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Trump Oversells Blood Plasma Treatment for Coronavirus

Go find someone who’s survived coronavirus, suck out their blood, and shoot it into your veins. So says blood-sucking Trump in overselling blood plasma to treat covid-19:

Trump in a brief Sunday evening news conference appeared to oversell the FDA’s assessment, claiming the agency found plasma “safe and very effective.” The agency itself said more rigorous study is needed to prove whether the treatment effective. Janet Woodcock, the head of FDA’s drug division who is now working on Operation Warp Speed, an interagency effort to accelerate coronavirus treatments and vaccines, on Friday told POLITICO that plasma has not been “proven as an effective treatment.”

…Unlike Gilead’s remdesivir, which received an emergency use authorization months ago and has shown to benefit hospitalized patients, convalescent plasma “does not yet represent a new standard of care based on the current available evidence,” FDA said in a statement.

The Infectious Diseases Society of America says plasma treatment shows “some powerful signals” but noted there is still not enough data to understand its effectiveness for Covid-19 [Zachary brennan and Sarah Overmohle, “FDA Authorizes Plasma Treatment Despite Scientists’ Objections,” Politico, 2020.08.23].

Maybe that’s why Kristi Noem was so eager to host the Sturgis Rally: she wanted to be able to take credit for creating thousands more useful blood plasma donors to support more Trump medicine.

Five months until we get a White House committed to letting scientists make decisions about science….


  1. DaveFN

    Thank you for quelling Azar’s hype over what was an observational study and not a clinical trial by the Mayo Clinic involving 35,322 COVID-19 patients. Observational studies do not rise to the standard of scientific proof, Trump’s “Warped Speed” fantasies notwithstanding. Mayo makes this eminently clear:

    “No drug has been proved to be safe and effective for treating COVID-19. The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) hasn’t approved any drugs specifically to treat people with COVID-19.”

  2. jerry

    Plasma treatments have been around for decades, nothing new here, just rebranding. trump told Boeing to do the same thing with the 737Max, and they have. just putting another layer of lipstick on a pig. Nothing new to see here.

  3. jerry

    I think GNOem should step up and get this plasma treatment to show how serious she is. It may work, or it may not work no one knows. This will not be the first rabbit trail we will go down before November’s election. Probably go back to drinking bleach and showing a light bulb up your heinie, nothing’s normal with trump.

    “FDA Director Stephen Hahn said Trump had not spoken to him or the agency and did not play a role in its decision to make the announcement on Sunday.

    With no conclusive evidence of the treatment’s benefits, some health experts were sceptical.

    Dr Amesh Adalja, a senior scholar at Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security, said the move will hurt the response of the coronavirus treatment in the country.

    “The blood plasma treatment has a lot of biological plausibility, but we do not yet know this works because we don’t have randomized control data to show it is definitely beneficial,” he told Al Jazeera.

    “What the president’s move does it makes it very unlikely that we’ll get randomized controlled trial results and we may end up not knowing whether or not this worked.””

    Take your placebo and act like your cured at dr. trump’s magical elixir crap show.

  4. Debbo

    Medical Moron takes his advice from very good people, like this trump “christian,” the sexual voyeur who pimps out his wife. He’s aka, Jerry Falwell.

  5. Jake

    I take it this plasma thing supposes that once you’ve had Covid you are immune, sorta like mumps or measles. Right? Now, today, comes proven reports that someone who had Covid 4 1/2 months ago came down with it again. Am I correct readers?

  6. grudznick

    Mr. Jake, you seem to be correct based upon at least 1 real media report. However, the science seems to say that there are degrees of immunity, and those with the most stout constitutions can donate the plasma liquid most effectively. I read one article that said they can put a little in a juice drink that the most frail and feeble can quaff and be rendered twice as resistant. I think The Science on some of these things is still being analyzed. Don’t read everything you believe.

  7. jerry

    Now they admit it’s another fiasco (overhyped lie).

    Food and Drug Administration Commissioner Stephen Hahn conceded on Monday night that he had exaggerated the effectiveness of convalescent plasma therapy as treatment for COVID-19 the day before.

    “I have been criticized for remarks I made Sunday night about the benefits of convalescent plasma. The criticism is entirely justified,” Hahn tweeted. “What I should have said better is that the data show a relative risk reduction not an absolute risk reduction.” The cult strikes again

  8. DaveFN

    Jake: The convalescent plasma study out of Mayo has nothing to do with whether or not one is immune nor whether immunity is permanent or not. It was merely a treatment of COVID patients with plasma from those who had COVID and therefore had presumably produced antibodies to the virus, antibodies found in the administered plasma.

    grudznick (MS): (1) see above, and of course there are degrees of immunity–where did you hear that immunity was either absolute or permanent; we don’t know enough about COVID to make such judgments; (2) convalescent plasma is by injection and not an oral route, antibodies would be digested in the stomach or at least denatured by gastric acid–where in the world did you get the idea you drink plasma? (3) science is and always has been a provisional endeavor, refining its models and predictions over time as new data emerges, particularly in the event of a new phenomenon such as COVID; this in no way invalidates the endeavor of science but makes it the strong and robust edifice it is (unlike advertising and marketing which are meant to seduce the consumer, if you relate to that); (4) don’t believe everything you hear.

    jerry: Yes, FDA Chief Dr. Stephen Hahn made a real rookie blunder, several in fact, the major blunder being to confuse relative risk (within the Mayo study that had no control group) with absolute risk (which would have had a required control group for convalescent plasma comparison). He is either incompetent (which I don’t believe) or trying to please Trump, the latter whose modus operandi is to roll out something new for citizenry consumption, all of which in the case of COVID treatment has been bogus.

  9. leslie

    Rachel Maddow 8.21.20 podcast @28:00-38:00 efficiently covers the deep deep influence Rupert Murdoch’s Fox “news” has on Trump. And visa versa. On a separate thread cited, Bill Barr specifically works thru Murdoch to censor truth. The way Trump/Mcconnell will beat us is to lie and cheat. They will do anything to stay out of prison, gain a pardon or commutation for their felony convictions now and future.

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