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Russian TV Razzes Trump for Christmas

Russian state-owned RT picks up where Saturday Night Live leaves off and disseminates this mockery of America’s elected leader:

If you’d like one of those “You work for GRU?” t-shirts for your own special someone, RT is selling them for 1,190 rubles in its new online store. That’s about $17 at current exchange rates. The ruble has declined 19% against the dollar this year, from its peak of 1.80 cents in February to 1.46 cents yesterday.


  1. jerry

    Thanks South Dakota, trump should be laughed at, what a buffoon. trump is so dumb, he thinks that the money we are not paying Federal Employees, including the Coast Guard, he can use on his wall.

    “The Wall is different than the 25 Billion Dollars in Border Security. The complete Wall will be built with the Shutdown money plus funds already in hand. The reporting has been inaccurate on the point. The problem is, without the Wall, much of the rest of Dollars are wasted!” dotard trump 12/24/2018

    The worst part of it all is that equally dumb trumpians believe him. Bring back Civics classes for our schools.

  2. mike from iowa

    The kremlin annex is a Krumblin’ Annex all around the orange head one. Drumpf sure turned Obama’s economy around and has it returning to more familiar wingnut failed policy.

    Cue up the next Democrat saviour before all hope is gone. Thanks stoopid wingnut voters. Look at your 401ks and dream of what could have been if not for yourselves.

  3. mike from iowa

    Immigrant children are dying for the chance of a better life in the best nation on earth run by a childish monster who could give 2 whoops in hell for these kid’s lives. He wants a wall to keep them out and more kids will probably die because our bogus potus refuses to follow established rules.

  4. jerry

    Thank the Baby Jesus for the United Nations as they start the investigations of the trumpians. Hopefully, starting with the blond witchy woman called Kristjestini’mabouttogetindicted.

  5. jerry

    “EL PASO, Texas (AP) — U.S. immigration authorities say an 8-year-old boy from Guatemala has died in government custody, the second immigrant child to die in detention this month.

    U.S. Customs and Border Protection say the boy died shortly after midnight Tuesday.” Merry Christmas

  6. Debbo

    Jerry and Mike, that’s 2 children who died That We Know Of. Sexual assaults on children in those camps are increasing too. It’s just sickening. I want those bastards, the perps and their enablers, in prison for the rest of their unnatural lives.

  7. mike from iowa

    Hera ye, hear ye, I agree with Ms Debbo on potential sentences for reprobates in the Drumpf Krumblin’ Annex and border patro

    Been foggy as London all day, Debbo. No flights in or out of mikey’s garden oasis.

  8. mike from iowa

    Drumpf is now claiming, without any evidence, many furloughed workers want him to stand firm on shutdown until he gets his fence.

    He also claimed hundreds and thousands of immigrants march straight into Dan Diego and walk on people’s lawns- again without proof.

  9. Debbo

    Mike, we can assume if Orange Imbecile’s mouth is open, he is lying.

    No fog here. Gray sky, 28°, no wind.

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