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Noem Says Sales Tax Drop Due to Acts of God, Ignores Factors Within Her Control

Governor Kristi Noem is bracing us for a weak fiscal report for Fiscal Year 2019. Governor Noem says we should expect to see less state sales tax revenue coming in than expected for the budget year that ended June 30. She ascribes the dip partly to the agriculture community’s “suffering” with low commodity prices and inability to get into the fields this spring. She also blames the weather for keeping us all from shopping and traveling as much as usual.

Governor Noem does not mention the suffering caused to the agriculture community by the Trump tariffs shutting off our agriculture community’s full access to global markets.

Governor Noem does not mention the damage done to our conference and tourism industry by her regressive political agenda, which prioritizes guns and uteral snooping over protection of real human rights.

Governor Noem does not mention the drag low wages place on South Dakotans’ purchasing power.

Governor Noem does not mention the “relative lack of highly educated labor” or the relatively slow GDP and employment growth that led 24/7 Wall Street to rank South Dakota’s economy 35th in the nation.

It seems Governor Noem wants to leave our fiscal flaccidity in the hands of an angry God whom her prayers appear not to impress. It would be nice to have a Governor who could face problems head on with an honest discussion of institutional root causes and frank advocacy of policy solutions.


  1. Debbo 2019-07-11 15:05

    You don’t seriously expect a GOPer to take responsibility for their deliberate screw ups and basic ineptitude, do you?!

    It would be really nice if South Dakotans could rely on their governor to address the problems plaguing the state in a constructive way that puts the residents first. When did that last occur? 30+ years ago? We know that now the welfare of the Kochs and their ilk are the SDGOP’s priority.

  2. Old Spec.5 2019-07-11 17:11

    One forgets that God is on the side of the SDGOP.

  3. Eve Fisher 2019-07-11 17:18

    The day Kristi Noem takes responsibility for anything that goes wrong is the day that pigs fly with cherub wings.

  4. cibvet 2019-07-11 18:00

    Maybe she didn’t pray hard enough on “prayer day” or maybe God doesn’t like her.

  5. Jenny 2019-07-11 18:03

    South Dakota’s anti-LGBT hate Bills that the right wing extremists try to pass every year hurt also. Twin Cities Pride and MPR Watch closely for those every year. If you want a really bad tax revenue year, vote hate in and let your tourism revenue Sink to historic lows with a nationwide South Dakotaboycott.🤣😉
    I know you’re reading this, Pierre.

  6. Tim 2019-07-12 07:01

    “It would be nice to have a Governor who could face problems head on with an honest discussion of institutional root causes and frank advocacy of policy solutions.”
    Noem, or any other republican for that matter, face problems or take responsibility for anything? Not likely in our lifetimes. Be ready for 8 years of this.

  7. mike from iowa 2019-07-12 11:59

    On a related farm note, yesterday a nearby neighbor rolled his tractor and was killed, less than 2 miles from me. All you folks engaged in farming have to be especially cautious while using any kind of equipment.

  8. Jeff Fossum 2019-07-13 15:14

    Trump’s tariffs affect far more citizens than just the farmer. My neighbor works in one of the pork plants in Sioux City. He tells me his hours are being severely cut back and he can’t support his family on what’s left. The reason given …..demand is down due to higher prices caused by tariffs. And my friend won’t receive any bailout. Think hard before you vote.

  9. Cory Allen Heidelberger Post author | 2019-07-14 06:09

    Farming is physically and economically dangerous work. Farmers don’t need Trump making it more dangerous.

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