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American Leadership: President Biden Sending Coronavirus Vaccines Overseas

If you’re really a patriotic American, you’ll go get your coronavirus shot. But if you’re not, well, fine, you can support President Joe Biden’s patriotic expression of American values by sending 80 million doses of covid vaccine overseas to help our fellow humans:

The United States will send 80 million U.S. vaccines to help countries battling the pandemic by the end of June 2021. This equates to all of its manufactured 60 million AstraZeneca vaccine doses as soon as they are reviewed by the FDA, as well as at least another 20 million doses of vaccines that are authorized for use in the United States. We will continue to donate from our excess supply as that supply is delivered to us.

As President Biden said, just as, in World War II, America was the arsenal of democracy – in this battle against COVID-19 pandemic, our nation will be the arsenal of vaccines [White House fact sheet, 2021.05.17].

We help ourselves by helping others. That sounds a lot better than “Call me when you’re an American.”

Get your shots, and support the rest of the world getting their shots.


  1. Donald Pay

    Well, “leadership” might not be the right word. The US is far, far behind other countries in donated doses, both in numbers and in timing. China and the EU far exceed our measly 80 million donated doses, and they did it earlier. We got shamed into donating. Still, better late than never.

  2. Wayne

    Donald Pay and I are in agreement on this one.

    But note there’s added layers to this onion. Astra Zeneca’s vaccine isn’t authorized for emergency use in the USA, so donating those doses doesn’t impact America one iota. The other 20mm doses, I would speculate, are the J&J vaccine which is easier to store and logistically better for distribution.

    But the ultimate reason we can donate vaccines, I suspect, is because those Americans who have wanted to be vaccinated have done so, and we’re struggling to inoculate the remaining population, leading to excess capacity. If we were still clamoring for vaccines, I suspect the FDA would get Astra Zeneca approved and we’d be getting more shots in arms.

  3. The pubs don’t want their shots, they are really trying to get their inheritance early, but apart from that at least the vast majority of people getting sick are idiots. The entire world needs to beat this so we need to help and we could make the idiots feel good by sending their personal shot overseas. I know its a con but they are used to that.

  4. grudznick

    grudznick wants his shots, Mr. Anderson.
    grudznick got his shots.
    grudznick was among the first fully immunized, and I am thankful I did not hack and cough at others because I care about them.

  5. Jake

    Grudz-like most GOP grifters-you’re one of the first hogs squealing to the trough of the socialist shot, eh?!!!

  6. grudznick

    Mr. Jake, are you saying it was wrong of me to get my shots? That flies in the face of the libbie stance.

    plus, now the government has my DNA and I have their nanobots and it could transform me into an even more lovable moderate, eh?

  7. Nick Nemec

    grudznick might actually be a Republican with a glimmer of a social conscience. Unlike many of his party members he is less likely to believe the conspiracy theory anti-science wing of the party over the cliff. This science believing Democrat is glad he has his shot and wishes he could convince more of the GOP party faithful fo do the same.

  8. Dicta

    I’m with Nick. Rather than trashing the guy for behavior you want the more lunatic members of the GOP to imitate, maybe you should encourage it. If your entire stance is getting anti-vaxxers to vax and then trashing anyone who does so, you are gonna drive some of them away. Knock it off.

  9. cibvet

    Exactly why should gruz get favorable reviews for getting vaccinated? It is a choice and its Free!! That alone should be enough for people like gruz to step up to the pay window. I personally could care less if people get the vax anymore that I care if they get sick and die. The vax is there, let people choose wisely, those that don’t, they made their choice.

  10. cibvet

    Not sure of who proposed this quote, it is something to l always remember..
    “I pity those who lack information, therefore are ignorant,
    I fear those who have information, yet choose to be ignorant.”

  11. Dicta

    He shouldnt get cheers, but he shouldnt be trashed for being vaccinated, which is what is happening. Nuance is hard.

  12. Hey Grudz isn’t wrong on this one, everyone should get their shots. I’m sure I could have a beer with Grudz, a strong one of course and it would be fine. He wouldn’t become a progressive or even a liberal but we would just talk sports or movies the anesthetics of life in other words.

  13. happy camper

    He’s no hero, he promised during his campaign he would share the recipe worldwide. He has the authority, we gave big pharma the research and money, but now they don’t want to share. That’s worldwide genocide, many countires still only have 1% of their people vaccinated. Bill Gates said no, Merkel said no, this is about money and control and probably big pharma knowing they can make billions and billions off the boosters as this thing mutates. When the crisis started factories could have been built around the world in preparation and staff trained in exacting procedures, but no, big pharma claims the expertise couldn’t be taught. B.S. Now we’re finding out it’s more likely a lab mutation from gain of function research which would have changed our approach and view of China. Fauci gave money to the Wuhan lab he’s splitting hairs over the gain of function definition, but it was again a huge media fail to not fully investigage the possibility. China cannot be trusted, officially three million have died so far, but the true number is much higher. Bill Gates has way too much control over world health policy, he’s an idealogue about intellectual property rights, big pharma only cares about the money.

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