellent quality – not ‘weekly brewed.’ Probably more like 6 weeks.
SD Progress says in a press release that it raised $1,400 at this first fundraiser.
Newland, are you saying SD Progress is devoid of progressives?
No, Larry.
What I said was that Grudzleming is worthless.