Red Fox Maria Butina Accompanied NRA Honchos to 2015 Meeting with Russian Billionaire’s Gunmaker Wife
Published 2018-07-28 by
Cory Allen Heidelberger
A lot of chatter about accused Russian spy Maria Butina has likened her to Jennifer Lawrence’s titular Red Sparrow character. But that’s too easy a nickname. Let’s use a name Butina herself would endorse, something reflecting her nature as the sly hunter: Red Fox.
Maria Butina, VK post, 2016.03.11.Maria Butina, VK post, 2016.03.11.
Senior members of the National Rifle Association (NRA) met the wife of the Russian billionaire who allegedly gave financial support to a woman accused of being a secret agent for Moscow in the US.
The NRA members met Svetlana Nikolaeva, who is the head of a gun company that supplies sniper rifles to the Russian military and intelligence services, during a trip to Moscow during the 2016 election campaign [Jon Swaine, “Maria Butina: Ties Emerge Between NRA, Alleged Spy and Russian Billionaire,” UK Guardian, 2018.07.26].
Svetlana Nikolaeva, US Practical Shooting Association championship, photo by, 2012.
Accuracy, Power and Speed are measured to determine match winners and crown our National Champions. However, the Ladies Production title was determined not by points scored or time accrued, but by inches, specifically the inches below the waist that Svetlana Nikolaeva was wearing her belt.
Wearing a mini-skirt, Svetlana had positioned her belt in accordance with the IPSC rule-set that permits women competitors to wear the holster at the widest point of their hips, allowing them more convenient access to guns and magazines. But under USPSA rules the belt must be worn at ‘waist’ level in both Production and Single Stack Divisions.
Her unfamiliarity with this rule cost Svetlana the High Overall Lady award at the 2012 back to back Handgun Nationals. None of the other women shooting on the squad noticed the problem and neither did some of the RO’s, otherwise it could have been corrected before the first stage [“2012 USPSA Nationals,”, 2012, retrieved 2018.07.28].
Maria Butina and her alleged handler Alexander Torshin dig Orsis tech, too, as shown in Butina’s pix from the Orsis stand at a Moscow gun show in October 2013:
“At the Orsis stand at the Arms & Hunting exhibit, Moscow, Torshin with the new creation of our arms makers T-5000.” Maria Butina, Twitter pic from Moscow, 2013.10.14Maria Butina, FB pic, 2013.10.14.
Svetlana Nikolaeva enjoyed the December 2015 visit from David Clarke and fellow NRA poobahs so much that her company posted a promotional video about it (and it’s still up, as if the Russians want us to know about the NRA’s cahootsification, which is a much more enjoyable word than collusion). Nikolaeva didn’t give the NRA visitors sniper rifles to take home, but she did give them all ooh-aah commemorative Orsis watches (2:35), which beat the pants off the cheap baseball cap the NRA delegation gave Nikolaeva (0:59):
Svetlana Nikolaeva is in the blue blouse. And hey, at 0:30, who’s that Nikolaeva walks by in the conference room?
Maria Butina, David Clarke, David Keene, and others at meeting of NRA delegation with Orsis chief Svetlana Nikolaeva at Orsis HQ in Moscow, 2015.12.11, screen cap from Orsis video, posted 2016.01.20.Maria Butina and others at meeting of NRA delegation with Orsis chief Svetlana Nikolaeva at Orsis HQ in Moscow, 2015.12.11, screen cap from Orsis video, posted 2016.01.20.We have them in the palm of our hand… Maria Butina on the phone, meeting of NRA delegation with Orsis chief Svetlana Nikolaeva at Orsis HQ in Moscow, 2015.12.11, screen cap from Orsis video, posted 2016.01.20.
Right there in the thick of things, our Red Fox, Maria Butina, watching gun manufacturer Svetlana Nikolaeva, wife of Butina’s financial backer Konstantin Nikolaev, help NRA leaders learn to love Mother Russia.
Related Shopping:
If you like guns, I don’t think you’ll create any additional national security risk by checking out the Orsis 2017 catalog, English edition.
Whoever is posting to Butina’s Russian-language VK account on her behalf says a letter from Russia to Butina’s jail will cost about 50 rubles, or about 80 cents. Butina’s social media team have also posted her courtroom sketch:
Courtroom sketch of Maria Butina, posted to, 2018.07.27.
