On August 17, 1858, in Lewistown, Illinois, Abraham Lincoln spoke on slavery, liberty, and his Senate campaign against Stephen Douglas for two and a half…
Category: national
Donald Trump is asking for authority to raise tariffs at will, in violation of the Constitution and World Trade Organization rules. His Administration has drafted…
Far from dying under the reckless Trump Administration, the Affordable Care Act is covering more Americans than when Trump took office: Some 10.6 million people were…
At Saturday’s human rights rally, my friend Joe Berns spoke stirringly and concisely about the need to teach children empathy so they will not dehumanize others…
The George W. Bush Presidential Center, whose progenitor knows a thing or 5.849 trillion about deficit spending, updates us on the current administration’s progress on…
The Iowa Supreme Court ruled today that Iowa’s 72-hour waiting period for abortions violates the due process and equal protection clauses of the Iowa Constitution.…
U.S. District Judge Dana Sabraw has ordered the United States federal government to stop its torture (yes, torture, torture) of children at the southern border and…
First Donald Trump said he wants to take our guns without due process. Now he says he wants to throw people out of the country…
In his speech to the South Dakota Democratic Convention last Friday, Attorney General nominee Randy Seiler spoke powerfully of holding an abused child’s hand, looking…