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Noem Refers to Private Meeting with Bank Employees as “Town Hall”

Congresswoman and gubernatorial candidate Kristi Noem claims she held a town hall yesterday:

Kristi Noem, Instagram, 2018.03.26.
Kristi Noem, Instagram, 2018.03.26.

Um, Kristi? It’s not a “town hall” if the town in general can’t come. You held an in-house, invitation-only event, apparently open only to a conveniently captive audience of Great Western employees.


  1. Owen Reitzel

    I saw this as well. Now she turn around and tell people all the Town Hall meetings she’s had.
    I tweeted her asking if this was open to the public or if it was advertised. No answer

  2. Rorschach

    Yes, when you speak to a captive audience of bankers at their workplace they are guaranteed to be on their best behavior. They also want to get back to work. What a perfect setup to get in and get out fast with no tough questions so she can get home to hold the next town hall around the dinner table with her family.

  3. jerry

    Citigroup is probably not on her list of banks to go blather too. Sitting through a mandatory meeting with NOem would be like listening to a drunk at closing time.

  4. Debbo

    Even as pitiful as that was, she’s still held more “town halls” than The Minnesota Embarrassment,” AKA, Jason Lewis. He holds the District 2 seat, but he’s clearly not our representative. No one has seen him since the election except a few rich donors at secret meetings. What a miserable waste of DC office space.

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