National liberal agitproppers (in this case, I use both terms affectionately) Now This News is calling young voters to action with this public service announcement from their Trumpist elders.
Note: the video includes two censored but unmistakable instances of an obscene term. I invite the pure of ear and eye not to click. But if you enjoy some Jon Stewart-style provocation…
Worth noting: while older voters helped the Republicans seize the House and the Senate in the 2010 and 2014 midterms and backed Trump over Clinton in 2016, our elders this year are signaling a Gray-Blue Wave toward handing Congress to Democrats. But young voters, don’t count on someone else to do what needs to be done. Regardless of how Grandma is voting, get out and cast your own vote.
- Nationwide, adults aged 19 to 34 make up 21% of the population; people 65 and older make up 15% of the population.
- In South Dakota, the 19–34 group is 20% of the population; the 65+ is 18%.
Young people, you outnumber the folks portrayed in the above video. You can outvote them.
Survival of the fittest depends on young and old to combine their evolution traits to make it all happen. Perfect segue into the Nobel Prize for Chemistry award
“In desperation, she said, she turned to evolution.
“I copied nature’s inventions, this wonderful process of evolution, to breed molecules like you breed cats and dogs,” she said.
For this “directed evolution” research, she inserted the gene that produced the enzyme she wanted to study into fast-reproducing bacteria. With mutations of the gene, she could then examine how well variations of the enzyme worked. She chose the one that worked best and repeated the process — just like evolution chooses the survival of the fittest over succeeding generations.” New York Times 10/3/2018
Okay, Jerry?
I am highly offended by that ad! I couldn’t get it to play, got the “broken” symbol, but I’m still Highly Offended! In fact, I’m in a High Dudgen. (I don’t know how that’s spelled or exactly what it is.)
Nonetheless, you young whippersnappers! Git yer lil hineys out there and VOTE! Pronto!
Debbo—broken? Darn! I’m in Chrome browser, and the embed above is playing o.k. Maybe click the link to the Facebook page, see if it plays there.
I acknowledge that Debbo is a little closer to the older voters depicted and picked on in the above ad than I am. I wondered if maybe the depiction is so picking-on-y that it could inflame older voters to fight back. But it occurs to me that, as the ad says, those older voters are already going to the polls every chance they get. Older voters are already wreaking as much selfish Trumpist havoc as they can… and non-Trumpist (synonyms: thinking, empathetic) older voters like Debbo will recognize the satire, continue to vote for good, and recognize that the main point is to encourage young people to get off their duffs and participate in democracy.
(Spelling note: High dudgeon, like dungeon!)
I’m a few days older than Debbo. I am miffed to be lumped with stoopid freaking wingnut older voters.
Mike’s miffed and I’m in a dudgeon. ()
Does that mean this is an effective ad?
There! It worked this time. Maybe it was the WiFi I was using at the time on my Samsung tablet.
Well now I’m in an even HIGHER DUDGEON! Buncha snotty old people. If I was under 50 I’d be sooooo mad! I think I need to wear a sticker on my back that says, “I’m not one of those trump people in the ad and I’m still sorry!”
WOuldn’t that be something, Debbo, if your and Mike’s reactions signaled that the real impact the youth-vote PSA could have would be to make a lot of older voters mad enough at or ashamed enough of their Trumpy compatriots that they would all go out to campaign and vote for Democrats.
I don’t think you understand what the Kavanaugh fiasco by the Dems did to your party Cory.
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Very well done video. Effective message. I hope it gets tons of attention and that the typically non-voting young folks go vote.