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Time to Fix America’s Greatest Mistake

Good morning from Trumpistan, where a once free people now live under the lies, racism, and creeping martial law of an unhinged autocrat:

Treat this year’s election as do-or-die for American democracy. Use this year’s election to fix America’s greatest mistake; we may not get another chance.


  1. marvin kammerer

    i would encourage all to read laurence britt’s ” EARLY WARNING SIGNS OF FASCISM”. i have a copy of it on the inside of my bathroom door. where people will damned sure will read it.

  2. marvin kammerer

    I got someone to enlarge it & also have an enlarged copy of it in our basement where i have pictures of our kids engaged in various parts off rodeo & other parts of my interest.

  3. Reading Encouragement Dep’t: Timothy Snyder’s “On Tyranny.”
    Written in 2017, but even mor appropriate for today.
    Last nite Rachel Maddow (aka in my house as “the other woman”) interviewed him and said that she’d bought and sent out 30 copies to others. I bought six copies last month and sent out five … and one of the recipients did the same !!

  4. Wade Brandis

    The possibility is still there for Trump to get another four years. When he leaves after that, how is the next President going to fix democracy? What steps would it take?

    I still think we could have a chance to fix democracy if we do get another four years of Trump, but recovery would take years or even decades. People’s trust of the government will take longer to fix.

  5. Debbo

    Definitely the greatest electoral mistake of my lifetime.

    The greatest political mistake overall is perhaps Citizens United. It’s enabled most of the rest.

  6. leslie

    Obama’s AG-Civil Rts Vanita Gupta talks in detail of the boldness needed to repair the damage. See recent Slate AMICUS, or Foreign Policy First Sense podcasts.

  7. John

    “”It Was All A Lie,” the forthcoming book by disillusioned Republican ad-maker Stuart Stevens. He casts Trump as not an aberration but rather the culmination of decades-long evolution within the GOP. Having advised four Republican presidential nominees and dozens of winning Senate and gubernatorial campaigns, Stevens blends diagnosis of the party’s ills with confession for having fostered them. . . . “

  8. jerry

    Chengdu Consulate closes in China. Big deal right, just another place we know absolutely nothing about, but we should.

    “The staff of the United States consulate in Chengdu are making final efforts to clear the premises as security remains tight outside in the face of Monday’s closure ordered by Beijing as China-US relations continue to worsen.”

    Why is this place that seems so unimportant so important to South Dakota and the rest of the ag producers in this country.

    Keep voting for the fools that took you to this dance, even when they step on your toes, that’ll own those libs.

  9. leslie

    “Trump as not an aberration but rather the culmination of decades-long evolution within the GOP. ”

    Yup. But he is one mentally ill puppe(t)y. Seven recent calls with Putin. Hmmmm

  10. leslie

    Slate’s Amicus podcast @23:00 “Race, Police and the Law” 6.06.20

  11. jerry

    republican Tom Cotton on slavery. So then, it’s long past time for reparations. Blacks built this country from the bottom up and did it for free. They should be paid and respected for the job they did.

    “The Arkansas Republican senator Tom Cotton has called the enslavement of millions of African people “the necessary evil upon which the union was built”.

    Cotton, widely seen as a possible presidential candidate in 2024, made the comment in an interview with the Arkansas Democrat-Gazette published on Sunday.”

    The only way to fix America is to stop electing these dangerous racists.

  12. Debbo

    “the necessary evil”? What a sick SOB. This country could have been built more wonderfully with free labor. There was nothing “necessary” about slavery. Cotton is just trying to make excuses, but he’s failing miserably. Disgusting racist indeed.

  13. jerry

    Sad, wanna see trumps border wall being blown down by Hurricane Hanna?

    Don’t forget EB5 Short Rounds supported this to the max with billions of our taxpayer dollars. I guess gwaaad doesn’t want that stinkin wall.

  14. Debbo

    It’s just so perfectly apropos, don’t you think? Bungling Builder’s entire deministration is so massively incompetent, except for a few evil acts that Stephen Goebbels Miller excels at. Yet that incompetence has caused enormous suffering. The dirty SOB and his entire cabal must go in November.

    From the White House directly to the Jail House!

  15. jerry

    Typical republican trash now says he didn’t say what he said.

    “The office of Sen. Tom Cotton (R-AR) pushed back on the backlash that ensued upon the publication of his interview with the Arkansas Democrat Gazette, which included a remark citing the Founding Fathers’ argument that slavery was a “necessary evil” in the country’s history, in a statement to TPM on Sunday. Cotton’s remark came as he aired his grievances over a school curriculum based on the New York Times’ “1619 Project” initiative.

    On Friday, Cotton introduced legislation that would prohibit federal tax dollars going toward school curriculums based on the NYT’s initiative, which seeks “to reframe American history” by highlighting how the first slave ship arrived on America’s shores in 1619 and therefore that year should be recognized “as our nation’s birth year.””

    Sad to see where this country is currently heading, but funny as hell watching it blow itself up. Sometimes you have to destroy the village to save the village. Charlie is in the wire and its TET, on top of that, we’re running out of ammo. Hope we can hang on until January.

  16. leslie

    This takes some thought:

    Steven J. Harper
    Trump on Ghislaine Maxwell after her SDNY indictment: “I wish her well.”
    Just a thought.
    Quote Tweet

    Andrew Weissmann
    · 13h
    Barr testifies Tuesday. Topic 2: Ridding of US Attorneys Why remove Geoffrey Berman (SDNY) and Jessie Liu (DC) precipitously? Why not let them serve until arrival of a Senate-confirmed replacement, as is customary? In DC, we know it was all about Stone/Flynn; but SDNY?

  17. Debbo

    Good pics. Thanks Mike.

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