Nick Lowrey’s new article on South Dakota’s increasing rate of death by liver disease is worth quoting just for his citations of transplant hepatology expert…
Tag: alcohol
The gambling interests in Deadwood have an initiated amendment in the hopper to legalize sports betting in Deadwood. They’ve had their Attorney General’s statement since…
Governor Noem should be less worried about getting kids off their X-Boxes and more worried about getting them off their beer: A new study says South…
As a demonstration of my ability to work across the oenophiles, I will speak this evening, 8 p.m., at Wine Wednesday at Brown County Democratic…
Drunk idiots are good for something. A drunk driver whose blood test showed a 0.289% blood alcohol content may have helped me make the case…
Today is the deadline for all Legislative committees to move bills to the House and Senate floors. Assuming a quorum made it back to Pierre…
House Taxation yesterday shot down the food tax repeal and both alcohol taxes that I reported on Tuesday. However, they did hoghouse the per-drink tax…
Thursday morning’s House Taxation hearing fields three tax bills of interest to eaters and drinkers. The Democratic caucus, rebuffed last week on its sensible call…
I abstain from alcohol, so, with aside from the giganto-mundo HB 1070 revision of hooch laws, I haven’t been blogging much about to the 23 bills…
One of the biggest pre-filed bills in the hopper is House Bill 1070, the Department of Revenue’s requested revision of our alcohol laws. 133 sections,…