South Dakota’s Democratic legislators have responded to the Governor’s plan to raise teacher pay with their own critique and counterproposal. The South Dakota Democrats’ Comprehensive Report…
Dakota Free Press Posts
I wrote my open letter to Governor Dennis Daugaard yesterday suspecting that the Governor wouldn’t just advocate the Blue Ribbon K-12 panel’s plan to raise teacher pay. I thought he’d hold…
Chief Sideras must have a fire Friday—Sioux Falls Democratic Forum organizer Tom Cool tells me that the Sioux Falls fire chief will speak at a future…
House Majority Leader Brian Gosch (R-32/Rapid City) and Rep. Lee Schoenbeck (R-5/Watertown) are playing word games to hide their lack of political courage and avoid enacting the two…
Meanwhile, in local corporate welfare news, my city council is formalizing some handouts to big corporations. Ordinance 16-01-03 received a favorable first reading last night, with the six…
If Rep. Mark Mickelson were serious about tackling corruption, he’d look at his seatmates and say, “Hey, fellas, really?” Jonathan Ellis finds three Republican legislators—Senator R. Blake Curd…
Rep. Mark Mickelson (R-13/Sioux Falls) is feeling the GEAR UP heat. He must perceive enough rile-up among voters about corruption to move him to propose anti-corruption legislation. Having led…
Someone’s still looking out for North Sioux City’s stiffer gambling competition from across the river. Dakota Dunes Senator Dan Lederman tried and failed twice to get…
My corporate income tax proposal isn’t not even a full day old, and already, the South Dakota Legislature has before it a bill moving in my…
To the Honorable Governor Dennis Daugaard, Tomorrow you open the 2016 Session of the South Dakota Legislature with your traditional State of the State Address. In…