Folks send us candidates all sorts of mail. Some of that mail is boring, like the “Buy More Robocalls!” flyers and the campaign newsletter on which…
Tag: water
Construction of the Dakota Access Pipeline is in full swing here in East River. The pipeline crosses Highway 19 just south of the Montrose corner. Saturday,…
Grassy buffer strips may rise to fight another day! Mike Jaspers, whom Governor Dennis Daugaard has appointed to replace Jaspers’s brother-in-law Lucas Lentsch as Secretary of Agriculture,…
The Minnesota Legislature wrapped up messily last week without getting much done. But they did pass the Working Lands Watershed Restoration Program to help control erosion and…
While our Congressional delegation fights the EPA’s efforts to regulate water pollution, while Rep. G. Mark Mickelson pins his gubernatorial hopes on deregulating feedlots, while a Canadian hog producer…
Three public officials face criminal charges for falsifying documents to certify Flint, Michigan’s water for public consumption and thus poison its residents for well over a year. But last…
The Senate advanced one bad bill for agriculture, the environment, and citizen participation last week; now the House has a chance to pass one good bill for agriculture, the environment,…
Rep. G. Mark Mickelson (R-13/Sioux Falls) wants more confined animal feeding operations (CAFOs), the mega-feedlots that South Dakota governors love and that city boys like himself…
The state Department of Environment and Natural Resources is taking public comment on its proposed revision of the General Water Pollution Control Permit for Concentrated…
It should be another exciting day at the state Water Management Board meeting today in Pierre. At 1 p.m., the board again takes up the application from the fundamentalist (read “polygamist”)…