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Shad Olson Snowflakes out over Arrowed Trump Mural in Art Alley

Right-wing extremist Shad Olson blows hard over this Art Alley depiction of Donald Trump fulminating with arrows in his back:

Trump with arrows, Art Alley, Rapid City, SD; screen cap from KEVN-TV, 2018.11.15.
Trump with arrows, Art Alley, Rapid City, SD; screen cap from KEVN-TV, 2018.11.15.

Olson categorizes this image as part of some vast panoply of “The Art of the Hateful American Left”… as if one anonymous work in a Rapid City alley somehow represents what every American left of Shad Olson (and that’s almost everyone) holds in his or her heart.

It would make as much sense for me to compose a montage of violent images of America’s last real President and say they represent the thinking of Shad Olson, Al Novstrup, and all the other members of “The Hateful American Right”:

Hateful images of Barack Obama
Hateful images of Barack Obama

Toughen up, Snowflake. Don’t pretend that the current Art Alley depiction of Trump stands for every one of your political opponents, and don’t pretend that hate lies only in the hearts of those with whom you disagree.


  1. Steve Pearson

    Art of the “hateful” American left. So you missed that part in your initial beginning. Doesn’t really surprise me though as you usually do that. Like much of the left leaning media. Or twist something for the opinion piece you want to do.

  2. Steve Pearson

    Love how you threw Al Novstrup in there as well, LOL. Angry much about election?

  3. mike from iowa

    Them arrows are the exact kind you’d expect from a Keebler Elf like Sessions, who has more than enough reasons to make Drumpf look like a prickly beaver. (Drumpf has the prickly part down pat).

    Can’t wait for the trolls to showup and demean Cory and lower the IQ of the b…..wait-what? They’re already here? Nevermind.

  4. grudznick

    Mr. Olson, the hanging Shad, represents the hateful Americans right. Mr. H represents the hateful alt-left. Fortunately for you all there is grudznick, the Conservative Voice of Reason, spreading love and good wishes to all.

  5. Roger Cornelius

    Apparently Shad Olson believes that only Sioux Indians use arrows.

  6. Debbo

    I love Art Alley in RC. It’s a great venue for creative graffiti. I’ve seen some really good work there.

    I suppose that particular artist shouldn’t have depicted the Blubbering Buffoon with arrows in his back. I’d much rather see him in well-deserved inmates stripes, tiny hands in shackles, giant lead ball chained to his ankle, minus that weird thing on his head. I’d truly and fully enjoy that.

  7. mike from iowa

    There is a fake breaking news story/photo showing what looks like the mangled apricot flat on his back saying he died of a heart attack. At least I think it is fake.

  8. David Newquist

    It could be a Shakesperian depiction of the slings and arrows of outrageous fortune.

  9. …. or possibly payback from all those he’s stabbed in the back, threw under the bus, stiffed, slandered ……. just sayin’.

  10. grudznick

    Mr. Ted Nugent uses arrows.

  11. Notinks

    I well understand the point you are trying to make, but I am very uneasy with the fact that you chose to post these sickening images of Obama. Just no.

  12. jerry

    Bait… Using Shad as bait can be productive. After all Shad are a major resource in the food chain of many fish. Fresh cut Shad can be used to catch a variety of fish including Sand Trout, Spotted Seatrout, and even Redfish. Using fresh dead Shad on a trotline to catch catfish is effective and does not require any special care other than keeping the bait cool until it is ready to go on the hook.” Shad is catfishing, the rascal.

  13. Roger Cornelius

    General George Custer wore an Arrow shirt.

  14. jerry

    LOL Roger. Custer’s scouts told him that they had good news and bad news for him when they saw the encampment on the Little Big Horn. As a Republican, Custer only wanted to hear the good news, so the scout’s told him that the good news was that he was not going back to North Dakota.

  15. Debbo

    Roger, I just πŸ€£πŸ€£πŸ€£πŸ€£πŸ€£πŸ€£πŸ˜ƒ. Sorry. What I was trying to say is πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚. Oh, never mind.

    As for the art, artists have a right to use artistic license, which that one has done. And she/he still shouldn’t have. As I said earlier, prison stripes.

  16. grudznick

    Brevet General. I believe he actually was a Colonel when he set his marks upon the Black Hills.

  17. jerry

    The Shad claims to be conservative, but is like all the rest of them, real quiet about give a ways like subsidizing the hockey team in Rapid City. How in the world is this world class new civic center gonna work when there are so few to attend anything?

  18. Jason

    Why am I not surprised Cory didn’t post the GWB pictures?

  19. mike from iowa

    Custer got busted in rank for being a typical whiny wingnut. He attained the rank of general during the Civil War, but was a lowly Lt Colonel low life when the Welcome Wagon came calling.

    Fortunately for the soldiers under Custer that the ‘Donald’ wasn’t there negotiating with Sitting Bull and Crazy Horse. Before the massacre was complete Drumpf would have given the Natives battlefield nukes and access to all the arms they wanted plus ‘advisers’ to assist them in planning the battle.

  20. mike from iowa

    2018-11-16 at 07:04

    Why am I not surprised Cory didn’t post the GWB pictures?

    Uh….who cares?

  21. TAG

    Probably for the same reason Shad didn’t post the WJC pictures. Because Shad was not trying to produce a balanced representation of the topic. Corey was simply displaying that is is very easy to collect a mosaic of random hateful images of the president, created by extremists.

    Shad’s point was to point at the “Left” or the “other” as being radical, when the truth is that there are radicals on both sides. I’d argue that the hate directed at Obama was more egregious, given the history of lynching minorities in this country, but that’s just my personal opinion.

  22. Grudz, there is no alt-left. If there is, I clearly do not represent it. I’m sure much of the left outside of this state would look at my politics and laugh at the feverish characterizations of liberalism that the SDGOP ascribes to me.

    Really, I’m pretty moderate. I just don’t look it in South Dakota, where any deviation from orthodoxy is apostasy.

  23. Shakespeare, alas, is lost on Shad. Trumpists would have arrested Shakespeare for Hamlet. How dare we not respect the king?

  24. Notinks, I share your uneasiness, but sometimes uneasy points must be made.

    My uneasiness defers to the First Amendment in both cases.

    Shad Olson makes false generalizations about his political targets from the first case but derives no conclusions about his fellow wingers from the second.

  25. Jason, the Trump/Obama juxtaposition is sufficient to make the point here. If you want to post violent Bush pics, well, then we can regress all the way back to Lincoln and Washington, but Shad still won’t have grounds for his fallacious portrayal of some vague Left as all hateful.

  26. Debbo

    TAG said, “there are radicals on both sides..”

    True. The radicals on the Left act out their radicalism by running for office and getting elected. At this time they seem to be led by Alexandra Ocasio-Cortez.

    What do the radicals on the right do? Violence, shootings, disenfranchisement, racism, Nazism, etc.

  27. Good call, Debbo. Reject the false equivalence. We must discern constructive, civil radicals from destructive, hateful radicals.

  28. Roger Cornelius

    While aimlessly wandering around Facebook today I ended up on Shad’s page. What a waste of humanity and the twisting of religion doctrine to fit his and the republican narrative.
    What is frightening is that so many people believe him.
    I doubt I’ll go back to his Facebook page.

  29. I think Shad blocked me, Roger, so I am not prone to that same ill fortune of accident leading me to Shad’s writings. I can get to his website, but ouchβ€”I can only take so much.

  30. Roger Cornelius

    Fortunately I didn’t post anything on his Facebook page, was in no mood to get into a Trump argument with raging idiots.

  31. I may just stay off Facebook for the rest of the year. Twitter is less demanding.

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