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Ravnsborg for US Attorney General: Why Not?

As we wait for Donald Trump to pick a replacement for Jeff Sessions, former Attorney General Alberto Gonzales reminds us the job doesn’t have to go to an experienced lawyer:

Alberto Gonzales, who served as attorney general under former President George W. Bush, said he didn’t have any inside knowledge about who’s in the running, but noted that an attorney general should be someone who’s comfortable dealing with both Congress and the press.

“It doesn’t necessarily have to have been a prosecutor or a litigator,” he said [Lydia Wheeler, “Trump’s Shortlist for Attorney General Takes Shape,” The Hill, 2018.11.08].

I was going to suggest that Trump pick outgoing South Dakota Attorney General Marty Jackley for the job, but hey! if the job doesn’t require prosecutorial experience, why not pick our incoming A.G., Jason Ravnsborg? Trump wants butt-kissers who won’t outshine him; Ravnsborg would be perfect for that role. And maybe Ravnsborg could bring the President back from his new plan to go soft on drug offenders and instead build “meth prisons” in West River and other remote locations all across America.

Besides, a Presidential appointment would take Ravnsborg off our hands and give Kristi Noem a chance to appoint a real prosecutor to the South Dakota Attorney General’s office. And with 63% of Americans wanting a new President in 2020, we’d all be done with Ravnsborg in two years instead of having to wait for a good candidate to pry him from the wreckage of the South Dakota Attorney General’s office in 2022.


  1. mike from iowa

    Wingnut AG’s must adhere to the Hypocritic Oath- First Do Harm.

  2. El Rayo X

    Just a prediction: Attorney General Jeanie Pirro; Chief of Staff Sean Hannity; White House Spokesman Kimberly Guilfoyle; US Ambassador to the UN Eric Trump.

  3. Francis

    El Rayo X
    Those confirmation hearings would be riveting television, like Jerry Springer riveting.

  4. Dana P

    El Rayo X and Francis are onto something here. The Reality TV show president LOVES this sort of thing — loves running the presidency like a reality tv show.

  5. Steve Pearson

    Are you and others ever going to start realizing that polling is not something to go by? 800 “registered voters.” Not likely voters which is really the gold standard.

    In 2020 you will sit back on Wednesday morning after election night completely shell shocked….again. Oh, and you won’t be in the SD legislature either….again. :)

  6. Kelly

    I personally think Jason boy could take over for General Kelly. One thing is for sure we are on for a ride with Jason baby. I can’t wait until he cleans house at the AG’s office and puts in all his “friends”. It’s going to be fascinating. I think chubby Pat Powers should be his press agent. You have to admit it’s going to be exciting. Most all of Jason’s friends are fat, bald and dumb looking.

  7. Britt Long

    The only good thing about Jackley as AG is the broad and deep scrutiny it would trigger regarding his track record–raising awareness of his use of the SD AG’s office to foster punitive prosecution of Taliaferro/Schwab in order to further obfuscate the state’s role in enabling child serial rapist and foster “parent” Richard Mette and covering it up in an election year. His elevation would also make it much easier to bring transparency to Ken Orrock (tax felon and alleged county prosecutor) and James Sword’s similar use of their offices (jointly) to keep the public money rolling in and political opposition fraudulently enjoined from challenge regarding jobs that harmed the largely native population of Bennett County financially and prosecutorially and for which neither was ever qualified. Orrock, of course, was engaged in tax fraud while aggressively prosecuting those charged with far less. Full disclosure: I’m suing Orrock and those with contrary ethical obligation who nonetheless assisted him in abusing the law he was sworn to uphold as well as I can given lack of professional support and experience in federal court. Having had a similar experience with selective non-prosecution of an assaultive judge in Montana, I am well aware that lawyers tend to protect lawyers with more power no matter how dire the facts. EB5, Gear Up, Mette, Orrock–God knows the good people of SD are quite a ways from any full realization of what they have wrought with Noem/Ravnsborg.

  8. Pat powers ,the guy who worked for Gant.What a joke that would be.

  9. Britt Long

    Follow up comment–please omit the run on sentence and the last (open) paren. Proof-reading one’s own comment is always fraught and I shall not comment before coffee again.

  10. mike from iowa

    Brit Long just spit out more truth and more pertinent info than the Troll, OldStoleitfromhismommy and Steve Pearson have combined since they schnawled their way onto Cory’s blog.

  11. Roger Cornelius

    Since the requirements for Attorney General in both the United States and South Dakota, I nominate former attorney general candidate for South Dakota Chad Bosworth.

  12. Debbo

    “Trump wants butt-kissers who won’t outshine him; Ravnsborg would be perfect for that role.”

    Roger, that’s what I was thinking, but Ravsbutt is an apt choice too. One for AG, the other for Ass AG. 😁😁😁

  13. I would love to see one of our good-old-boys get nominated to a federal post and get the scrutiny that only the national press seems capable of exerting.

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