The Legislature’s nonmeandered waters task force approved draft legislation yesterday to resolve the issue of public access to recently formed lakes that lie over privately owned…
Tag: state legislature
I’m listening to the interim nonmeandered waters committee meeting from the Capitol via SDPB this morning. I notice that the agenda includes eight draft bills (including the…
Hey, legislators? Do you really want to call a special session to deal with water issues? Then how about dealing with the scourge of wet wipes clogging our…
When you get back from fishing this weekend, there will be meetings on both sides of the state to discuss the nonmeandered waters issue. Ken Santema, who…
So for the last few years (and still today!), South Dakota has had the opportunity to expand Medicaid to provide health coverage to 50,000 South Dakotans…
Alan Greenblatt of Governing hasn’t forgotten our Legislature’s brazen repeal of Initiated Measure 22. Greenblatt includes South Dakota in a new essay listing states where democratic norms are under attack:…
I have previously lamented the Legislature’s failure to include ballot measure organizers on the Initiative and Referendum Task Force that they created with House Bill 1141. Of fifteen members, only…
Bob Mercer’s report on the Legislative Executive Board’s meeting Monday contains a number of interesting nuggets. First, the Legislature’s Initiative and Referendum Task Force will be…
Facing Marty Jackley’s subpoena harassment, intrepid reporter Dana Ferguson reports on LEAD South Dakota, a new political women’s group that may find some qualified women to run against…
Some Minnesota IT folks have put together The website’s goal is to give voters “a forum to share their opinion on the bills being discussed…