Pastor Hickey can finally get off Bishop Zellmer’s back. Yesterday, 433 voting members at the annual assembly of the South Dakota Synod of the Evangelical Lutheran…
Tag: politics
Muhammad Ali died last night. The greatest 20th-century fighter, an athlete in a sport that most directly celebrates our lust for war, was a year and change younger…
Dana Ferguson reports that sixteen of South Dakota’s twenty Democratic legislators issued a statement yesterday endorsing Hillary Clinton for President. Not joining in this endorsement are Democrats Rep.…
My favorite campaign poster so far comes from Kelsey Collier-Wise, who is seeking a second term on the Vermillion City Council: This one picture may have finally…
Appalled by Senator John Thune’s endorsement of Trumpism? You have an alternative. Here’s candidate of conscience Jay Williams: By endorsing Trump, Thune has aligned himself…
I was going to advance the theory that, based on campaign finance reports, Rep. Patrick Kirschman is winning the fellas, while Dr. Reynold Nesiba is the ladies’ man. Former…
Interestingly, it’s not Pat Powers but Scott Ehrisman who suggests that Scott Heidepriem’s representation of the American Indian students suing Mid-Central Educational Cooperative over the GEAR UP scandal…
Ah, Republicans, standing for fiscal conservatism, gun rights, family values… and giving state flag thieves second chances: Senator Deb Peters (R-9/Hartford), one of Governor Daugaard’s primary…
Governor Dennis Daugaard says the Medicaid math works: Gov. Dennis Daugaard says he’s convinced South Dakota can expand Medicaid without adding to state spending, but now…
On the same day that Republican nominee Donald Trump calls the political press “the most dishonest people I’ve ever met” in order to distract from…