Good grief: we’re headed for a 2016 Legislative Session dedicated to the distraction of abortion politics. So signals new South Dakota Right to Life president and District 4…
Tag: state legislature
Governor Dennis Daugaard’s Blue Ribbon Task Force on Teachers and Students meets again next week Wednesday, September 9 out at the country club. After one more morning slideshow from…
The ratio of registered Republicans to registered Democrats in South Dakota is roughly 7 to 5. The ratio of Republicans to Democrats in the South Dakota…
Rookie Rep. Lana Greenfield (R-2/Doland) told Ken Santema two weeks ago that she sees an imbalance of power in Pierre that favors the executive branch: Going into her…
Wait a minute: Kevin Woster floats the possibility of Rapid City journalist and filmmaker Sam Hurst running for U.S. Senate, and Pat Powers derisively dismisses…
Technology giveth, and technology taketh away. The good news is that technological progress is allowing the Legislative Research Council to clear some shelves of old books and…
The South Dakota Dashboard reminds legislators that Pierre really is responsible for South Dakota’s lowest-in-the-nation teacher salaries. Processing Census data for FY 2013, the Dashboard reports that South Dakota’s K-12 per-pupil spending…
Get that legislator a shoe cam and a Subway sandwich…. An interim committee of the South Dakota Legislature met last Wednesday to rehash questions about…
Ethan Marsland lived up to his early press and announced his candidacy for District 33 House yesterday. Rather than waiting for South Dakota Public Broadcasting to shoot its Legislative…
I listened to most of the second meeting of the Blue Ribbon Task Force on Teachers and Students yesterday (you can too, as soon as…