Last updated on 2017-12-01
While South Dakota Democrats were busy this weekend training candidates for 2018, SDGOP chairman Dan Lederman was hobnobbing with his Iowa pals and Donald Trump Jr.:

Lederman then hurried back across the Big Sioux for his state party’s fundraising hunt out by Pierre today:

Lederman gives me one nice thing to say about him this weekend: he’s acknowledging the principle that I’ve lived by for decades, that whiskers are where it’s at!
Geesh, where is Dick Cheney when you need him?
Trump Junior may want to haul his butt back to Washington, D.C. by tomorrow morning where Robert Mueller may have an arrest warrant for indictment and arrest warrant waiting for him.
Gosh Cory. you blew it. Them guys was in iowa hunting peasants, just like the link I provided showed.
Jr may find a shelterbelt in South Dakota a bit less restraining than handcuffs.
Those famous RINOs with Lederman Steve King
and Donald Trump Jr
Easy, Jerry—we wish Cheney’s bad aim on no one. I’d be nervous enough standing next to a spoiled Manhattan billionaire brat with a shotgun.Who knows what he thinks he’s entitled to shoot.