Bob Mercer reports that attendance at Department of Transportation public meetings has been declining. DOT officials think that’s a good sign: Attendance has dropped, acknowledged Mike…
Dakota Free Press Posts
Minnesota Governor Mark Dayton is not running for President (and that’s o.k.—we’ve got Bernie, and that’s plenty for me!). But it would be fun and…
Uh oh—my spin around the Hub City finds the end of the Moccasin Creek Trail at Melgaard Road all torn up: But wait: this is good news!…
Sorry, no SkepDakota videos! Opportunities for enriching one-on-one conversations arose, and I couldn’t pass that up. Three friends, six hours—entirely worth the journalistic sacrifice. Thank you, dear friends, for…
I report today from SkepDakota, a conference for freethinkers of various stripes in Sioux Falls. I hope to do some interviews with fellow atheists, agnostics,…
This isn’t just hipster irony, is it? In absurdly wonderful marketing news, the liberal Huffington Post that ought to give anti-Coastal South Dakotans heartburn labels South Dakota’s Queen…
An eager reader shares a post from Minneapolis high school language arts teacher Ben MacKenzie on how to attract more teachers to K-12 education: I believe…
Rookie Rep. Lana Greenfield (R-2/Doland) told Ken Santema two weeks ago that she sees an imbalance of power in Pierre that favors the executive branch: Going into her…
Here’s a bill Senators Thune and Rounds should work to change. Senate Appropriations has moved a funding bill that quadruples the length of the form that taxpayers…