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Cain Can’t Afford to Serve on Fed; Can Moore Bear Working with Women?

A couple weeks ago, Herman Cain said he wouldn’t withdraw from consideration for the Federal Reserve Board. Luckily, he’s changed his mind. We’ve been spared Herman Cain’s chaos on the Federal Reserve, claims Cain, by his own financial self-interest:

In a blog post on conservative news site the Western Journal, Cain wrote that he had spent the weekend reconsidering his interest in a nomination.

“Without getting too specific about how big a pay cut this would be, let’s just say I’m pretty confident that if your boss told you to take a similar pay cut, you’d tell him where to go,” Cain wrote.

Salaries of board members are set annually by Congress. For 2019, Cain would have received a yearly salary of $183,100. The Fed chair and the vice chairman are paid $203,500 [Donna Borak, “Herman Cain Says He Dropped out of Fed Running Because of the Pay Cut,” CNN: Politics, 2019.04.22].

Now if we can just convince Trump’s other sycophant pick, Stephen Moore, to keep his corporate-fascism away from the Fed. Maybe if we remind him that the Federal Reserve Board includes women, he’ll run back to his man-cave:

Criticism of Stephen Moore, one of President Trump’s nominees for the Federal Reserve Board, is increasingly focusing on Moore’s attitudes about women. One column he wrote (and which he now says should be viewed simply as humor) appeared in National Review in 2002 and criticized the role of women in college athletics. “This year they allowed a woman [to] ref a men’s NCAA game. Liberals celebrate this breakthrough as a triumph for gender equity. The NCAA has been touting this as [an] example of how progressive they are. I see it as an obscenity. Is there no area in life where men can take vacation from women? What’s next? Women invited to bachelor parties? Women in combat? (Oh yeah, they’ve done that already.) Why can’t women ref [the] women’s games and men the men’s games. I can’t wait to see the first lady ref have a run in with Bobby Knight” [Scott Jaschik, “Trump Nominee’s Views on Women in College Sports,” Inside Higher Ed, 2019.04.23].

Doesn’t like democracy, doesn’t like women… Stephen Moore seems to represent a very narrow constituency. That’s not exactly someone I want making montary policy for an entire nation.


  1. jerry

    Sentencing guidelines for Butina would indicate that Moore could indeed work with her and had close associates that actually did.

    This with a very good picture of her with David Keene, president of the NRA. What a tangled web for Russia and South Dakota.

  2. Porter Lansing

    @Jerry. Good article from DailyKos. Isn’t it ironic that Butina found Dusty and the weakest reporting laws for money laundering in USA, all in “the little state that won’t”?
    “Her purpose wasn’t to rifle the files of the NRA for damaging information. It was to find those people in the Republican Party so desperate for power that they would eagerly reach out to Moscow as a means of keeping or extending that power. And she found many.”
    Have you ever in the last 15 years heard less from the NRA? They were “ridin’ dirty” and blew all four tires.

  3. Certain Inflatable Recreational Devices

    The women are still reffing. Knight’s all gone. To the relief of humanity.

  4. Remember: “Only the BEST people.”Most of the nominees are lizards …….. just sayin’

  5. Debbo

    Retrograde Racist really knows how to pick them. He’s got racists already, antisemites, misogynists, Nazis, child traffickers, etc.

    The trafficker is Betsy Devoid of All Humanity, of course. Babies in cages. Ripping screaming children from the arms of parents LEGALLY applying for asylum, locking them in cages, doesn’t keep track of the children, deports the parents, and then pays $750 PER CHILD PER DAY (which should buy a luxury hotel suite for each child) to Bethany Christian Services, an “adoption” (child trafficking) agency OWNED BY BETSY DeVOS, who reaps those billions from Trump and then charges again to adoptive parents who are literally BUYING STOLEN BABIES from the Trump/DeVos child trafficking ring.

    There must be some ultra scummy types Retrograde Racist is omitting. I’m sure he’ll fill those holes soon.

  6. jerry

    Moore follows the same screed as other closeted males around the world, that fear women. These folks hate immigration as well, but their common stock, may well be anti-feminism. The more white wing you get, the more you see the fear that men have for women.

    “MADRID—On a recent Sunday, a compact huddle of about 100 principally middle-aged men and women slowly advanced onto Puerta del Sol square here in the Spanish capital. A canopy of pale pink and blue balloons swayed above them like a roving baby shower, the theme song from Pirates of the Caribbean blaring from speakers nearby. A man carrying a megaphone led a chant, “Feminism doesn’t represent me.””

    This white wing nationalist party is not ashamed to admit their hatred of women. In fact, they were formed from former right wing political parties. Moore fits like a glove into this anti-feminist movement that think women should not even be allowed to vote little alone to hold any public office. They believe that only women they can control completely are worthy of their support.

    So there ya go. Moore and the rest of his ilk only want women to stay barefoot and pregnant while shutting the hell up. The fact that he is a deadbeat father speaks exactly to my point. Perfect for trump but not worth a damn for this country.

  7. mike from iowa

    Speaking of working with women, the US is threatening to veto UN resolution condemning rape as a tool of war simply because the resolution contains words about family planning. What a joke the US has become under Drumpf!

  8. Debbo

    From the article Mike linked to:

    “Trump administration has taken a hard line, refusing to agree to any UN documents that refer to sexual or reproductive health, on grounds that such language implies support for abortions. It has also opposed the use of the word ‘gender’, seeing it as a cover for liberal promotion of transgender rights.”

    That’s their excuse for threatening to veto an anti-rape resolution. 🤮🤮🤮

    Insecure Imbecile’s total disdain for women and girls couldn’t be clearer. He and his white supremacist deministration worship the white male and plan for a position of subservience for the rest of the human race. I cannot imagine why a woman would ever vote for an R. Well, except for an eternity of brainwashing.

  9. Adam

    I hope Herman Cain is man enough to take his own advice and ‘blame himself’ for his own failures in life. 😂

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