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Pence Staff Catch Coronavirus; VP Ignores CDC Quarantine Guidance for Close Contacts

CDC guidelines tell us to quarantine for fourteen days after close contact with someone who tests positive for coronavirus.

In the past few days, at least five of Vice-President Mike Pence’s staff, including his chief of staff and his body man, have tested positive for coronavirus. But Pence is not quarantining. He is coming to shout at a campaign rally in Hibbing, Minnesota:

Vice President Mike Pence will lead a rally on Minnesota’s Iron Range today, as Republicans continue in their quest to capture key states in the Midwest.

The Trump campaign announced that Pence will touch down in Hibbing at 1 p.m. to deliver remarks at Range Regional Airport. The event, called the Make American Great Again! Victory Rally, is general admission, with doors opening at 11 a.m.

Campaign officials say everyone attending will be given a temperature check, access to sanitizer and a mask, which all will be instructed to wear [Kristin Hergert, “Vice President Pence Campaigns in Minnesota Today After Five Staffers Test Positive for Covid-19,” KELO Radio, 2020.10.26].

After that, Pence is presiding over the Senate today for a non-essential vote. Even the conservative National Review says Pence’s taking up the gavel this evening is irresponsible:

Presiding over the vote obviously would make the vice president feel good, and the photo of the moment could come in handy in 2024, but Pence’s presence is not necessary. There are 52 senators who intend to vote for Barrett and 48 senators who intend to vote against Barrett. It would take the absences of four Republican senators who support Barrett to make a tie-breaking vote by Pence necessary.

…Pence has been testing negative on a daily basis over the weekend, but it’s not clear how effective tests are at detecting infections before the onset of symptoms. Why take the risk sitting in a windowless room with a bunch of senators who are in their 70s and 80s? As the presiding officer of the Senate, Pence would be sitting fairly far away from senators, but floor staff would be in closer proximity.

…Outdoor campaign events may be ill advised because there are still staffers who have to travel with Pence, but it’s even harder to justify a totally unnecessary appearance at the Senate on Monday [John McCormack, “The Barrett Vote: There’s Not a Good Reason for Pence to Preside over It,” National Review, 2020.10.25].

On Sunday, Donald Trump’s chief of staff, Mark Meadows, said “We’re not going to control the pandemic.” Vice-President Pence’s selfish behavior makes that clear… and makes clear that we need to elect new leadership that will take the simple, responsible measures laid out by the CDC to prevent the spread of coronavirus.


  1. o

    Welcome to the new GOP: campaigning is essential; governing is not.

  2. And Mike, a responsible administration wouldn’t be quibbling about technicalities of federal rules; they’d look at good public health guidance and say, “Dang: Pence has had multiple close contacts. Pence will stay away from others for a while.”

  3. Robin Friday

    Sad. . .but if anyone deserves it. . .what a bunch of idiot hypocrites.

  4. Debbo

    The crucial question is, what did Mother tell him?

  5. Debbo

    Prissy Pency is wasting his time in Minnesota. Joe’s lead keeps increasing; Demented Donny is done. Most of Minnesota and even most of the Iron Range does not want him here.

    The last Demented Donny rally here they promised to follow all the C-19 rules. They didn’t. Surprise. Another trump/GOP lie. Won’t be surprised to see the same this time.

  6. leslie

    Pence is confidant-he wants badly to be president banking on Trump cratering. Imo. BUT WE must win. Hopefully in a landslide. And then that work begins.

    AND Look what we are uncovering in the process:

    The New York Times
    The New York City Board of Elections is staffed almost entirely by relatives and friends of political leaders, even the computer programmers. More than a dozen current and former employees said that ineptitude is common and accountability is rare.

    State Senator Liz Krueger said her own experience with the board 20 years ago makes her wary. She narrowly lost a 2000 race to a Republican leader. Months later, workers found hundreds of ballots in a Board of Elections air conditioning duct, she said.

  7. mike from iowa

    drumpf’s body count hit 2 new milestones yesterday and today it should easily surpass the 9 million cases milestone.

    United States
    Coronavirus Cases:

    Whole lotta hoax going on.

  8. Debbo

    To no one’s surprise, Prissy Pency and his idiot gang completely ignored Minnesota’s guidelines for gatherings for his little political farce.

    I so deeply loathe him and the rest of Inbred Idiot’s deministration.

  9. Debbo

    Speaking of elections in Minnesota, this happened:

    “I’m holding Atlas Aegis to account for their misstatements about recruiting security for polling places in Minnesota that potentially frightened Minnesota voters,” [Minnesota Attorney General Keith] Ellison said in a statement. “They won’t be doing it again and will not be anywhere in Minnesota before, during, or after Election Day.”

    Another GOP scam that FAILED!

  10. Debbo

    This is how much respect Nauseating Nimrod has for US citizens, including his own voters. In September he had a campaign event in Duluth at the airport. Minnesota has rules about gatherings including spacing, masks, number allowed, etc. The Duluth Airport Authority was concerned about a superspreader event, so they kept after the campaign about Minnesota’s rules.

    “In the days preceding the rally, local officials had reportedly pressed the campaign to please be cool about this and limit the amount of folks allowed onto the tarmac. In response, according to the Post, the campaign signed a pledge to follow Minnesota’s state guidelines, including limiting attendance to 250 people.” no paywall

    2500-3000 attended.

    Liar-in-Chief’s word, verbal or written, is simply not worth squat. He is 100% untrustworthy. Not incoincidentally, Minnesota is struggling with rising numbers of C-19 cases now. 🤬🤬🤬

  11. Jenny

    Keith Ellison has our back here in MN. He is always hard at work for the people instead of killing them like SDs AG.

  12. grudznick

    It’s OK, Mr. H, I am pretty sure Mr. Trump will be lamed out here next week about this time so you can get your glee on and your hate off.

    I still urge everyone to vote for Jo Jorgensen and Spike Cohen. They are the real deal, and not one of the Old Men, Insaner, Sleepier, and More Confused Than Most.

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