Representative Dusty Johnson famously said last August that relieving student loan debt is a “slap in the face” to folks who pay off their student…
Dakota Free Press Posts
The United States Supreme Court yesterday rejected challenges to the Indian Child Welfare Act, which requires that states seizing American Indian children and putting them…
The dilatory period for public comment on the Attorney General’s title and explanation for Senator Brent Hoffman’s term-limits initiative produced a whopping two comments and…
Keeping things in the family, Governor Kristi Noem yesterday appointed her daughter Kennedy’s father-in-law Chris Frick to the state Transportation Commission: Chris Frick is from…
It didn’t take long for Austin Goss to recover from the political hit Kristi Noem and Dan Lederman put out on him last month. KSFY…
On May 2, the Minnehaha County Commission approved a new policy brought by new county auditor and longtime anti-abortion activist Leah Anderson banning First Amendment…
I just logged into PACER this morning and discovered that Judge Roberto Lange has ruled Minnehaha County’s new restrictions on petition circulation outside the county…
In a May 16 video on Youtube channel Our Road Less Traveled, produced by Alabama RVers Clay and Maria, Clay says “if you remove the…
Political marketing firm Kaplan Strategies says Governor Kristi Noem is the most well-liked politician in South Dakota. Kaplan’s dubious poll evidently did not include in…
Doctor and Congressman Raul Ruiz of California is proposing the Children’s Act for Responsible Employment and Farm Safety Act to extend labor safety protections to…