Three South Dakotans died in a head-on crash a mile west of Mina on Highway 12 Saturday afternoon. Two of the three fatalities were wearing…
Dakota Free Press Posts
Let’s bully women and children: that’s the legislative agenda Rep. Fred Deutsch (4-Florence) is bringing to the 2016 Session. The SD Right to Life president has…
In this weekend’s signs of creeping fascism in America, Republican Presidential candidate Donald Trump says that a “Black Lives Matter” protestor who interrupted his speech yesterday in Birmingham, Alabama, was…
At the beginning of the week, Governor Dennis Daugaard offered a glimmer of hope for sanity from South Dakota Republicans on the question of living up…
KOTA reports that nine Rapid City agencies tracked 28 homeless residents and found they racked up $931,000 in costs for the city, county, and hospitals over one…
The Mitchell Daily Republic publishes the findings of its survey of local churches on gay marriage. Out of 35 churches contacted, only 22 responded. Nineteen said nope, they won’t perform…
Tucked in Jeff Sveen’s initial response the state’s lawsuit against SDRC Inc. is this one little sentence: As you are aware, the Consulting Agreement between SDRC, Inc.…
No word yet from the Secretary of State’s office on progress toward certifying either the real 36% payday loan rate cap petition or the fake, industry-smokescreen…
Following the remarkable one-man-two-vote rejection of a mayoral recall petition Tuesday night, two of Hartford’s six city councilmen have quit. Ryan Bortnem and Brad Bjergaard resigned from the city…
Sioux Falls lawyer and lobbyist Justin Smith is waging Twitter war on the Anti-Corruption Act proposed by Rick Weiland and Don Frankenfeld. Secretary of State…