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Buttigieg Misfires on Trump/Biden Nostalgia Analogy

I’m not doing the Democratic primary yet. Really, I’m not.

But Mayor Pete Buttigieg, whom I really like, said something at the California Democratic Party convention this past weekend that I want to rebut:

Speaking later in the day, Buttigieg made a similar pitch that, without mentioning Biden directly, sounded an awful lot like an argument against a long-time United States Senator and Vice President who’s running on the idea of restoring the Obama administration’s legacy. “In these times, Democrats can no more promise to take us back to the 2000s or 1990s than conservatives can take us back to the 1950s,” he said. “[Trump] wins if we look too much like Washington. He wins if we look like more of the same.”

“The riskiest thing we could do is try to play it safe,” Buttigieg said [Scott Detrow, “Democratic Candidates Descend on California and Offer a Preview of Fights to Come,” KUNR, 2019.06.02].

I understand the point Buttigieg and other next-generation candidates are making: it’s time to change the guard. Relative newcomers must say such things to convince new voters to jump in and choose them over people with far more extensive résumés.

But the analogy to the Trumpist conservative nostalgia pitch is incorrect. I don’t hear Joe Biden or any other major Democrat proposing that America go back to any bygone era. In policy terms, Biden and all of the Democrats are advocating a constantly renewed and improved America, with policies that expand liberty and opportunity to more Americans than ever before. Democrats like Biden may not advocate as bold progress as some others, but we all advocate progress.

Trump conservatives want the opposite of progress. They don’t just want to re-elect people from the Eisenhower Administration or the Eisenhower Congress; they want to repeal decades of progressive laws, strip women of abortion rights, strip minorities of voting rights, strip workers of labor rights, and ignore all of the major new challenges of the 21st century.

Sure, Biden was in Congress in the 1990s. But he won’t govern like it’s still the 1990s. No Democrat will labor under that fantasy. Trumpublicans are all about fantasy, about putting June back in the kitchen and restoring Ward’s white patriarchy.

That said, I think a Biden/Buttigieg ticket would be awesome.


  1. This is a fantastical bit of rhetoric.

    “.. they want to repeal decades of progressive laws, strip women of abortion rights, strip minorities of voting rights, strip workers of labor rights, and ignore all of the major new challenges of the 21st century.”

    Next, the orange man loving drumpfers will want women to give birth, breast feed, and nurture the children. Abortion rights are in conflict not with Trumplicans, but with human rights of unborn babies. If not conception, when? Warning to the abortion as birth control crowd: this argument wins itself. “All the new challenges”?! Beware, only a Sith speaks in absolutes.

    “Trumpublicans are all about fantasy, about putting June back in the kitchen and restoring Ward’s white patriarchy.”

    Many people still don’t realize that IBM made millions from the Holocaust and still today is considered a wildly successful company. In the future, many people still won’t believe that the chemical feminization of men was a sophisticated bio-weaponized attack on Western values. I know, I know .. “conspiracy theorist this, tin foil hat that.” My response to them is that 6 million Jews were actually vaporized in ovens by the same type of people who are pushing the non-biological agenda (nth wave feminism). I’m all for mother Earth.

    Here is what I believe is the fact of the matter. The new economy is coming. It’s a matter of who gets to usher it in .. do you want a detail oriented builder, or a tool for the global establishment that will rip our country apart.

    If June wants to be in the kitchen, I say let her!

  2. Certain Inflatable Recreational Devices

    Biden needs to grovel and beg forgiveness from us for his horrible laws that tore the communities of color into shreds with stupid “drug” laws. He needs to beg us to gorgive his stance on capital punishment. He needs to beg Anita Hills forgiveness for the way he treated her. He needs to beg our forgiveness for handing us Clarence Thomas.

  3. Certain Inflatable Recreational Devices

    John Dale, you are an insufferable turd. Clumps of cells in wombs have only the rights the surrounding shelter wants to give them. If there’s a “soul” in that clump, let the soulman reassign it if she wants to.

