One of the complaints against Senate Bill 136, the bipartisan grassy buffer strips bill that Governor Dennis Daugaard vetoed last spring, was that the bill…
Tag: 2016 SB 136
If you want the Governor to sign a bill, it can’t have a “D” in front of it. It has to have two Ds. Following signals…
Skunk Creek is less skunky, thanks to a joint city/state/federal effort to pay farmers to keep their cows out of the water during the best boating months:…
Folks send us candidates all sorts of mail. Some of that mail is boring, like the “Buy More Robocalls!” flyers and the campaign newsletter on which…
Grassy buffer strips may rise to fight another day! Mike Jaspers, whom Governor Dennis Daugaard has appointed to replace Jaspers’s brother-in-law Lucas Lentsch as Secretary of Agriculture,…
The Minnesota Legislature wrapped up messily last week without getting much done. But they did pass the Working Lands Watershed Restoration Program to help control erosion and…
Hey, Nick! Do you remember asking if we could submit briefs to the Supreme Court when the Governor asks for an advisory opinion? The answer appears…
What? Governor Dennis Daugaard has signed Senate Bill 159, the two-million-dollar giveaway of tax dollars to private schools via insurance companies, but he’s vetoed Senate Bill…
Alas! The Governor’s super power is not absolute! The South Dakota Supreme Court has told Governor Dennis Daugaard that it will not issue the advisory opinions he requested…
Governor Dennis Daugaard has asked the South Dakota Supreme Court to render advisory opinions on two bills awaiting his signature: Senate Bill 136, the tax…