Good morning, eager readers! I apologize for the mess you may have been seeing over the past 24 hours. I’m working on some technical upgrades, and sometimes details get lost in translation. Posts were still available yesterday, but a template glitch was piling sidebar and ad content on top and pushing blog content way below the fold. I think I’ve fixed that issue. If you notice other problems, please let me know via the Contact form.
I am seeing really slow load times—resolving that issue will take some heavier tinkering. I can only ask for your patience.
The changes are purely technical: I’m not changing content or format. I will continue to write about the problems I see here in South Dakota… like that our Department of Health will spend money to put a billboard up here in Aberdeen exhorting South Dakotans to “Ward Off West Nile,” a disease that has sickened and killed fewer South Dakotans in the last 20 years than coronavirus has afflicted in the last 12 months, yet hasn’t to my knowledge put up any “Get Your Covid Shots” billboards to protect public health.

More articles on South Dakota coming up… but first, tech upgrades!
We can’t put up vaccination billboards because that would go against right-wing orthodoxy.
I am glad it is only a snafu and not a new blogging format as I feared yesterday.