    Your offering that “6 million Jews were actually vaporized in ovens by the same type of people who are pushing the non-biological agenda (nth wave feminism)” is absolute untranslatable garble.

    The stuff below that in your post is meaningless, as well.

  4. Donald Pay

    My rule for the primary is to not vote for anyone who has had more than fifteen prostate exams. That leaves out Biden and Bernie. It leaves Hickenlooper and me out, too.

  5. Edwin Arndt

    I take that Elizabeth Warren passes muster?
    (Couldn’t resist).

  6. Certain Inflatable Recreational Devices

    I’ve only had one, recently, that is, prostae exam, that is. Elect me!

  7. Debbo

    Elizabeth Warren is the only one of the 60+ group I’ll consider. Otherwise, us Boomers need to get out of the way for the next generation.

    My choice there is mostly undecided, but I’m leaning towards Kamala Harris. She’s been more effective than anyone else in the hearings on Capitol Hill. She’s probably the smartest of the current candidates and a really incisive thinker.

    At the present time I’d go with a Warren/Harris team, to be followed by a Harris/Klobuchar.

    Both Warren and Harris are completely unafraid to roll lots of heads. I believe they’ll roll heads like boche balls, including lots and lots of GOP and Big Donor skulls. They’d go after ’em.

    I don’t trust Biden. He’s still doing his “touchy, feel ’em up” stuff. He never apologized to Anita Hill or really or directly apologized for feeling up women. He tried to pass it off as a generational thing and joke about it.

    I don’t think he’s smart enough or feminist enough. Oh, he’s much smarter than all the GOP presidents since Eisenhower, except maybe GHWB, but the rest are a limbo low bar.

    No. Don’t trust Biden.

  8. grudznick

    grudznick has given Bob his one and only prostrate exam, and I can tell you it was an amazing experience. And I can put my full support behind Bob.

  9. Roger Cornelius

    Anybody but Trump in 2020, I mean that.
    Democrats are going up against a president that doesn’t know how to govern and knows even less about policy. This is what our candidate needs to run against.
    Trump has done so much damage to our democracy that we need a candidate to undo that damage and at the same time create a new path for the future.

  10. Donald Pay

    Debbo best encapsulates what I want in a President: “I believe they’ll roll heads like boche balls….”

  11. Edwin Arndt

    Just as a point of interest, old men in politics is not peculiar
    to the 21 century. Konrad Adenauer was running Germany
    when he was in his 80’s. Georges Clemenceau was leading
    France at age 77 during world war one. William Gladstone
    was Prime Minister of England four times during the 1800’s
    and formed his last government at age 82. People will not stand
    aside simply because they are old.

    I’ve nothing against younger presidents. Off the top of my head
    I can think of four who assumed the presidency in their forty’s;
    Teddy Roosevelt, John Kennedy, Bill Clinton, and Barack Obama.
    There may be others.

    Debbo, I’m not arguing here, but which heads would you like to
    see roll? Trump has rolled lots of heads, mostly people he hired.
    It seems that in government it’s hard to accomplish exactly what
    you hope to accomplish because, sadly, politics triumphs over
    common sense more often than not.

  12. Debbo

    Just to clarify Edwin, I’m a Boomer, 66 yo, right in the middle of the generation.

    The heads I was referring to are the criminals and traitors, the ones who conspired with Pootie, who accepted bribes from voting machine makers to give them the contract for machines in their state in return for the machine being rigged in their favor (Chinless Wonder McTurtle) , the ones who committed tax fraud, accepted bribes in return for various sweetheart deals, Big businesses that colluded with Wilted Weenie to rip us off, just about everyone who is or was connected to Wilted Weenie’s Weenie’s deministration,………..

    In other words, not political enemies just because they are that, but the real crooks, elected, appointed or not in government.

  13. Roger Cornelius

    The fallout from the Mueller Report continues, today George Nader Trump campaign insider was arrested for having child porn.
    Nader had a rather large cache of child porn on two cell phones.
    This was actually a yearlong investigation.
    It is probably safe to say that this is one of many of the “boche balls” that Debbo would like to see roll.

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