More from economist Mark Thoma: a new paper from the Economic Policy Institute finds that workers are doing more and not getting paid for it. Over the…
Dakota Free Press Posts
Attorney General Marty Jackley yesterday released additional findings that attempt to exonerate the Brown County Jail of any responsibility for the death of inmate Sarah Lee Circle…
Hat tip to Mark Thoma, Economist’s View! Here’s another reason to sign the real 36%-rate-cap petition and help rein in predatory payday lenders… and a reason we might see another…
The ratio of registered Republicans to registered Democrats in South Dakota is roughly 7 to 5. The ratio of Republicans to Democrats in the South Dakota…
John Tsitrian is right: the South Dakota Demography Conference sounds like a blast! South Dakota Dashboard and the SDSU Rural Life and Census Data Center are hosting…
On Tuesday I reported that the Legislative Research Council’s official fiscal impact statements on the four marijuana-related initiatives currently circulating showed far more costs for convictions under…
Hey, Larry! Your wish for Democrats to embrace a pro-pot strategy may be inching toward fruition. Mark Winegar is hosting a D-Days Democratic Pig Roast in Vermillion…
In his speech at the A-TEC Academy ribbon-cutting yesterday in Aberdeen, Governor Dennis Daugaard uttered these vitally important words: The Future Fund was started by Governor…
Magistrate Judge Eric J. Strawn has acquitted Trace O’Connell of disorderly conduct. Rapid City had charged O’Connell for allegedly throwing beer and racial insults at American…