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Governor Daugaard Not Wholly Up Front About Affront to Voters

South Dakota Democratic Party chair Ann Tornberg is reveling in the opportunity to remind Governor Dennis Daugaard that he said at the beginning of the Legislative Session that changing the minimum wage law approved by initiative in the 2014 election would “affront” the voters. Chair Tornberg says the Governor’s comment shows that he should veto the youth minimum wage the Legislature has passed to help certain members save money on child labor.

For the record, let’s recall the full context of Governor Daugaard’s reported remarks:

Gov. Dennis Daugaard told members of the South Dakota Retailers Association on Monday he personally would not bring forward any proposed changes to the new minimum wage law passed by South Dakota voters as a ballot measure in November, but said he wouldn’t be surprised if some legislators did.

…Changing the law “would be a little bit of an affront to the voters who just adopted it,” Daugaard said, even though he opposed the measure. “I voted against it. I know many of you opposed it,” the governor said, speaking to members at the SDRA annual meeting held in Pierre at the Ramkota River Centre.

“On the other hand, people will say, ‘Well, maybe they (South Dakota voters) didn’t understand the inflation clause … so certainly you can offer reasonable arguments to refute what I just said,” Daugaard said [Sid Pranke, “Gov. Daugaard: Changing Minimum Wage Law Would Be ‘Affront’ to Voters,” Pierre Capitol Journal, 2015.01.12].

Governor Daugaard left himself some wiggle room there. But keep calling and keep e-mailing the Second Floor to let the Governor know we voters think his wiggle room is darn thin.


  1. Tim 2015-03-06

    I sent an email, but I’m not holding my breath waiting on the Governor to do the right thing. Voters will have to refer it, again.

  2. Jeff Barth 2015-03-06

    The Governor will not be running for election again and voters have poor memories and poor study habits.
    To change this law passed by the people is wrong. To change it is stupid. But the legislators “know” they are in charge and that it will be decades before that changes.

  3. mike from iowa 2015-03-06

    Sent e-mail to Granddaughter in Rapid City to let her know it would be in her and her half-sister’s best interest to e-mail authorities to protest paying under 18 kids less than minimum wage.

    Tim-slap the guv up alongside the head and explain how you don’t like having to chew cabbage twice. He’ll get the point with an embarrassing red face mark to remind him. :)

  4. larry kurtz 2015-03-06

    Daugaard a lying sack? What a freaking surprise!

  5. mike from iowa 2015-03-06

    Daugaard left himself some wiggle room. Any bets on which way his pen falls? He can always claim he signed it into law under duress. Korporate amerika could threaten to withhold largesse if he doesn’t sign it.

  6. Jana 2015-03-06

    Show up and be heard!

    Here’s a listing of Cracker Barrels this weekend. Lot’s to ask about the collective wisdom of the legislature this year. I’m sure Cory and the regulars here could help with coming up with questions to ask.


    In the Centennial Rooms on the NSU campus from 10 a.m. to 12:00 pm.

    Saturday, March 7th


    At the Brookings City and County Government Building from 9 to 10:30 a.m.

    Saturday, March 7th


    In the Huron City Hall Commission Room from 9 to10 a.m.

    Saturday, March 7th


    In the Amphitheater at Mitchell Technical Institute beginning at 12 p.m.

    Monday, March 2nd

    Rapid City:

    In the New Classroom Building at the South Dakota School of Mines from 9 to 11 a.m.

    Saturday, March 7th


    At the Black Hills State University Joy Center beginning at 9:00 a.m.

    Saturday, March 7th


    At the Avera Office Pavilion Amphitheatre beginning at 10 a.m

    Saturday, March 7th

    Looks like the Sioux Falls Chamber is trying to isolate their legislators from the public and have not scheduled a cracker barrel.

  7. Bob Newland 2015-03-06

    SDPR today said Doogoodr will fund a summer study to the tune of $21k.

  8. Donald Pay 2015-03-06

    It’s more of an affront to young workers, who can’t vote. Legislators don’t have the guts to go after the whole bill, so they go after the folks who can’t vote. Kids, this is Cowardly Lion stuff. And I expect the Governor to join them on the Yellow Brick Road. He doesn’t have the character of a Katniss Everdeen.

    So, no, the Governor will not stand up for the young folks who don’t have a voice. He will he cower, aftaid of the people who fork over money to him and his party? Sorry, kids, but you are about to learn the only lesson in civics you need to take with you into adulthood: when it comes to a politician choosing money or courage, courage loses every time.

  9. Sam@ 2015-03-06

    In many stated voter initiated measure by constitution cannot be touched unless change is voted in by the people. It is time South Dakota changes out constitution to only allow the voters to change an initiated measure.

  10. There is also a Cracker Barrel at The Shed in Westport at 10:30 a.m. Saturday.

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