I joined sixteen other South Dakotans who testified to the Legislature’s Initiative and Referendum Task Force yesterday. You can hear my comments at 74:00 in…
Tag: state legislature
The Government Accountability Task Force, which was created by Senate Bill 171 to study campaign finance and held its first meeting yesterday, shares the Secretary…
Hey! I may finally get to meet Lisa Furlong on Wednesday! The Legislature’s Initiative and Referendum Task Force meets this week Tuesday and Wednesday. While…
The last invitation to a megabuck (well, technically, kilobuck) fundraiser for Marty Jackley‘s gubernatorial campaign suggests one area of support where Jackley may, surprisingly, get…
The nonmeandered waters legislation passed in yesterday’s special session of the Legislature is so bad— —how bad is it?— —it’s so bad that the biggest…
I heard during the votes this afternoon that Senators Jenna Haggar Netherton and Deb Peters and Representatives Craig Tieszen and Lynne DiSanto are excused from…
The South Dakota Legislature meets in special session today in Pierre to deal with the issue of nonmeandered waters, the lakes over private lands that…
I keep hearing this word “compromise” to describe the nonmeandered waters* legislation for which the Governor is convening the Legislature in special session Monday. But the…
Legislators, assemble! Governor Dennis Daugaard has called a special session of the South Dakota Legislature on Monday, June 12 (that’s next week!) to discuss who…
The Legislature’s Initiative and Referendum Task Force will meet for two days week after next. Friends of democracy, clear your calendars for Day Two. On…