The Sioux Falls Democratic Forum (a proud sponsor of this blog!) is throwing a party for Jim Abourezk next week Wednesday, May 29, at the El Riad Shrine downtown. Here’s the invite for all friends of Abourezk and democracy:
Abourezk’s 1989 memoir, Advise and Dissent.
Please join us next Wednesday, May 29, from 6:00 to 9:00 p.m., for an evening celebrating the public service of former U.S. Senator Jim Abourezk.
The event will take place at the El Riad Shrine Building at 510 S. Phillips Avenue in Sioux Falls, and will feature a meal, drinks, and plenty of stories about Sen. Abourezk from former colleagues and staff.
The cost to attend is $35; all proceeds will go to support candidates in 2020. You can purchase your tickets from the Sioux Falls Democratic Forum at the door or by sending a check to:
“El Raid” Shrine. Do they spray ants there?
(I know. That was pathetically weak. I take it back.)
Best wishes to Jim and Charlie.
Oops! My bad! Thanks, Debbo, for bringing better eyes to the page than I can this week. :-)