Don’t count on recounts changing the Election Day results. Today’s case in point: South Dakota’s District 25 House race. In one of the few non-losing results for…
Tag: elections
In the “If you don’t vote, you can’t complain” department, Portland TV station KGW has found a fair number of folks arrested at anti-Trump protests in their fair…
As avid election watchers know, Brown County was the slowpoke this year, with a frayed belt on our vote-counting machine delaying the tabulation and announcement…
I biked down to the Brown County Courthouse to vote at 7:02 this morning. About 40 people were already in line front of me. County…
While Al Novstrup campaigns from inside a tin can, his party leaders are responding to Donald Trump’s winking threat to throw our democratic process into…
Donald Trump has uttered many statements over the last fifteen months that sounded like the words that would end his candidacy. Tonight we heard the ultimate…
Also Offers to Help Minor Parties Keep Official Status The South Dakota Board of Elections met yesterday to consider draft legislation that it may propose to the 2017…
You know that discussion we’re having about the wisdom of posting Bob Newland’s ballot (or anyone else’s) online? The Board of Elections appears to have read up to the…
So let me see if I have this straight. Senator John Thune, Governor Dennis Daugaard, and Lt. Gov. Matt Michels have all called for the man they…
Senator John Thune maintains his awkward embrace of Donald Trump by (a) avoiding comment on his candidate’s poor performance in Monday’s Presidential debate and (b) pretending…