CDC data on breakthrough covid-19 infections show just how spectacularly well our coronavirus vaccines work. Even against the Delta variant, which did not exist when the vaccines were designed, the three vaccines used in the United States have all proven their ability to dramatically reduce infection and death:

Seat belts don’t guarantee you’ll crawl out of any car wreck alive and unscathed, but go without, and you’re twice as likely to get hurt or killed behind the wheel. Thus, we require motorists to buckle up—and vehicular injury and death isn’t even contagious.
Our swiftly developed and deployed coronavirus vaccines don’t guarantee that you’ll never get sick or die from coronavirus, but the folks going without the vaccine are twelve times more likely to catch—and thus spread—covid-19 and six times more likely to die from it.
Requiring coronavirus vaccines thus makes even more sense that requiring seat belts.
Peer reviewed study documents that long covid causes long term brain damage.
But then again, one has to ask whether covid deniers, anti-maskers, anti-vaxers, anti-vax mandaters do not already have long term brain damage?
AMEN on that, John!!!!
Unvaccinated MAGA’s are sacrificing their lives at a never before experienced level, in Colorado.
Our Governor Polis is on the verge of shutting down voluntary surgeries and calling in the Feds for assistance.
And, all this time we thought Republicans were against “assisted suicide”.
Fred Deutsch be damned, the MAGA’s are saying.
I officially became A Geezer last March, and if the (conflicting and confusing) articles I’ve read online mean anything, I shall become eligible for my Moderna booster around the middle of December this year. I’ve been masking since March 2020, and F*ck Yeah I’m going to demand it; I house a disabled veteran and twenty-six animals and I’m not gonna die because the Trump-Humpers in this wretched state think it’s patriotic to die from stupidity.
Jeez Bonnie you must be young, I get my moderna booster on the 10th of November. Since we are a nation full of fools, it’s going to be an annual event. It’s really a pity. Florida zoomed past New York in covid deaths and that was hard to do. Texas is about caught up with California and they have 10 million less people. North Dakota still has less death than South Dakota, but they had a freedom killing mandate for a few months that keep the deaths lower than all you freedom lovers in South Dakota. What’s a few hundred thousands deaths compared to the freedom of not having to wear a mask or get a vaccination. I mean really?
Unvaccinated MAGA’s are sacrificing their lives at a never before experienced level, in Colorado.
Yeah, Porter, who said stories about lemmings mass suicide were fake?
Yup, Mark. I’m a mere child. I was told by the Fall River Hospital to start calling before November 12 to schedule my booster shot.
MFI – I don’t understand their motivation but I’m not about to take the shovel, as long as they continue to dig their own graves.
You know Porter, maybe they have taken the endangered species act to heart and applied it to the virus.
grudznick continues to urge all who I come into close contact with to immunize thyselfs. Get the poking, I’m not joking.