…and an aerial view of, apparently, the D.C. prison where she awaits a September hearing:
DC Central Detention Facility posted to Maria_Butina, 2018.07.27.
Hey, wait a minute: I’ve watched enough 1960s Mission: Impossible to know what we use aerial views of a heavily secured facility for. Of course, I don’t see any Xs marking Maria’s spot on that photo… perhaps because the Russians posted a photo of the wrong facility. The photo above shows the D.C. Central Detention Facility, which houses only male prisoners. D.C. DOC detains females at the Correctional Treatment Facility just to the southeast, a seemingly more pregnable building flanked west and south by the Congressional Cemetery and closer to a waiting getaway speedboat on the Anacostia River (good grief—the Red Fox spy novel writes itself).
Maria Butina VK post on jail conditions, 2017.07.27.
This Russian Embassy Facebook post says, “At our request, she was given a second blanket.” The post further reports that Butina has access to television in a common room (but what about a computer so she can read Dakota Free Press? Put in that request, Russian embassy!) but isn’t being allowed to go for walks outside as prison rules supposedly allow. Butina is also under “inconvenient” round-the-clock surveillance—”at night they switch on the lights every 15 minutes”—and there are problems with the food. (Wait: I thought they said Butina had no complaints—жалоб нет.)
Butina will soon be allowed telephone calls (podcast? podcast!?!). She asked the embassy staff to say to her parents for her and said that she’s determined to prove her innocence. She expressed the opinion (and I invite alternate translations) that, “ее преследуют за политические взгляды и «не тот цвет волос»“—“they are prosecuting her for political views and ‘the wrong hair color.'”
Hair color—that’s a coded reference to her spy name! Red Fox is still on the hunt! Find her sleeper cells!
The Russian Embassy says its next prison visit with Butina is set for Thursday, August 2
The gist of the story”
The similarities between Golos and the case against Butina are striking: They were both seeking to assist political movements they believed to be pro-Kremlin (the Communist Party of the 1930s; the pro-gun wing of the Republican Party of the 2010s). They were both backed by Kremlin money, diverted through cutouts (the Communist International, in the former instance; a couple of Russian oligarchs, allegedly, in the latter).”
The WaPo article is a good one. They’ve done a good job of digging into the whole Russpublican/NRA criminal and traitorous endeavor. I’d like to see them doing more research into SD, but the FBI probably will.
I could be wrong, but it looks to me like she’s actually a brunette under the red coloring.
Comrade Clark does indeed brag up the T-5000 that is known at the Delta Killer. It has the punch to penetrate American Kevlar like a hot knife going through butter. One helluva sniper rifle that is being used against us. Thanks to the sex kitten hooker that Comrade Dusty is so infatuated with, we all now know how proud the Russians are that they have bested us yet again, with a sniper rifle ranged at 1.24 miles. Pretty deadly and out of our effective range with what we have now. The 50 cal. is at 1.13 miles so the Russians could sit out in the open and fire effectively at Delta targets with no consequences.
Dang paywalls.
The gist of the story”
The similarities between Golos and the case against Butina are striking: They were both seeking to assist political movements they believed to be pro-Kremlin (the Communist Party of the 1930s; the pro-gun wing of the Republican Party of the 2010s). They were both backed by Kremlin money, diverted through cutouts (the Communist International, in the former instance; a couple of Russian oligarchs, allegedly, in the latter).”
Link for Golos:
Thank you, Professor. Interesting reading.
The WaPo article is a good one. They’ve done a good job of digging into the whole Russpublican/NRA criminal and traitorous endeavor. I’d like to see them doing more research into SD, but the FBI probably will.
I could be wrong, but it looks to me like she’s actually a brunette under the red coloring.
Comrade Clark does indeed brag up the T-5000 that is known at the Delta Killer. It has the punch to penetrate American Kevlar like a hot knife going through butter. One helluva sniper rifle that is being used against us. Thanks to the sex kitten hooker that Comrade Dusty is so infatuated with, we all now know how proud the Russians are that they have bested us yet again, with a sniper rifle ranged at 1.24 miles. Pretty deadly and out of our effective range with what we have now. The 50 cal. is at 1.13 miles so the Russians could sit out in the open and fire effectively at Delta targets with no consequences.
Keep Bribing, it is the NRA/R way. Winning
Well, Ror, red is a pretty commonly chosen color in Europe. I think every photo I’ve seen shows Butina in some shade of red.