Among the provisions of the People Power Initiative (the ballot question I’m petitioning to repeal Republican restrictions on our initiative and referendum rights) is Section…
Tag: Legislative Research Council
…and Sports Betting a Progressive Tax? The Legislative Research Council doesn’t think sports betting in Deadwood will be a big moneymaker. In a fiscal note…
LRC to Present Issue Memos Monday on Wind Energy, Federal Ed Laws, and Neighboring State Tax Systems
The Executive Board of the South Dakota Legislature will hear three juicy Issue Memos at next week. The memos aren’t up yet, but the agenda…
On Tuesday I reported that the Legislative Research Council’s official fiscal impact statements on the four marijuana-related initiatives currently circulating showed far more costs for convictions under…
I smell something funny in the fiscal impact statements on the marijuana-related ballot measures currently being petitioned around South Dakota. The Legislative Research Council has…
Technology giveth, and technology taketh away. The good news is that technological progress is allowing the Legislative Research Council to clear some shelves of old books and…