On Thursday, Angela Kennecke sought some legal perspective from Attorney General Marty Jackley on the allegedly illegal tactics of out-of-state petition circulators. A.G. Jackley was somewhat…
Dakota Free Press Posts
Petitioners collecting signatures for the fake 18% rate cap at SDSU yesterday appeared unable to give signers accurate information about the proposed constitutional amendment they are circulating. SDSU…
Update 2015.09.19 00:03 CDT: After I posted this article, Bob Mercer corrected his article to state that the Local 49 proposal is an initiated measure and not…
I agree with Pat Powers: at the moment when CNN’s Drew Griffin turns to convicted felon Annette Bosworth as an authoritative source, CNN’s investigation into Joel Arends’s questionable veterans’…
Let’s focus on one element of Deputy Secretary of State Kea Warne’s advisory e-mail to petition circulators, the law requiring petition circulators to witness each signature they…
In response to a flurry of questions and complaints arising this week over questionable activities by individuals and organizations promoting ballot initiatives, the Secretary of State’s office yesterday…
As far as I can tell, Lisa Furlong and her corps of fake 18% rate cap petitioners have established no public Web presence. But now that…
As Dakota War College continues to ignore the hot national story of its golden legal boy Joel Arends’s big-money connection with Archie Bunker in a suit—er,…
In discussing the Aberdeen City Council’s vote Monday to support “the establishment of an independent, nonpartisan redistricting commission,” I mentioned SDCL 12-27-20, which says we can’t spend tax dollars…
Jason Glodt appears to agree that association with the fake 18% rate cap petition is toxic to any reputable ballot initiative drive. The SDGOP operative responds…