You’d think all those hippie farmers in liberal California would rely more heavily on government to sustain their farms than the God-fearing capitalists cultivating South…
Tag: farm subsidies
Ah, so Trump was just buying farmers’ votes…. Economists recognized early on that the Trump Administration’s extra handouts to farmers far exceeded the actual damages…
Kristi Noem’s family continues to do its part to save South Dakota’s economy by claiming federal subsidies. According to, Racota Valley Ranch Partnership, the…
Jay T. Slaba of Ludlow, South Dakota, is one of five white farmers recruited by the conservative Wisconsin Institute for Law and Liberty suing to…
Who got covid checks? Kristi’s kin got covid checks! According to Open.SD.Gov, Racota Valley Ranch Partnership, the corporation that holds much of the Noem/Arnold family’s…
Money is tight, says Governor Kristi Noem in defense of her visionless budget. But the Governor’s kin are seeing no lack of government money, thanks…
The Environmental Working Group reports that since Trump began writing checks to make farmers forget about the harm his tariffs have done to them and…
72% of South Dakota farms have taken farm subsidy checks over the last 25 years. The biggest farm welfare payouts have gone to my Brown…
My local paper runs this odd little online poll asking “Is the second 2019 Market Facilitation Program payment large enough?” The poll widgeteer, Civic Science,…