Katherine Grandstrand goes to town on the new funding formula and finds that, while all 23 of the school districts in the Aberdeen American News coverage…
Tag: budget
Ken Santema says the teachers union and other education advocates should have focused as much attention on Senate Bill 131, the new K-12 funding formula, as they did…
South Dakota’s Fiscal Year 2015 Single Audit Report includes this breakdown of $2.33 billion federal dollars spent in the last budget year to promote the general…
The South Dakota Department of Education has posted a spreadsheet—click and download the “Accountability Calculator”—that will allow every school district to calculate how much new money…
The South Dakota Legislature wrapped up business Friday, casting its final votes for the Fiscal Year 2017 budget and leaving town before lunch. That final budget, Senate Bill…
Update 22:04 CDT: Numerous well-informed readers have pointed out that I misread the budget! My state aid to K-12 numbers from FY2006 through FY2016 include special…
South Dakota won’t get Medicaid expansion from this Legislative Session. We may not get Medicaid expansion this year. Governor Dennis Daugaard held a press conference…
The federal government has approved Governor Dennis Daugaard’s suggestion that Indian Health Service pick up the tab for American Indian patients who seek additional care at non-IHS…
Speaking of rich guys lying to us, Pat Powers trumpets his sponsors the Koch brothers’ latest video trying to keep South Dakota from saving lives and saving money by expanding…
Eager reader Joseph Nelson asks an interesting question: does Senator David Novstrup (R-3/Aberdeen) still get paid the $123 per diem for expenses for attending the Legislative Session…