Secretary of State Shantel Krebs has certified the first of eight initiative petitions submitted at the beginning of November. Yesterday Secretary Krebs said Jason Glodt’s petition for the so-called…
Dakota Free Press Posts
The Human Rights Campaign has released its 2015 Municipal Equality Index, a measure of how well city policies and ordinances respect the LGBT residents. Since I…
New Angus, the inheritors of EB-5 boondoggle Northern Beef Packers here in Aberdeen, is counting on global demand for the kosher and halal DemKota-branded meats they are starting…
The South Dakota Democratic Party may face organizational challenges, but the Republican Party nationwide faces demographics and death: The Republican Party—relying on a core base of support…
That Sioux Falls paper’s new political reporter decided to write a Sunday piece about the South Dakota Democratic Party. Dana Ferguson’s report included the following statements:…
In last night’s Democratic Presidential debate, Senator Bernie Sanders explained that the fear to which the Republicans are playing with fascist xenophobia really stems from economic anxiety created by…
…and gets contract amidst violation of open-meetings law. In my Friday report on Tom Oster’s Bollen-esque privatization of his public duty to help his employer, the Sioux…
Last week I discovered that Governor Dennis Daugaard has actually expanded South Dakota’s general fund expenditures faster than the national average and faster than his…
Ken Santema picks up South Dakota’s lone entry in the 2015 Wastebook, the project Arizona Senator Jeff Flake inherited from retired Oklahoma Senator Tom Coburn to spotlight…
I’m not sure how one stages a coup at a public university, but if there’s a way, the vacancy of three top executive positions seems to…