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Skip the Convention: Republicans Have Nothing to Say About Our Reality

Speaking of celebrity, Stephen Colbert took the proper approach to the Republicans White Fright Night—he skipped watching Pence, Ernst, Crenshaw, and that boring speaker from South Dakota:

Stephen Colbert tried something a little different for his live Republican National Convention recap on Wednesday’s Late Show — a boycott. “Now I know that by not watching the RNC, I didn’t do my job tonight, and I just wanna say: I feel great about it,” he said. They don’t acknowledge America’s 180,000 COVID-19 deaths, Hurricane Laura, or that “heavily armed Rambo wannabes are murdering people in our streets,” and “why should we watch their reality show if it doesn’t reflect our reality?” [Peter Weber, “Stephen Colbert Says RNC Is Too Dark to Watch, But Samantha Bee and Trevor Noah Still Make Light,” The Week, 2020.08.27]

That’s why listening to the mullahs of Trumpistan is a waste of time: they don’t talk about what’s happening now. Governor Kristi Noem prattles on about violence in cities led by Democrats but says and does nothing about five murders this month in Rapid City, South Dakota. Noem appears on the same platform as two privileged white suburbanite bullies who threatened protestors with guns and says nothing about a white child who secures a rifle, drives across state lines looking for an excuse to play militia man, guns down three protestors in Kenosha, Wisconsin, and is ignored by police on the scene.

Republicans don’t speak to America’s reality. They don’t speak to the clear and present dangers harming our nation. They are the clear and present danger.

At the very least, today’s Republicans are out of touch. We should put them out of our minds and out of office.


  1. mike from iowa

    Kenosha Magat killer wasn’t exactly ignored by police. Before he started killing, cops gave him and other white scumacysts with guns bottled water and thanked them for being there.

    After hs shooting spree, pigs wanted nothing to do with him. Rioters, many of whom were white, remind me of hornets. Someone whacks their nest and everyone in the vicinity gets stung, innocent ot not.

  2. Owen

    questions for Noem

    How in the hell does the lies you told last night unite our country?

    What happened to being positive? Why are you so negative?

  3. leslie

    The Guardian
    White supremacists and militias have infiltrated police across US, report says.

  4. Vote ’em all out, Owen. We can’t vote Noem out this time, but we can vote out the legislators who do her bidding and send legislators who will force her to compromise and focus on real issues instead of her aspirations to be Sarah Palin 2.0.

  5. Eve Fisher

    If Kristi “trusts our people”, why does she keep vetoing legislation the people want – and PASSED? Industrial hemp, solar energy, Code amendments, etc. And demands that the SD legislature uphold her vetoes. Basically, she “trusts the people” only as long as the people do what she tells them to.

    Also, I find it very convenient that the SD DOH had a “reporting aberration” for the last 2 days, i.e., up till and including Noem’s speech, and now has finally caught up.

  6. John Kennedy Claussen, Sr.,

    The Republicans take pride in their ending of slavery. Yet, their current presidential nominee claims that the Confederate flag is a part of a proud regional heritage, that should not be discarded.

    The Republicans also claim to be the party of law and order, while their current presidential nominee has a flippant attitude, at best, towards the rule of law.

    And finally, Republicans claim our nation does not live in a time of darkness, either. Yet, like Darth Vader, I am sure from their perspective everything seems lighter, then the gloom that they and their policies continue to usher in.

  7. Donald Pay

    Noem is walking into the Trump speech tonight with her paramour. Guess who?

  8. Joe

    Joni Ernst claims Joe B. will do away with farm animals. She and Kristi really should be a couple. I’ll bet Donald would watch that video (or maybe direct it).

  9. jerry

    Mets and Marlins walk off field, BLACK LIVES MATTER, BOOYAH! It will take sports to put an end to all of this. Joni and Tinker Belle can stick it up their… We seem to be done with them

    Pretty cool to see the solidarity. Now the NFL will be next. The time is now.

  10. Debbo

    NPR correcting Liar-in-Chief’s lies.

  11. Debbo

    Jerry, first it was the Minnesota Lynx in 2016 wearing warm up shirts that said Black Lives Matter. They got in a lot of trouble for it.

    This year the WNBA and the NBA are wearing anti racist messages on their uniforms and have Black Lives Matter painted on their courts!

    The W and NBA boycotted all their games Wednesday and Thursday. A pro tennis player, forgot her name, boycotted her tennis match and the organizers decided to postpone all play on Thursday. Some NFL teams boycotted practice. NWSL and MSL boycotted some games. And baseball players boycotted some games.

    The NHL, pasty whitest league, said they would take a moment for reflection. And everyone went 🙄 🙄 🙄 🙄

    Remarkable and highly laudable.

  12. Debbo

    Here’s a link to the ESPN article about the various sports boycotts.

    I believe the W is going to play tomorrow after a two day stoppage.

  13. Debbo

    From NPR:
    “this convention showcased a slate of potential 2024 Republican presidential contenders, including Pence, Scott, former U.S. ambassador to the U.N. Nikki Haley, Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, even the Trump children, who may want the top job in the post-Donald era.”

    Note Kruel Kristi is not on the list. She must be disappointed.

  14. jerry

    mfi, looks like Joni, got herself neutered by trump for the disaster money from the August 10th cyclone.
    “Iowa Gov. Kim Reynolds said Tuesday it’s likely that some of the 27 counties for which she has requested federal individual assistance for homeowners after the Aug. 10 derecho won’t receive approval for more aid through the Federal Emergency Management Agency.

    Speaking at a news conference Tuesday in Cedar Rapids, Reynolds didn’t list the counties that she believed wouldn’t qualify.

    “In some areas, I think, they already have made the determination that they probably don’t (qualify),” Reynolds said. “But some of the more impacted areas like Marshalltown, Benton, Tama — we’re continuing to run the numbers.””

    Iowa cannot survive 6 more years of the hog caller. Put someone in that can work with Joe Biden, certainly not Joni.

  15. mike from iowa

    Ivana Kuturnutzov has run a completely negative campaign against T Greenfield. I hope it turned enough voters off to wingnut campaign garbage to can her ass come November.

  16. jerry

    LOL, very good mfi. It took me a while, but thanks.

  17. o

    Professional sports teams/leagues have become the opposition party that the Democrats aspire to be. I read that the NBA agreed to use arenas as polling places to bring players back onto the floors.

  18. Debbo

    That’s true, o. They’ve got the support of the team owners, with one exception.

    The Salt Lake City MLS team owner is angry about all of this. A little research has revealed his racist history. I would be surprised if he remains among MLS ownership for much longer.

    The WNBA has a racist owner too, though she only possesses a small share of the Atlanta Dream. One Kelly Loeffler, trumpist senator and stock dumper of corruption fame. The W is working on finding someone to buy out her stake. The team loathes her and players throughout the league are actively campaigning for her opponent. Those women are fierce and i love them!

  19. Debbo

    The Roger Cornelius Memorial Cartoon by Marty Two Bulls.

  20. mike from iowa

    Funny story of today…. magat hat brat Nicholas Sandmann has been hired by McCTurtlefartface campaign while attending Transylvania Uni.

  21. Debbo

    This is the “Flakiest Falsehoods” from the RNC. It’s entertaining.

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