Governor Kristi Noem is showing us that her commitment to transparency and openness is far thinner than tar sands oil. The public got its one…
Tag: Kristi Noem
The Senate voted 21–14 yesterday for House Bill 1191, the main hemp legalization bill in Pierre. Normally that would mean the bill is headed for…
In complete violation of her professed love of transparency, Governor Kristi Noem waits for more than a month after the deadline for submitting new bills…
Governor Kristi Noem’s high school civics test mandate, House Bill 1066, took an interesting turn Tuesday. After House Education whittled Noem’s sloppy bill down to…
Governor Kristi Noem’s primary and absolute promise at the beginning of this Legislative Session was, “We won’t raise taxes.” The following bills facing the Crossover…
Among the bills on the Senate’s Crossover Day agenda is Senate Bill 179, which sets the maximum tax levies for school boards and the target…
Kristi Noem has started off her governorship the way she ended her Congresswomanship: overseeing a deficit. The Legislative Research Council has issued reports on General…
Enjoying some time away from Pierre back in Washington, D.C., Governor Kristi Noem told Politico yesterday that the Trump tariffs have “devastated” South Dakota agriculture: “South Dakota…
When she was asking for our votes, Kristi Noem promised to “throw open the doors” of state government. But Wednesday, when Representative Kelly Sullivan (D-13/Sioux…
Governor Kristi Noem’s plan to require every student to take a civics test to graduate high school is still alive, but the House has watered…